The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2527


A quiet and beautiful night.

Hanwang palace, a tall building.

Mrs. Mingzhu, with her cheeks in her hands and a lazy look, looked at Liu Hao standing at the window. Between her beautiful eyes, there was full of love.

This man is not only the most handsome man in the world, but also the most powerful king, dominating the princes.

These two qualities are mixed in one person, which is like mellow wine and more intoxicating.

Liu Hao stood in front of the window with his hands down, using the mind communication system to query the task progress.

The gamble with Sun Bin still has three months. It is very difficult to destroy the state of Qi in three months.

Qi is no better than South Korea and Wei.

In the state of Qi, there are wise men like Sun Bin, as well as famous generals like Tian Ji and Tian Dan. Although the national strength is no longer in its heyday in the spring and Autumn period, it is also a skinny camel larger than a horse, which can not be underestimated.

"System, what about the task progress reward of Canglong Qisu?"

"The host united the Qi nation, destroyed the Yi nation, and the task progress of Canglong Qisu has been updated. Please make persistent efforts!"

The sounds of nature like system prompt sound sounded in my ears.

The green dragon is also the green dragon. The green dragon is one of the four sacred beasts in ancient times and belongs to the East.

In the East, it is called Qinglong, jiaomujiao, kangjinlong, ditu raccoon, FangRi rabbit, Xinyue fox, tail fire tiger and Jishui leopard, which are abbreviated as Jiao, Kang, Di, Fang, Xin, tail and Jiji.

These stars also correspond to the position of the ground, that is, the seven countries.

In the picture of rivers, mountains and countries, a map of stars appears. There are seven bright stars on it, which connect into an image of a green dragon.

At present, the two stars of Xinluo and Xi have been lit up, and the remaining five countries of Qin, Zhao, Yan, Qi and Chu are still gray.

Liu Hao was calm and seemed to feel the fluctuation of aura in the air.

The secret of the seven nights of the green dragon involves the operation of the world\'s Qi.

Liu Hao first attacked and destroyed the state of Xinluo and swallowed up the spirit of the state of Xinluo. Now if he kills the state of Xi and grasps half of the country of Xi, he will get nearly half of the spirit of the state of Xi.

The way of heaven is clear, fair and just.

On the nine days, the stars were shining brightly, and purple clouds began to roll.

There was also the sound of dragons singing in the clouds. The Pearl widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Liu Hao stretching out her hands, as if she wanted to hold heaven and earth in her arms. Her eyes looked down at all sentient beings and smiled coldly and domineering.

The immeasurable bright light seemed to be attracted by some kind of mystery, pulled down and covered Liu Hao.

Liu Hao was bathed in the light of the stars. His hair was fluttering at his temples and his dragon sleeves rolled like immortal Lingchen. People couldn\'t help but bend their knees and kneel.

This light rain fell from the sky, mostly scattered in the Wei land, making the whole starry sky as bright as day.

"Look, golden light and rain!"

"That\'s the fairy palace. The nectar has fallen to earth!"

"Your Majesty, it\'s really the God Emperor of heaven coming to earth!"

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty, bearing the luck of heaven and earth, will wipe out the world and achieve supreme hegemony!"

"I have no regrets in this life. I\'m a big man\'s people!"

"Someone is willing to raise his head and die for his Majesty the emperor of the Han Dynasty!"


Within the territory of the state of Sheung, all the Han people had a psychological induction.

Everyone looked up and looked up at the golden light and rain in the sky, showing a look of incomparable admiration.

Aura, rain and dew, moisten things silently.

All the Han people who have worshipped Liu Hao have realized the benefits of aura rain.

The old people who are ill are much better, while those who are not ill are stronger and more active.

Qi is transported into the body, which can really change the quality of the human body and stimulate the potential of the human body.

Everyone knelt down on the ground. At this moment, Liu Hao was the God in their hearts.

On the high wall of the palace.

A beautiful shadow reached its head and looked up slightly. The beautiful eyes were full of dignified shock.

The woman was wearing a dark blue dress with low hair, a hairpin and dark blue gem jewelry.

The skirt style is similar to the image of three legged Jinwu, giving people a noble and mysterious feeling.

This is naturally the eastern monarch respected by the yin-yang family.

Dongjun looked up at the sky and witnessed the light and rain after the rapid change of the wind and cloud. His heart was shocked:

"The world knows that things are unpredictable. Only Yin and Yang family can find the countless connections between the changes of heaven and earth from the constantly changing star tracks. Everyone has a destiny and has a definite number... But Korea and Wei shouldn\'t have been like this..."

"How could this happen?"

The East gentleman stretched out his white jade hand, but the light and rain slipped from her fingers like fine quicksand and disappeared in the wind.

"This matter is of great importance. You must report it to your father as soon as possible!"

The Eastern Emperor spied on the secret of the seven nights of the dark dragon and wanted to explore the way of longevity.

In the East, there is an image of the seven sleeps of the black dragon, and a rain of spirit falls in the air. It is on the ancient books of the Yin and Yang family. This is a strange image only when the saints came in ancient times.

Dongjun\'s eyes were dignified and looked at the towering palace.

This place was originally the palace of the king of Wei, but now it is the palace of the emperor of Han Dynasty, as the temporary residence of Liu Hao.

Somehow, a strange feeling appeared in Dongjun\'s heart, as if there was an extremely terrible and powerful idea in this palace, overlooking her like a God.

"Now that the guests of yin and Yang family have come, why don\'t you come in and have a chat with me?"

When Dongjun was about to fold back, a warm and mellow laughter came from his ear.

The voice seemed to come from his side, and it seemed to be far away from the waves. This contradictory feeling made Dongjun\'s face change greatly.

"No! Found!"

The East gentleman\'s pretty face was frozen, and he leaned down and swept out of the palace with a beautiful posture.

The skill of Yin Yang family is different. Every time Dongjun retreats, there seems to be a layer of ripples in the air. In a moment, she has retreated to tens of feet away.

"Where do you think the Great Han Palace is? Come and go if you want. Leave it for me!"

The charming laughter of yin and charm was hidden, and Mrs. pearl flashed like something unclean.

The air wave swept through, like the blue sea, and scattered everywhere, completely blocking all the retreat routes of Dongjun.

Someone dares to break into the palace and rush into and spy on Liu Hao. In the eyes of the Pearl, he should be killed!

Mrs. pearl smiled coldly, and her hand was the seal of killing God.

It\'s a terrible way to kill!