The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2540

People wandering in the Jianghu depend on their martial arts to make a living.

People have long admired the Great Han, and there are not a few who want to work under Liu Hao. After this war, Liu Hao\'s reputation has reached the height of the sun.

If anyone is willing to abandon his martial arts and quit the farm, he will be out of his mind

Therefore, Tian Guang took the lead in bowing down. All the hall leaders and elite disciples of the sixth Hall of the whole farmhouse, except those who fainted, fell to the ground with a roar.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. The task of collecting and serving the farm is completely over. The reward is being settled. Please wait!"

"Congratulations to the host. With supreme power, he successfully subdued the farmhouse and rewarded the aura of grain harvest. The initial loyalty of all farmhouse disciples is + 20!"

With the system prompt sound suddenly sounded, Liu Hao suddenly felt that his worship value rose by a large margin.

This hidden task was attached when calling Xu Guangqi. The time span is huge. Liu Hao almost forgot that there is such a task

It\'s just a reward to finish the task.

The aura of bumper grain harvest can increase the grain harvest under Liu Hao\'s rule by several times!

Moreover, the loyalty of all farm disciples has been increased by 20 points. Liu Hao is equal to that his subordinates have won 100000, that is, combat power!

"Get up."

Liu Hao waved his sleeves with his hand. A gentle emperor like clouds suddenly escaped in the air. It seemed that there was an invisible giant hand in the air, holding Tian Guang to stand up.

Tian Guang said, "although the farmhouse can be attached to your majesty, there is one premise that must not be violated."

Liu Hao smiled and said, "Xia Kui, but it doesn\'t matter. I\'m all ears."

Tian Guang said, "the purpose of establishing the world is to never bully the good for evil and indiscriminately kill the innocent. I hope your majesty can accomplish it."

"Why is this difficult?"

Liu Hao said calmly, "the foundation of the national politics of the Han Dynasty is also based on the people. I will kill those who dare to harm the people of the Han Dynasty!"

Tian Guang took a long breath, bowed down solemnly and said, "Tian Guang, thank you for all the people in the world."

Situ Wanli, Zhu Jia and other six hall leaders are actually very nervous.

Just now, they gathered elite farmers and besieged Liu Hao in the 24th battle array of budizer. Now they have taken refuge in Liu Hao for fear of being settled after autumn.

Liu Hao didn\'t mean to investigate at all. Instead, he comforted the people: "the farmers are rare heroes in the Jianghu. Why don\'t I worry if I get your help?"

Situ Wanli, Zhu Jia and other hall leaders of the sixth farmhouse hall were in high spirits. They fell on one knee, hugged their fists and said respectfully, "we are willing to go to hell for your majesty and die!"

Liu Hao gave them this reassurance, but also to let them know that Liu Hao is not the kind of monarch who can\'t tolerate others, but also to let them completely give up their worries.

The farmers began to tidy up the battlefield and gather the dead and injured members.

Liu Hao suddenly felt a little moved in his heart and asked, "is there one called Liu Bang among the young heroes of the peasant family?"

Liu Ji was the emperor of the Han Dynasty who later won the world. Liu Hao remembered that he was once a farmer.

The mask of the Zhu family changed into a puzzled look and said, "there are 100000 farm disciples all over the world, but those who are qualified to call the next generation of heroes are Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang. They are young and their skills are no longer under the six hall leaders. Over time, they must be the next generation of farmers who carry tripods. I haven\'t heard of the name Liu Bang..."

"I dare to ask if this man collided with his majesty. If so, I will dig three feet to find him and skin him!"

Among the six rural halls, the Zhu family is also a veteran hall leader, who knows everything about the rural situation.

Hearing Liu Hao\'s question, he hurriedly jumped out to show his loyalty, flattered, and shouted, "Chen Sheng, Wu Kuang, don\'t you come up to meet your Majesty the emperor of Han?"

A tall and majestic man with a tall and thin moustache came out of the line and bowed down in front of Liu Hao.

The tall man is Chen Sheng, and the tall and thin moustache is Wu Kuang.

Both of them are rising stars of the peasant family. Just now, they also shot Liu Hao in the twenty fourth array of dize.

But he was bitten by Liu Hao\'s sword spirit. When he saw Liu Hao again, he naturally didn\'t dare to be arrogant. He knelt down on the ground obediently, and even the atmosphere didn\'t dare to go out

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Chen Sheng - force 96, intelligence 65,... 63, command 76!

Stunt 1, xiongjie: Chen Sheng is a rising star of the farm, with profound martial arts!

Chen Sheng\'s force + 2!

Stunt 2, heavy blow: Chen Sheng has the power of dragon and tiger in both arms. When he uses a heavy sword against the enemy, force + 3.

And the attack has a shock retreat effect!

Wu Kuang - force 95, intelligence 74,... 68, command 71!

Stunt 1: proficient in swordsmanship: Wu Kuang is proficient in swordsmanship. When he uses a long sword against the enemy, his force + 2!

Stunt 2, forbearance: Wu Kuang is patient by nature, and his chance of killing with one sword is increased by 20%!


Princes and Generals: the four image attributes of Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang are all + 2!

Seeing their attributes clearly, Liu Hao smiled: "two strong men, please get up. It\'s really a talent that can be made."

"Well, Wu Qi, the special service officer, will build Hanwu soldiers again. Now there is a lack of middle-level officers in the army. If you don\'t dislike it, you will work in the Hanwu soldiers camp for the time being. If you make contributions in the future, you will be rewarded..."

Liu Bang did not find the figure, but found this pair of awesome attendant.

In the original historical track, this pair of good friends will shout the slogan "kings and princes will be kind" in daze Township, and launch the first weapon of the uprising against the Qin Dynasty.

Their strength is not vulgar, and Liu Hao is not stingy to cultivate them.

Situ Wanli said, "Chen Sheng, Wu Kuang, don\'t you kneel down and thank you?"

Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang looked at each other, bowed down, put their forehead on the ground, and said respectfully, "thank you for your grace!"

After taking over the farmhouse, Liu Hao invited the leader of the sixth Hall of the farmhouse and the backbone to the palace for a banquet. That night, the people parted with joy, and the gap no longer existed.
