The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2534

Tian MI has always believed in the principle that "men conquer rivers and mountains through strength, while women conquer men through charm".

The beauty of a woman is itself the most powerful weapon.

This time, the farmhouse issued a Shennong order and called the elite to come to Daliang city for a meeting. Liu Hao and Tian Mi volunteered to sneak into the palace to test through some way. They may not have taken this as a springboard to climb higher.

Such a beautiful and demon treated woman is naturally a man\'s poison.

Between the ears and temples, Tian MI has been moved. Her clothes and skirts are half untied, revealing the snow-white of lanolin jade. Her eyes also show desire.

However, at this time, she was pushed away by Liu Hao.

Tian MI was a little annoyed. She bit her lips and asked, "what does your majesty mean?"

She was the only one who refused men and played with them, but no man could resist her charm and say no to her.

"Isn\'t the farmhouse famous for being chivalrous and upright and being aboveboard? How can it use such a small means as beauty trick?"

Liu Hao Huoran stood up, a slight arc appeared at the corners of his mouth, and looked down at Tian MI.

Tian Mi\'s face turned white and her eyes were flustered. She was still trying to be calm. She smiled and said, "people have no strength to bind chickens. I can\'t understand what your majesty is talking about."

Liu Hao said calmly, "the farmhouse has issued the Shennong order, and the six hall experts gather in one hall. I already know that. You continue to act."

Tian MI was stunned!

Immediately, she took a breath and her cold hair stood up!

All the arrangements of the farmhouse are under the control of the Han Emperor. In this way, don\'t you become a sacrificial chess piece?

"Now that your majesty knows, let\'s... Catch it without hands!"

Tian MI, who was originally gentle and infinite, suddenly turned ferocious.

I saw her sleeves moving, and a pink maze scattered in the air, covering Liu Hao in the middle.

The farmhouse originated from Shennong family. It uses poison technique and is called one in the world.

Tian MI was born in the farm family Tian. Naturally, she got the true story. The smoke spread and the illusion reappeared, which made people fascinated.

In the illusion, another killing opportunity was revealed. The silver needle shuttled through the illusion and took Liu Hao\'s key acupoint.

This skill is Tian Mi\'s real hidden killing move. I don\'t know how many men who covet her beauty die in their charming dreams

Seeing Liu Hao standing still, Tian Mi really wanted to laugh.

"Seeing flowers in the fog, there is a layer at last. Your majesty should go with me to see Xia Kui."

"Is it up to you?"

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple light flashed!

This group of light, however, was thousands of times hotter than the sun, and pierced into the red smoke like substance.

Clank clank!!

The sudden sound of gold and iron continued, and the silver needles hidden in Tian Mi\'s illusion fell one after another.

Just a look in the eye, broke the unique skill to kill!?

Tian Mi\'s mind was blank and her mouth was wide open. She couldn\'t believe what was happening in front of her.

The immortal Qi machine is so terrible. The skill of eye knife and eye sword is used by Liu Hao. It\'s really like a Heavenly Sword.

As far as her eyes were concerned, Tian Mi didn\'t have time to respond. A strand of hair in front of her forehead was cut off. In shock, she retreated back. She just stepped on the white jade step, stepped empty, fell directly on the ground and rolled several times.

Tian MI, who fell with a bruised nose and a swollen face, can no longer have the original demeanor.

At this time, in the shadow, there was a sharp sword spirit floating out. Liu Hao raised his hand to signal xuanjian to stop, walked to Tian Mi\'s body, bowed down and whispered, "I hate being calculated. It seems that your Xia Kui Tian Guang is just like this."


And the eye knife was cut out, and the head of Tianmi was cut off, and the bones rolled on the ground.

Before Tian Mi died, she couldn\'t believe that she would fall in this way. Her eyes were red and wide

There is also a night battle in the palace.

Tian Mi goes into the palace and acts, while farm experts meet outside the palace gate.

Unfortunately, xuanjian had already led night spies to completely pull out all the dark sons of the farmers, leaving only one living mouth.

The number one expert in the sixth Hall of the farmhouse was scared to death and his head was blank.

The seemingly detailed plan was completely seen through in the end, but it was seriously damaged on its own side.

"If Tian Guang comes to visit in person, I may not be able to sit down with him and talk about the general trend..."

Liu Hao sneered, "now, take this head back to Tian Guang and tell him I\'ll wait for him in Daliang city."

The farmer expert, holding his head, flew away and dared not even say a cruel word

Xuanjian\'s eyes were full of murders and said: "Your Majesty, if you want to integrate the forces in the Jianghu, this farmhouse cannot be destroyed. You must remove it. Do you want your subordinates to follow behind and kill the six farmhouses?"

There are hundreds of thousands of peasant disciples, and there are many experts in the sect. However, Liu Hao totally accepted Ji Wuye\'s night curtain and sheguo armored sect, and there are many experts under him.

"Don\'t worry, Tian Guang will come to me as long as he can be the hero."

Liu Hao said with an indifferent smile, "if he doesn\'t even dare to come, this is just like a peasant family. What can we fear?"

In fact, the farmhouse is inherited from the Shennong family in ancient times, which has a profound heritage.

A twenty-four array of dize, which coincides with the twenty-four solar terms of spring, summer, autumn and winter, has infinite mystery.

But inside the sixth Hall of the farmhouse, people\'s hearts are different, and the undercurrent is surging. It\'s not a piece of iron.


Outside the city of Daliang, there is a hidden valley.

Xia Kui Tian Guang looked at the bleeding head in front of him and said nothing, but his face suddenly sank down.

Tian Meng, Tian Hu and Tian Zhong knelt in front of him. They bowed their heads and dared not look at Tian Guang\'s expression.

The story has been understood. Tian Zhong suggests that Tian Mi make a beauty trick and let Tian Mi bring out the emperor of the Han Dynasty unconsciously, so that he can avoid the white armour forbidden army of the Han Dynasty.

This is not the original intention of Xia Kuitan Guang.

"Xia Kui, Tian MI can\'t die in vain, and the blood of the farmer\'s brothers can\'t flow in vain. I\'m willing to take someone to assassinate the emperor of Han and remove the great trouble for the farmer!"

The farmer Tian Meng on the side stared at Tian Mi\'s head, his throat moved, and his eyes became red in an instant.