The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2528

"What you see is true, and the illusion is not empty."

Dongjun\'s body suddenly turned in the air, narrowly avoided the God killing seal, and suddenly stepped on a wave.

Mingzhu is proficient in magic to confuse the enemy. She is the peerless Tianjiao of the yin-yang family. She knows how to hide from the armour, knows the yin-yang mantra, and is naturally proficient in magic.

At this time, their visions overlapped, as if they were on thousands of hectares of waves, standing opposite each other with their feet on the waves.

On the palace wall, a white haired old Taoist and a little Taoist are sitting side by side on the high wall.

Xiaomeng was worried and sighed: "master, the emperor of Han Dynasty has taken in two of our teachers and disciples. Should we help him and help him?"

Beimingzi laughed and said, "good disciple, don\'t worry, no one in the world may hurt Liu boy."

"Yin Yang family is a mysterious hermit. The old man of the Eastern Emperor has devoted himself to studying the avenue of longevity. Now a younger generation has gone ahead. I really want to see his face."

Xiaomeng rolled his eyes, glanced over his head and said, "master, you\'re ashamed."

Beimingzi had a thick skin and said with a smile, "don\'t worry, good disciple, do you think the yin-yang family can walk away with their tentacles into the palace?"

Xiaomeng puffed his small cheeks and faced the depths of the palace que. He didn\'t know what he was thinking.

Beimingzi sighed faintly in his heart.

As a good disciple with the posture of heaven and man, he was originally born cold. How did he get to Liu Hao\'s side? More and more women\'s posture in the world do not know whether it is a blessing or a curse


Blue sea tide Banshee pearl lady vs Yin and Yang family East Jun Yan imperial concubine!

Both of them are one of the few female top experts in the world.

Dongjun inherited the secret skill of yin and Yang family and reached the supreme state of the combination of yin and Yang, which is enough to dominate the world and stand out from the heroes.

However, Mrs. Mingzhu practiced together with Liu Hao, and gained many benefits from the Yellow Emperor\'s Internal Classic. At this time, she dueled with the East gentleman and didn\'t lose for a while.

When all kinds of illusions were performed, the scene changed one after another, and in the twinkling of an eye, it was like a mirror, water and moon, annihilated inch by inch.

"Yin Yang family\'s secret art has been inherited from ancient times. It was originally a kind of spiritual attack method, but it was more powerful by the power of stars..."

Liu Hao stood idly by. The Heavenly Emperor Longtong locked Dongjun and began to deduce the mystery of the yin-yang family.

"I see. The technique of Yin-Yang technique lies in the five essentials of technique, formula, mantra, law and law. It\'s really wonderful..."

Dongjun fought for a long time, and there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the palace.

Night has always been lurking in the dark. Dongjun and Mrs. Mingzhu fought in the palace. There was a lot of noise, which naturally alerted the experts of night.

"This man is too tricky. There are some hidden experts in the palace who haven\'t done anything. It seems that they can only use the six soul fear curse and make a quick decision..."

Dongjun took a deep breath and the peaks and peaks in front of him fluctuated.

Tonight\'s visit to the palace has brought her too many surprises and shocks.

Originally thought that by her means, she could find out the information she wanted without observation, but she was intercepted by Lady Mingzhu in the palace.

If you don\'t use the real kill of Yin-Yang family, it\'s difficult to get away.

Dongjun\'s mind is certain. The lotus feet move gently, and his body floats into the air.

Between the wide sleeves, the green silk of Dongjun is flying like ink splashing, which is beautiful and can\'t be seen.

Mrs. pearl noticed the aura riot in the air and began to run the extermination seal with all her strength.

Two powerful spiritual energies collided in the void, and the Qi roared and roared.

Liu Hao\'s sword eyebrow was slightly picked and took a step. In one step, his figure was disillusioned and stood in front of Mrs. Mingzhu in an instant.

"This is the six soul fear mantra of yin and Yang family. Its killing power is terrible. You step down first, pearl."

Liu Hao\'s warm and mellow voice made Mrs. Mingzhu warm and sweet in her heart. She nodded skillfully and retreated to one side.

In terms of qualification and realm, although Mrs. pearl is good, she is still inferior to the East King of Yin-Yang family.

The ability to resist imperial concubine Yan for such a long time is rare. If you insist on the six soul fear curse, it may cause indelible trauma to her spirit.

When Dongjun watched Mrs. Mingzhu retreat and turn to face Liu Hao, a glimmer of brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Liu Hao just stood there, but there was a momentum of Yuanzhi Pavilion condensation.

It\'s as if the heaven and earth in front of her have coincided with Liu Hao. If she wants to fight Liu Hao, she is going to fight the way of heaven.

The power of heaven and earth is thrilling to the soul.

Dongjun couldn\'t care about anything else. He instantly turned the secret skill of Yin-Yang family to the extreme.

Six souls fear curse!

This attack contains the six soul fear mantra with the most terrible killing power of yin and Yang family, but it is floating as if there is nothing. It is just sent by the breeze. Everything in the world is as usual, but some strange changes have taken place.

Liu Hao clearly felt that there was a dark force that penetrated his dragon shield, like a needle stabbing at his fingertips.

When I stretched out my hand, there was a little red dot on my fingertip.

Six souls fear mantra is a forbidden skill of yin and Yang family. It is not easy to use, and the qualification requirements for the caster are almost abnormal.

The yin-yang family qualification of the East Jun Yan imperial concubine is the first, and the application of the six soul fear curse has reached the point of perfection.

After six souls were cursed, Liu Hao\'s body only stagnated for a third, and suddenly swept to Princess Yan.

Liu Hao didn\'t give her any chance. His right hand was turned upside down and slowly poked out. It was like turning the world upside down. In an instant, he emptied all the aura around and pressed it on the snow neck like sheep fat jade of Yan imperial concubine.

East Jun Yan imperial concubine is still the first time to start with someone, she was caught, and she can\'t help getting creepy.

Liu Hao\'s move is too fast!

But she still forced herself to be calm, looked at Liu Hao with compassionate eyes, smiled and said, "it\'s late, Emperor Han, you\'ve been cursed by six souls. I\'m afraid no one can save you in this world."

"Six souls fear curse!?"

The original and leisurely beimingzi\'s face was also gradually solemn.

Xiao Meng raised his head and asked, "master, what is the six soul fear curse?"

Beimingzi shook his head and said, "this is one of the most powerful ancient forbidden techniques of the Yin and Yang family. The victim will be gradually swallowed up and eroded his vitality, and finally die miserably. This access control technique killed too much in ancient times, and few people have practiced it in recent years. Unexpectedly, this little girl has practiced this secret technique to the level of invisible killing. She is worthy of being the first strange woman of the Yin and Yang family."

Xiaomeng glanced nervously at Liu Hao and saw that Liu Hao\'s right hand was clasping Dongjun\'s snow neck.

That kind of look is like a flower lover picking a flower.