The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2539


Beimingzi commented on the twenty-four array of dize. It can be said that it hit the nail on the head, and Tian Guang was a little ashamed.

The peasant family claims to be the first sect in the Jianghu. There are so many experts in the sect that its power is unimaginable.

In fact, most of the so-called farm experts are also middle-level experts.

Liu Hao can break thousands of armor with one knife, and there is no enemy under the immortal. How can he be defeated by the stacking tactics of the crowd?

Tian Meng, Tian Hu, Tian Zhong and others in dize 24 array are already sweating.

Tian Meng slashed with his sword, gritted his teeth and roared, "winter is gone!"

It\'s freezing, and the frost suddenly goes out!

The experts of the farm made a bold move together. The water vapor in the air condensed into frost. A thin layer of ice suddenly formed on the grass leaves on the ground. This layer of ice covered the ground and spread continuously towards Liu Hao.

The elite expert of the farmhouse also began to lift the long sword upside down and rush to Liu Hao.

With the power of thunder, the frost is cold for thousands of miles, blocking the world.

"It\'s interesting that the four seasons flow from autumn to winter."

Liu Hao nodded slightly. Facing the sudden killing and cutting, he was quite appreciative.

The seasons change. It turns out that this winter extinction is the ultimate extinction.

"You guys who don\'t know how to live or die, the killing potential in winter is several times more terrible than that in spring, summer and autumn!"

The tiger roared wildly, his eyes were red, and the wide sword in his palm danced wildly. He turned into a beautiful tiger. The sword was blazing and suddenly killed him.

"Is this the tiger soul sword in the world famous sword spectrum?"

Liu Haoxiang smiled and sang with his sword. Qiu Li\'s sword has turned into a startling dragon, breaking through the air.

The sword breath in the air was like the sound of a dragon. Suddenly, a layer of bright and gorgeous corrugated sword light spread out, which was even hotter than riyao, and the burning people\'s pupils tingled.

Dragon and tiger play.

The sound of gold and iron is heard all the time. Thanks to the 24 array of dize, Tian Hu has exerted 12 points of energy.

But Liu Hao\'s sword posture seemed endless, and his sword Qi was like a startling dragon. He cut his golden tiger sword posture clean.

The elite peasant disciples who followed up one after another stepped on the trend of destroying the ice in winter, but they seemed to hit Liu Hao\'s sword edge, were cut by the sword Qi, and fell down in an instant.

Tian Guang\'s face was pale and his body shook. He didn\'t fall down with a long sword.

So far, the situation is very clear.

The twenty-four formations in dize are infinitely mysterious, but Liu Hao has become heaven and earth with the body of an immortal. The true Qi is endless. Even if he gathers the strength of everyone, he can\'t touch half of Liu Hao\'s clothes.

"Enough... Enough... Stop!"

At the command of Xia Kui, the farm disciples in dize 24 array stopped their actions one after another and looked at the wailing and screaming farm disciples on the ground with blank eyes.

How many years?

The farmhouse stands tall in the Jianghu. With the twenty-four formations of dize, the disciples of the six halls have killed all over the four directions and made a great reputation.

Today, this peerless array from Emperor Yan Shennong was defeated by Liu Hao alone!

With Tian Guang\'s eyesight, it is not difficult to see.

Liu Hao\'s sword breath is endless at this time. His breath is as long as heaven and earth. He doesn\'t use his full strength at all!

What a terrible existence!?

"Immortal figures around the age of 20... So talented... It\'s... It\'s a monster!"

Tian Guang suddenly felt absurd that if he stayed with Liu Hao for a while, he would live a year less

Beimingzi shook his head and sighed, "Liu has built his own imperial way. He is so talented. I\'m afraid that only when Emperor Shennong Yan returns will he have a chance to compete with one of them... Good disciple, you have to come on and defeat Liu."

Xiaomeng took a slight puff at the corner of his mouth, rolled his eyes and didn\'t have a good airway: "master, why don\'t you go yourself?"

Beimingzi said with a smile, "master is old."

At this time, the field is full of sorrow.

Tian Meng, who was standing at the eye of the array, was the most seriously injured. He was wearing a sword and hit more than ten places with blood pouring.

Situ Wanli was shocked back by Liu Hao\'s sword. His right arm was weak, weak and dislocated.

Tian Zhong and Tian Hu were even worse. One was cut off half of his head by Liu Hao\'s sword Qi, and the other was seriously injured and passed out.

Bone Demon and dumb slave, these alien masters, were also hurt by Liu Hao\'s sword Qi.

The rest of the farmers\' disciples were injured by Liu Hao\'s congenital broken body and invisible sword Qi. There were countless howls of farmers\' disciples everywhere.

It\'s spectacular.

"Your Majesty is invincible!"

Bai Feng was happier than anyone else, with a full smile on her face and said excitedly, "these farm guys should have taught a good lesson long ago, ha ha!"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of the crow\'s mouth, and his cold eyes turned on the farm disciples, as if the hunter showed his sharp fangs and looked at the prey.

As soon as Liu Hao gave the order, he immediately arranged for the killers in the head of the night to go out to wash the farmhouse and remove the No. 1 force in the Jianghu!

"Since the array is broken, the farmer... Lost."

Tian Guang spit out eight words astringently, but a decadent look appeared in his eyes; "One man is the enemy of the country, who will compete."

He who knows current affairs is a hero. He has been in the Jianghu for so long and has a clear judgment of the situation.

At this time, he believed that the sword of the emperor of the Han Dynasty that shocked the peerless people on anling road was likely to be real rather than public opinion.

"Prince Changping is a man of great talent and foresight. He forbear to lie dormant and wanted to implement the green dragon plan to swallow the six countries, but he met the emperor of the Han Dynasty..."

Tian Guang suddenly thought of his life friend and shook his head with a bitter smile.

In an era, there is only one real dragon.

Changping Jun met Liu Hao, who was extremely talented. He could only be regarded as a python in the lake, which was far from hot enough.

Liu Hao handed Qiuli sword back to Xiaomeng and rubbed her silver hair. Xiaomeng took the sword and surprisingly didn\'t resist.

"Since the farmer lost this bet, Tian Guang had nothing to say."

Xia Kui Tian Guang seemed to be ten years old for a moment. He looked around at the farm disciples and said sadly, "since then, all the disciples of the sixth Hall of the farm have respected the emperor of the Han Dynasty. If anyone refuses, he can immediately abandon his martial arts and quit the farm."

With that, Tian Guang pushed Jinshan and fell on his knees, bowed down and said in a astringent voice, "knock on the emperor of Han!"

"See you, Emperor!"

"Meet the emperor of Han Dynasty!"


Peasant disciples, look at me and I\'ll look at you.

Everyone stared at each other. When they saw Xia Kui Tianguang kneeling first, they all followed him to the ground.