The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2529

"Just six souls fear curse. Do you think you can kill me? Is it too naive?"

A slight radian appeared at the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth, and one hand wantonly pinched the perfect cheek of Dong Jun Yan Fei into various shapes

Everyone on the court was stunned

The East Jun Yan imperial concubine was stunned. For a moment, her head was blank, and she couldn\'t speak.

"You... You... You..."

She was surprised and annoyed that she didn\'t lose to Liu Hao, but the respected yin-yang family East Jun Yan Fei, who always only accepted the worship and love of others.

Apart from Liu Hao, no one dares to make such a bold and frivolous move to her.

Just looking at Liu Hao\'s extremely handsome face, his eyes were clear and deep, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, saying: "it feels good."

It\'s more like an immortal who forgets his worries and makes people completely angry.

"Hum! When you beg for mercy!"

East Jun Yan imperial concubine said goodbye. A touch of crimson quietly appeared on the snow cheek. In her heart, there was a bad smile of Liu Hao for some reason. Her heart was like a deer.

Liu Hao stretched out a section of his arm, and Mrs. Mingzhu found that there were countless small black airflow on his white jade like arm, which looked like a ferocious snake and couldn\'t stop moving in the meridians.

"Your Majesty, is this the six soul fear mantra of Yin Yang family?"

Mrs. Mingzhu looked a little nervous and tightly pulled Liu Hao\'s sleeve.

She has heard of the power of the six soul fear mantra of yin and Yang family. Anyone who wins the mantra will die miserably.

Although Liu Hao took the unidentified woman, he was cursed by six souls, which obviously didn\'t pay.

"Give me the antidote!"

Mrs. Mingzhu turned her head and looked at imperial concubine Yan. Her pretty face was murderous.

Imperial concubine Yan, the eastern monarch, shook her head and said, "the six souls fear the curse. The forbidden art is the first. There is no medicine to solve, and it is difficult for the gods to save. Through the ages, I don\'t know how many heroes died under this secret art. The emperor of the Han Dynasty is also a hero in the world. If there is anything else to explain, you can explain it as soon as possible."

Dongjun is full of confidence in his yin-yang family\'s killing methods, but he is a little melancholy in his heart:

I think she is the proud daughter of the yin-yang family. She is favored by countless people. In the future, she must take over the power in the hands of the Eastern Emperor and take charge of the yin-yang family. Today, she is going to fall into this unknown deep palace.

Father, I\'m afraid your daughter can\'t achieve your wishes, but excluding the Han Emperor, it can be regarded as clearing the way for you.

With a faint sigh, imperial concubine Yan glanced sideways and wanted to see the bad guy for the last time.

Over the years, she has a strong heart and will never waver for anyone or anything. Liu Hao is the first man to make her mood fluctuate.

Between the eyes turning, the pupil of Yan imperial concubine contracted suddenly, and Tan Kou opened unconsciously!

I can see that Liu Hao\'s acupoints and orifices are like the stars in the sky, emitting bright and gorgeous light, and there is an atmosphere of infinite Majesty on his body.

In the circulation of Guanghua, there are nine five clawed golden dragons circling around Liu Hao and guarding him!

Once the real dragon comes out, no evil can enter!

The original ferocious black dragon floating on the meridians on Liu Hao\'s arm immediately met the nemesis and struggled and wailed.

As soon as Liu Hao\'s Qi machine shook, he hanged the ferocious black dragon.

A trace of black gas escapes from Liu Hao\'s hole. Liu Hao\'s gas machine is calm, dust-free and scale-free, just like a fairy with Ling dust.

"Six souls fear curse... How... How can it be broken!?"

East Jun Yan imperial concubine can\'t believe her eyes.

Since childhood, she has been carefully cultivated by the Eastern Emperor as the hope of the yin-yang family in the future. The ideas instilled in her mind are also the hundreds of schools of thought, and the yin-yang family is the first.

These six soul fear spells can kill people invisibly. They once shine brightly in ancient times. This is the first time that people have broken Shengsheng.

Who is this young emperor in front of you!?

The more Yan Fei looked at Liu Hao, the more she felt that he was a demon

Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief, and his little hand holding the handle of Qiuli sword was also relieved.

She had thought in advance that if Liu Hao died under the six soul fear curse, she would let the yin-yang family pay the price at all costs.

Only in this way can we repay the kindness of taking in these days. The way of Taoism Tianzong\'s birth cannot be fettered in the world.

Xiao Meng nodded a little head and thought of it.

Beimingzi on the side stroked his beard and sighed: "this boy\'s means are so powerful that he can\'t guess. The forbidden art of yin and Yang family can\'t help him. The world is so big, who else can stop him?"


"How did you do it?"

Imperial concubine Yan finally couldn\'t help asking, "the six soul fear mantra is the most powerful means of killing among the eight mantras of yin and Yang family. As long as there is real qi circulation, it will cause strong stimulation and kill invisibly..."

The six soul fear spell is broken, as if the sun rises in the West. It\'s incredible.

Beimingzi, who was not far away, laughed and said, "little girl, your six soul fear mantra is so careless that you can enter the house. As long as the subject\'s true Qi is stronger, he will be more hurt. Unfortunately, this boy has been detached from the world and stood in the same position as your father."

"The same position as your father!?"

Yan Fei suddenly jumped in her heart and looked at Liu Hao again. Her eyes were full of inconceivable: "my father has practiced the mysterious art of cost, knows the nature of heaven and earth, and ranks among the immortals and gods. How old is the emperor of Han Dynasty? How can there be such a realm?"

"Hum! What do you know!"

Mrs. Mingzhu snorted coldly, "the Lord is invincible, and the Qi swallows all ages. Is it comparable to the Eastern Emperor?"

In Mingzhu\'s heart, I\'m afraid Liu Hao is the only man left in the world.

Liu Hao brushed off his sleeves and said with a light smile, "I\'m very happy that you\'re visiting tonight. Please stay in the palace for a few days."

While talking, Yan Fei only felt the breeze blowing on her face and had no time to respond. Her meridians had been cut off. Her body was soft and her waist had fallen into a generous and warm hand.

"It feels good."

Liu Hao looked at imperial concubine Yan secretly running her Qi and wanted to break through the pass. He smiled and pierced imperial concubine Yan\'s careful thought: "this is my own pulse cutting technique. Even if your father comes, it may not be able to untie it."