The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2538

Dize 24 array began to operate.

Situ Wanli, Zhu Jia and other six hall leaders of the farmhouse moved their positions and made bold moves together.

There are also strange experts gathered by the farmhouse, such as bone demons and dumb slaves. They all work together. They all fall into Xuanqi and fully operate the twenty-four array of dize.

Really, it can be said that it is a form shift and transposition, and the shadow of the sword is myriad.

The ground stirred up flying sand and stones, and the operation of the twenty-four formations in dize was like a killing machine from heaven, blocking all the retreat and all the dead.

It is worthy of being the killing and cutting array inherited by Emperor Yan of Shennong. Tian Guang smiled complacently and said, "Jianghu affairs have changed in the Jianghu. Now dize 24 array has been formed. What your majesty said should count."

Tian Meng, Tian Hu, Tian Zhong and others are all first-class experts in the world. Moreover, with the help of the twenty-four dize arrays, the superposition of strength is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

Liu Hao gambled with Sun Bin on rivers and mountains, and with Tian Guanghao on the Jianghu. At this time, his face did not change. He smiled calmly and said, "this array is good. If the great martial arts masters form an array, they can fight me..."

"Now, I only have one sword."

"A sword!?"

Tian Guang was slightly stunned and kindly reminded: "although your Majesty\'s martial arts have reached the realm of heaven and man, you should be careful to resist the killing array handed down by Emperor Yan with your own strength."

Xiao Meng turned a big white eye and muttered, "you sloppy uncle really has no eyes. The emperor of Han Dynasty is on anling Road, but one knife breaks armour by more than 10000. What\'s this? Where is the opponent?"


Tian Guang glanced at the sharp silver haired Taoist and was speechless.

"This array is like thousands of troops. There are people in heaven and earth who can\'t be killed. I advise you to admit defeat as soon as possible!"

Tian Zhong, the farmer\'s think-tank, stepped on a strange position at the foot and was still carrying out a heart attack strategy to make Mr. Liu Hao afraid.

Liu Haoxiang smiled and said sideways, "Xiaomeng, borrow your autumn Li."

Xiaomeng threw Qiuli out without hesitation.

"Strange, strange, the sun is coming out in the west? My good disciple is so generous!"

Beimingzi beat his chest and feet.

This Qiuli sword is also one of the top ten famous swords in the world. Xiaomeng regards it as a treasure. He doesn\'t even let others touch it. He lent it to Liu Hao so generously.

For the first time, a blush appeared on Furong\'s pretty face when Xiaomeng clear water came out, and stretched out his hand to tear off beimingzi\'s white beard.

Wei Zhuang and others are not surprised at the way the Taoist Tianzong masters and disciples get along with each other. They all concentrate on the field.

Holding the autumn Li sword, Liu Hao stepped into the east of the twenty-four array of dize.

The East, the green dragon.

Tian Meng was in charge of guarding this position. The leader of the martyr\'s mountain hall took the path of potential Shen Lixiong, immediately waved the heavy sword in his hand and cut it in the air.


"Xia Rong!"

"Autumn withers!"

"Winter out!"

When Tian Meng moved, Tian Hu, Tian Zhong, situ Wanli and others also moved with him. Their killing intention was violent, such as burning anger in summer. They wanted to burn Liu Hao completely!

The Qiuli sword in Liu Hao\'s palm suddenly vibrated. The sound of the sword was fierce and roared like a dragon. The sound shook the fields. The tip of the sword began to tremble violently, nodding like a dragon, and stabbed firmly on the edge of Tian Meng\'s sword.


When the majestic and vigorous sword Qi is spit out, it will roll like a milky way, and crush the sword momentum condensed by Tian Meng in an instant.

The burning breath dispersed, and the ground seemed to have been roasted by fire and turned into a piece of scorched earth.

At this time, no one knows the shock in Tian Meng\'s heart!

He boasted that he had strong internal power. He only lost half of Kui Tianguang and got the help of dize 24 array. It was equal to gathering several tianmeng\'s internal power. Even if several Tianguang were present, he was absolutely invincible!

But this powerful and domineering sword was scattered by Liu Hao\'s armless sword!

Fortunately, however, dize\'s 24th formation had a deep foundation, and Tian Meng\'s vanguard offensive was frustrated. Tian Hu, Tian Zhong and others soon filled the formation gap.

"Summer glory, autumn withers, winter dies, everything in the sky and earth dies."

Tian Guang stood outside the field and didn\'t enter the array, but after all, he was the chivalrous Kui of the farmhouse. He could see the operation of the array at a glance.

At this time, situ Wanli\'s whirling blade seemed to be a tornado cutting around the air to Liu Hao\'s forehead.

The air blade tears the air, and the rolling place is like autumn leaves falling, full of desolate artistic conception.

"This strange array is indeed famous. With the operation of the array in four seasons, it can not only multiply the skill of the people who form the array, but also speed up the recovery of true Qi, which can actually affect people\'s mind and spirit?"

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple light flashed, and the Qiuli sword came out again. The spirit and God unpredictably picked situ Wanli\'s whirling air blade, and the sword Qi spit out inch by inch, and then destroyed the autumn dry attack.

Situ Wanli tried his best to take back the whirling blade, but his body was affected by the anti shock force on the whirling blade. He stepped back for more than ten steps. With each step, a deep footprint appeared on the ground.

Tian Guang looked at the scene again and his face was very dignified.

Liu Hao stepped into the twenty-four array of dize alone, but it was like walking idly. Every time he waved his sleeve and sword, he was full of unspeakable natural and unrestrained freedom.

Qiuli\'s sword was shining and full of sword Qi. Many farm disciples were hurt by Qiuli\'s sword Qi.

Dize 24 array was originally to unite the strength of all people, form a general trend, and finally break the enemy invisible.

However, Liu Hao has become a world of his own, and his sword intention is endless. On the contrary, the twenty-four array of dize that he killed continues to weaken, which makes him feel a little shaky.

Beimingzi shook his head and sighed, "the array inherited by Shennong Yan Emperor is naturally unspeakable, but the people in the array are intermingled, so it is difficult to give full play to the maximum power of the array."

Xiao Meng tilted his cerebellum and said, "I don\'t understand."

The operation of the formation involves the odd gate and easy number. She hasn\'t learned it yet. Naturally, she doesn\'t understand it.

Beimingzi laughed: "it\'s like a barrel. Theoretically, as long as the barrel is big enough, it can hold the river and sea, but as long as there is a short board, there are flaws. With the strength of Liu Xiaozi, you can break it easily..."

"He just wants to see the operation of Shennong Yan Emperor\'s array. If all the people who set up the array in the farm have the ability of this Xia Kui, they may be able to force Liu to do seven things. These people are the only ones, but they are far from enough!"