The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2535

Tian Meng, the executor of the action, should bear the main responsibility for Tian Mi\'s death.

"Yes! The blood of farm brothers can\'t flow in vain!"

"Kill the Han Emperor! Avenge!"

"I am willing to follow hall leader Tian and assassinate the emperor of Han Dynasty!"

"Tooth for tooth, blood for blood!"


Tian Hu, Tian Zhong and other six Farm Hall experts were excited and shouted to avenge Tian MI.

"What are you arguing about?"

Tian Guang snorted coldly, and a trace of imperceptible helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Although he is the chivalrous leader of the farmhouse and leads the sixth Hall of the farmhouse, Tian Meng, the next chivalrous leader of the farmhouse, is not very thorough.

Things that could have been discussed slowly by sitting down with chips turned out to be self defeating.

The undercurrent surges between the six rural halls. The heads of each hall have their own calculations. They are not really brothers.

As soon as he went, the future of such a large farmhouse was uncertain.

"Farm work is always aboveboard. If I want to see the emperor of Han Dynasty, I will go. Don\'t make any more small moves, or I will know and deal with it according to the family law!"

Xia Kui Tian Guang said solemnly.

Tian Zhong frowned and said, "Xia Kui, facing the Han Emperor alone is extremely dangerous. In case the Han Emperor directly sets an ambush, it\'s better to send six hall experts and gather their strength to trap the enemy with the twenty-four array of dize. In this way, our chances of winning are great."

"Tian Mi won\'t die in vain, and the blood of farm disciples can\'t flow in vain!"

Tian Guang raised his hand, waved it down and said in a deep voice, "I\'ll see him myself. Don\'t say any more."



The stars are shining.

Liu Hao looked up at the sky and his eyes were as bright as stars.

In a battle with the eastern monarch, imperial concubine Yan, Liu Hao understood the mystery and horror of the six soul fear curse.

These days, Liu Hao has been devoting himself to studying the secret technique of Yin Yang family, except for Tian MI, who was sent out by the peasant family for death test. Recently, it has been much smaller.

The family of yin and Yang is inherited from the sect in ancient times. We can observe the laws of stars and stars, and understand the supreme metaphysics of the family of yin and Yang, which is boundless.

"The martial arts of the Han emperor has reached an immeasurable level, but if you can\'t get the gist of yin and Yang, you can\'t understand it by yourself if you are an immortal!"

East Jun Yan imperial concubine sat stiffly aside, watching Liu Hao\'s move coldly, and a cold arc hung from the corners of her mouth.

Yin Yang family is the most mysterious and unpredictable one among all schools of thought. The Eastern Emperor never shows his true face in the world, but his legends are everywhere in the Jianghu.

It\'s not so simple for non gifted talents to enter the yin-yang family, even if they want to get started.

First, give a secret scroll to know the art of stargazing, and then receive the starlight into the body and accumulate between the fish raising acupoints and orifices. Maybe you can make a small success by going back and forth for three years.

Imperial concubine Yan, the eastern monarch, is known as the first strange woman in the yin-yang family. She is the first person under the Eastern Emperor. Naturally, she doesn\'t want to be the second person.

It took her only three months to complete the path that ordinary talents have to take in three years.

Liu Hao breathed and breathed, which coincided with the wonderful operation of the way of heaven, and a clear understanding appeared in his heart:

The spirit of God. The number of days is the general trend, and the momentum should be.

Landlord essence. Blood essence is the body, relying on the soul.

Man is God. God and form depend on each other, and the heart and nature depend on each other.

Whether it is martial arts, the way of Scripture, Taoism, xuanbing killing and cutting, yin-yang and other wonderful skills, they can not get rid of the category of heaven, earth and man.

Liu Hao runs the immortal Qi machine, and the acupoints and orifices around him begin to tremble.

The light of the stars seemed to be absorbed and gathered by an invisible force. It fell from the nine days and poured into Liu Hao\'s body.

The hole orifices around Liu Hao began to emit bright light, with endless starlight scattered, and the brilliant light covered Liu Hao\'s whole body.

At this moment, he seemed to be the Lord of the heavens!

The beautiful eyes of imperial concubine Yan in the East are round and the sandalwood mouth is slightly open. She looks at Liu Hao bathed in the divine light of the stars with an incredible look.

"How is that possible?"

East Jun Yan imperial concubine can\'t believe what her eyes see.

Because it\'s ridiculous!

No one has ever successfully received starlight into the body in such a short time!

Moreover, the disciples of yin and Yang family successfully received and led the starlight into Baihui acupoint, which can be regarded as a success. No one has directly caused the vision of heaven and earth like Liu Hao!

"It is recorded in our ancient books that the stars in the heavens fall on the stars in the nine days, and have an extremely brilliant name..."

Yan Fei\'s beautiful eyes reflected the star and murmured, "the stars shine in the blue sky!"

This is the supreme realm mentioned in the secret volume of Yin Yang family. No one has been able to do it since the turmoil of ancient times.

Today, when she reappears in the world, Princess Yan looks at Liu Hao\'s eyes again, which means that she has a burning sense of admiration.

Liu Hao didn\'t realize it. His eyes seemed to be closed. He quietly experienced this wonderful realm.

For a long time, the starlight gradually faded, and Liu Hao had a clear understanding in his heart:

"The stars have existed in the world since ancient times. The skill of Yin-Yang family depends on the stars. It is really a secret divine skill in ancient times. Even human beings and fairies may not be able to see the beauty of it..."

Liu Hao made up his mind that if he had a chance in the future, he must integrate all the classics of the yin-yang family and put them into the Imperial Academy.

When you take back your mind, an unclean figure flashes to you.

Xuanjian knelt down on one knee behind Liu Hao, hugged his fist and said, "Your Majesty, Kui Tianguang, the knight of the farmhouse, came to the palace with his sword."

"OK! When you carry your sword alone and go straight to the Forbidden Palace, Kui Tianguang is still a straightforward hero... Why, have you had a hand with him?"

Liu Hao didn\'t look back, but his mind had sensed that there was a moment of stagnation in the circulation of xuanjian Qi machine.

Xuanjian said with admiration: "Your Majesty\'s insight is like a torch, and your subordinates admire it. Xia Kui Tianguang is the first person in the farmhouse. His sword skill is high and can be among the top five in the world. If you don\'t fight with your life, your subordinates are not sure of winning."

Xuanjian, who is known as the first killer of the snare, changed his course and joined Liu Hao\'s command. He was lucky again. Now he is the cultivation of the great master of kendo.

Chivalrous Kuitan Guangneng and xuanjian share the same score. He is indeed qualified to be included in the ranks of the world\'s greatest experts.

Liu Hao raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a loud smile, "please enter the palace."