The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2537

In other words, fighting for supremacy in troubled times is nothing more than who has a big fist and who is the truth

Liu Hao dominates the heavens and understands and personally implements this truth early. However, the layout of Changping king for several years is only to have a place among the princes. Naturally, the pattern cannot be compared with Liu Hao.

Tian Guang was stunned and had a strange feeling of being completely seen through.

He doesn\'t understand that no one knows the top secret Qinglong plan of Lord Changping. This emperor of the Han Dynasty can\'t come true. He is a stream of immortals and gods. Otherwise, how can he be a servant prophet!?

When Liu Hao saw Tian Guang\'s expression shaking, he smiled and said, "when King Changping really holds the power of a country, come back and talk about cooperation with me. What else does Xia Kui have to say today?"

Tian guang\'ang said first: "today, I finished this encounter with my husband\'s sword. I have no regrets. If your majesty wants to kill me, Tian Guang will not say more."

Liu Hao tapped his fingers rhythmically on his side and said calmly, "I appreciate the courage of Xia Kui. It\'s just that after Xia Kui\'s death, all the six farmhouses have to be buried with him. Is it too pity?"

Killing Tian Guang is just a sword thing.

But what\'s the advantage of removing one more body after killing?

Liu Hao always talks about the pros and cons.

Tian Guang\'s face was solemn, and his two thick eyebrows wrinkled tightly.

Intuition told him that Liu Hao\'s words of killing all the six farmhouses in one net were definitely not casual.

When the emperor was angry, he bled thousands of miles.

In the eyes of Xia Kui, the lives of farm disciples may be regarded as treasures, but in the eyes of heroes like Liu Hao, they are just mole ants, which can be destroyed easily.

"It was Tian Guang who broke into the palace today. He has nothing to do with the disciples of the sixth hall. How on earth will your majesty let the children of the sixth hall go?"

A slight arc appeared at the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth and said, "it\'s said that the twenty-four array of dize in the farmhouse is inherited from Emperor Yan of Shennong in those years. It\'s mysterious?"

Tian Guang proudly said, "yes, this array is established according to the 24 solar terms. It flows in spring, summer, autumn and winter. The array is infinite and can trap and kill heaven and man."

Tian Guang is very confident. If he is given enough opportunities to decorate tonight and fight against Liu Hao with dize 24 array, he can definitely win.

"Then I\'ll bet with Xia Kui."

Liu Hao said calmly, "I enter the battle alone. If I get lucky to break the battle, I will ask Xia Kui to integrate the six hall children to work for me. If I lose, Xia Kui and the six hall disciples of the farmhouse can leave. I will never stop."

Break the thousand people\'s array with one person!?

Tian Guang shook his head and said with a wry smile, "this is too invincible."

Dize 24 array is not a simple superposition of numbers.

Thousands of people form an array, cooperate with each other, and give full play to their combat power, which is unimaginable!

Liu Hao said calmly, "what do you think of my proposal?"

This Jianghu gamble is undoubtedly very beneficial to the farmers. Tian Guang pondered for a while and finally nodded and agreed: "Your Majesty is peerless. Tian Guang took advantage of it, and then asked the emperor of the Han Dynasty to taste the array!"

Liu Hao chuckled and said, "then, Xia Kui, please arrange it as soon as possible."

When Tian Guang returned to the elite secret base of the sixth Hall of the farmhouse, the leader of the sixth hall was already looking forward to it.

Tian Meng\'s expression moved and shouted, "brother, did you succeed tonight?"

Tian Guang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "tonight, I know what is heaven beyond the sky, and there are people outside the people. The cultivation of his Majesty the emperor of Han is high. He is already an immortal God and man. It is difficult to measure his height. I am not the enemy of his sword."

"Even Xia Kui is not the enemy of a sword. Is there such a powerful figure in the world?"

The Zhu family had an incredible look on their face.

Situ Wanli also frowned and said, "Xia Kui has the highest martial arts in the Jianghu. He is not the enemy of the sword of the emperor of Han Dynasty?"

Not only several hall leaders, but also all the elite disciples of the sixth Hall of the farmhouse looked at each other and couldn\'t believe it.

Tian Zhong asked, "Xia Kui is brave and brave. He broke into the imperial palace. The emperor of the Han Dynasty asked Xia Kui to come back. I\'m afraid he has another purpose."

Tian Guang sighed, "yes, the emperor of the Han Dynasty is peerless. He made a big bet with me to fight against the twenty-four array of our farmlands with one person!"


Tian Hu seemed to hear Tianda\'s joke and shouted, "brother, isn\'t the emperor of Han joking? Dize 24 array is an ancient killing array inherited by the ancestors of Yan Emperor. Thousands of farm disciples form an array, which can resist tens of thousands of troops and horses. I\'m afraid even gods can kill!"

"Dize 24 is invincible in the world. The emperor of Han Dynasty wants to break the array alone. It\'s really arrogant!"

"I think if heaven wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy!"

"Then let him try. If he really dares to come, I will kill myself on the spot!"


The farmers\' disciples were so excited that they expressed their disbelief one after another.

Shennong Yan Emperor created this unique array, which has been down for thousands of years. I don\'t know how many great enemies and cruel people he killed?

Liu Hao wants to break the battle alone, which is tantamount to a fantasy.

Tian Guang raised his hand and pressed it with emptiness, but his face was very dignified. He said, "everyone, prepare for the array. The emperor of the Han Dynasty is already on the way."


Liu Hao asked Tian Guang to go back and arrange it, and then he took a bus to.

"Your Majesty, here we are."

Dianqing, who was as vigorous as a mountain, stopped his cars and horses and said in a jar voice.

Liu Hao opened the curtain and came out of the carriage. He looked around. The agreed place was full of elite disciples of the sixth Hall of the farmhouse.

These people hold long swords one by one. In their eyes, their fine eyes flash. They are people with extraordinary martial arts.

"The array has been formed. Please taste it."

Tian Guang arched his hand at Liu Hao and saluted with a fist.

He was a prisoner of war at this time, so he did not enter the battle.

Liu Hao nodded slightly and swept the farm array with great interest.

Dize 24.

This array originated from the ancient times. Emperor Yan Shennong understood 24 kinds of climate changes in spring, summer, autumn and winter, so it was named after the 24 solar terms.

The farmhouse has a long history. After being tempered by chivalrous heroes of all dynasties, dize 24 is not only a secret battle method of the farmhouse, but also a battle array of looting and killing.

Tian Meng, Tian Hu, Tian Zhong and other six hall leaders each stood in a corner of the array. Spring, summer glory, autumn wither and winter die, the flow is endless, and the land runs naturally.