The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2536

The sound was like the roar of a dragon. It passed through the towering palace and blew in Tian Guang\'s ear. Tian Guang\'s eardrum hummed and awed in his heart.

The road to the palace just now is not stable.

Night killers attack in groups, and black-and-white xuanjian is intercepted by evil stars of this level.

After a thrilling trial, Tian Guang failed to get any advantage from xuanjian. Now, just listening to this roar, they know that Liu Hao\'s skill is still far above xuanjian, and they don\'t know how powerful and majestic it is

The white armour army in front of the palace gate is clanking with iron armor, holding a long halberd and staring at Tian Guang who stepped into the palace step by step.

"Today\'s situation is just death!"

Tian Guang strode through the palace with one sword and a swagger. There was a generous and heroic momentum of "although thousands of people, I will go".

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Xia Kui Tian Guang - force 108, intelligence 63,... 55, command 85!

Stunt 1, chivalrous leader: the leader of 100000 peasant children. He is the leader of chivalry. He is heroic and dry!

Tian Guang\'s force + 2, command + 2!

Stunt 2, righteousness: Great Xia, for the country and the people!

Tian Guang has firm faith, acts for heaven and saves the world.

In extreme conditions, Tian Guang\'s combat power will be gradually improved, up to 5%!

The leader of chivalry deserves to be the strongest person in the farmhouse.

Liu Hao stood with his hands on his back and lost his Qi skill. Looking at the peasant Xia Kui who slowly picked up the steps, he suddenly found an interesting phenomenon.

Tian Guang ascended the stairs. Every time he ascended one step, a shallow footprint appeared on the ground.

The sword Qi on his body will become stronger and stronger. It is different from the moment he stepped into the Palace door.

Along the way, Tian Guang decided to die. He has condensed his sword potential to the peak. The next sword out of the scabbard will surprise the world.

Xuanjian obviously also sensed Tian Guang\'s momentum like a mountain flood. His face suddenly became dignified, took a step, and deliberately or unintentionally blocked Tian Guang\'s body.

"Tian Mi made up her own mind and calculated the emperor of Han Dynasty. As a result, she missed her life. After all, she can\'t blame her."

Tian Guang went to the square in the palace, his clothes flying, and shouted loudly, "but Tian MI is my peasant disciple after all. Today I have a sword. Ask your Majesty the emperor of Han!"

Step out of the field with a fierce step.

This sword has absolutely no skillful sword potential. It is as fast as a meteor falling into the air. It instantly crosses a distance of tens of meters and comes straight to the key point of Liu Hao\'s forehead.

"What a fast sword!"

Xuanjian was thrilled and was about to stop, but Liu Hao patted him on the shoulder.

"The sword of a man, five steps of blood splashing, one step out, the only sword between heaven and earth!"

"What a chivalrous leader, the sword of an invincible man of justice."

Every time the sword Qi advances, Tian Guang\'s sword potential will be powerful and terrible. When the sword potential reaches the peak, there will be a heroic atmosphere of asking the emperor of the sword and blood splashing the palace.

The fierce sword came to Liu Hao\'s face, but Liu Hao calmly brushed his sleeve, and his right hand stuck out steadily. There were bright stars gathering at his fingertips, and the two fingers pressed the sword edge pushed by Tian Guang into the air.

"The sword of a man is not afraid of kingship. Thousands of people will go there. Blood splashes five steps."

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple light flashed and said in a deep voice: "I also have a sword that can destroy the city and the country, open the mountains and open the sea, stop the gods and kill the gods, and the demons stop and kill the demons! If you ask me about the sword, this sword is the answer!"


The ninth five year old emperor\'s holy sword suddenly came out of its sheath and burst into a burst of gorgeous brilliance. The sword Qi was like a dragon. It broke out and defeated Tian Guang\'s swordsman\'s sword in an instant.

Tian Guang took root on his feet, but he still couldn\'t stop retreating. He dumped his body and swept out more than ten feet.

On the ground, gravel, mud and dust fly in disorder, and two deep footprints have been ploughed out.

"Tian Guang, do you have an answer to my sword?"

Liu Hao stood with his hands on his back. The ninth five year old emperor\'s holy sword was hidden in the scabbard as if it had never been out of the scabbard.

"The sword of the son of heaven is supreme and powerful. Even if I try my best, I will never be an opponent..."

Tian Guang swallowed the blood from his throat, and there were still lingering palpitations at the bottom of his heart.

Just now, I stabbed the peak sword with my ambition to die, and just hit the emperor Dao sword potential.

The two collided with each other.

The swordsmanship of the chivalrous man who was brave to move forward was like a clay ox into the sea. In an instant, it disintegrated and dissipated completely. Tian Guang was shaken back by the sword potential of emperor Dao, and he is still remembering the aftertaste of that sword of emperor Dao.


Absolutely overbearing!

The emperor\'s sword is supreme. Six wastelands and eight combinations are exclusive!

This arrogant and vigorous sword idea made Tian Guang understand the gap between them and had to be convinced in his heart.

"In the face of such a divine emperor, Tian Mi dares to show off her coquettishness. She really deserves to die!"

In the face of the real emperor, there will be no hiding place for any conspiracy and calculation. They are all looking for their own death.

Tian Guang stood on his sword and said in a calm voice, "Your Majesty, the emperor of Han Dynasty, Tian Guang lost today\'s war. However, the farmhouse has also sent a word for a friend. I hope your majesty can consider: strengthening the seven dynasties of Qin, the unity of heaven and the destruction of Zhao is in the opposite palm. This friend hopes to cooperate with your majesty to formulate an anti Qin plan..."

"The farmhouse, under the banner of serving the common people in the world, has already become a pawn for princes to compete for hegemony. Your friend should be Changping king of the state of Yi... Is he secretly leading this action?"

A slight radian appeared at the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth.

The time track of the world has been divorced from the original history, but some plots still happen.

For example, the battle of Changping between Qin and Zhao, and the green dragon plan of the seven countries calculated by Changping king.

"Lord Changping can be regarded as the number one hero who forbear to lie dormant. It\'s just that this man is scheming and only dares to plan behind his back. When the machine is exhausted, he will eventually fall in this troubled world..."

In troubled times, any conspiracy calculation is just an auxiliary means.

The real strength lies in its own strength.

Only when we are strong enough can we have the chance to laugh to the end in the game of competing for the world.