The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2526

Sun Bin\'s cupping hand stopped in the air, his face complex and shaking.

"If he had met the emperor of the Han Dynasty a few years earlier, Sun Bin would have raised his head and worked hard for the emperor of the Han Dynasty."

Sun Bin put down the wine glass, pushed the wheelchair, bowed and saluted, and said, "thank you, your majesty of the Han Dynasty, for paying so much attention to it. Sun Bin is very grateful. This glass of wine will be kept by Sun Bin for three months."

"Good! Good! Good!"

Liu Hao slapped his hands and laughed.

The system prompt sounds suddenly in your ear:

"Congratulations to the host, triggered the eternal wisdom unique serial hiding task,"

Mandate: three months.

Task reward: if the task is successfully completed, Sun Bin will work for Han, and his loyalty will be full. At that time, the subsequent links will be triggered to hide the task.

The emperor\'s word is more important than the nine tripods.

If the mission fails, the host will make a slip of tongue, and the dragon spirit of the Great Han nation will be damaged to a certain extent. Please let the host know!

"Three glasses of wine, in exchange for a series of hidden tasks, it\'s not a loss in any way."

Liu Hao inquired about the brief description of the task carefully and was slightly happy

Liu Hao and Sun Bin made an appointment for a cup of wine.

Liu Hao walked in the direction of Daliang City, while Sun Bin boarded the car and went along the ancient road towards Linzi, the Oriental state of Qi.

"Your Majesty, you pay too much attention to this Sun Bin. You use 30 as the city and thousands of war horses. Just to change such a person, why don\'t you let the night directly take him down? Isn\'t it more labor-saving and simple?"

Bai Feng escorted Liu Hao around and asked curiously, "as long as Sun Bin is in control, there will be no one available in the state of Qi. Isn\'t it easy to destroy the state of Qi?"

Liu Hao shook his head and said with a smile, "Sun Bin is a wise man through the ages. In this way, you can only hold his body, but you can\'t get his heart."

Literati have their own integrity and pride.

Like Xu Rong in the Three Kingdoms, although he was forcibly detained in Cao Ying by Cao sang secretly using the means of moral kidnapping, he could not be used by him.

Xu Rong didn\'t say a word or offer a policy all his life. Such a seemingly harmonious way of kings and officials is not the way Liu Hao likes.

"Baifeng, you think the problem is too simple."

The crow who accompanied him said with a smile, "Your Majesty has great talent and magnanimity. He is the only one in the world. Today\'s bold words will be broken in March. When things are completed, you can get Sun Bin\'s wholehearted loyalty."

Bai Feng nodded as if she knew something.



"The chest hides the breadth of the world and the ambition is far away from the rivers and mountains. Such a powerful Lord can chase the three emperors of ancient times. There are many princes, but no one can match it."

Sun Bin sat in the carriage, Danfeng\'s eyes closed, but his heart was magnificent.

In his whole life, he left Linggu after learning and became an official. Later, he sheltered in the state of Qi. It can be said that he was displaced and hurried like a lost dog.

Even in the state of Qi, the king of Qi Xiang did not pay too much attention to him, but regarded him as an aide who could ask for advice.

After all, it is basically impossible for such a disabled person to go to the court.

But today\'s Liu Hao has no prejudice or discrimination at all. He wants to exchange half of the country for Sun Bin with 30 cities.

There were tears on Sun Bin\'s cheeks. He felt the affirmation and respect he had never felt before here.

The carriage sped eastward, rolling up smoke and dust.

Looking back at the direction of Daliang City, Sun Bin murmured, "the heroes in the world are only the emperor of Han."


After a secret meeting with Sun Bin, Liu Hao went straight back to daliangcheng.

Sun Bin also rode back to the state of Qi.

The two men made such a decision. There was a tacit understanding between the Han Army and the Qi army, and there was no confrontation.

Liu Hao felt a little excited about this gamble, and the blood that had been calm for a long time was boiling faintly.

However, if we want to continue to expand eastward and fight with the state of Qi, we should stabilize the political situation of Wei Di as soon as possible.

Only a stable rear can support a national war.

Xinlingjun Wei Wuji was born in the Wei royal family. Now under the command of Liu Hao, he can fulfill his ambition and fulfill his duties.

With such a benchmarking figure standing in front, the old minister of the state soon put down the past and threw himself into a new position.

For a while, the political arena of the Republic of Macedonia became more and more stable.

On the other hand, Wu Qi, a special service officer, also started his plan of Wei Wu\'s soldiers. He wanted to select bleeding and brave soldiers from 100000 white soldiers and tens of thousands of soldiers to form a new iron blood division.

Zhang Liang proposed to change the name to "Han Wuzu". After all, at this time, the state of Xi was dead, and this Wuzu was the trump card of the Han Dynasty.

"When Wu Qi leads Han Wuzu to reappear on the battlefield, it must be the time for him to become famous again!"

Liu Hao wore a crown of twelve diaos on his head and a robe embroidered with purple dragon and gun. The sun, moon and stars were embroidered on his shoulders. He walked through the army and was patrolling the camp of Han and Wu soldiers.

Wu Qi\'s military management is harsh.

Liu Hao watched for a while and sighed in his heart: he was cruel to his soldiers and even more cruel to himself.

He eats whatever the guards eat. When the guards train, they often sleep on the spot, and so does Wu Qi.

Just imagine, even the commander-in-chief is sweating and bleeding together. Who else is ignorant of the current situation and who still complains and refuses to kill the enemy?

"However, only 10000 people have been recruited, which is still too few."

Liu Hao and Wu Qi walked side by side and said, "the secret service officers and soldiers just train their troops and train 30000 Han soldiers for me. Who can be the enemy in the future?"

Wu Qihao said with a smile: "to become a Han Wu soldier, you need to forge the body with the secret skill of the strategist. Coupled with the hidden dragon skill handed down by your majesty, it also takes two months to get started. In two months, the Han Wu soldier will never lose to any guard in the world. 10000 Han Wu soldiers can block 100000 troops!"

"In this way, everything will be entrusted to the secret service."

Liu Hao solemnly saluted the famous white headed general.

Forge the body with strategist\'s Secret skills, and then use the magic door in the hidden dragon magic skill to help the guard stimulate the potential of the human body.

Han Wu soldiers, who were originally of extraordinary physical quality, will not be reborn after March. Everyone is like a dragon, but everyone must be like a tiger, brave and fierce. They will never think of being a second person.

The death of Han Wu is the most critical step at present. In Zhang Liang\'s layout, the rise of Han broke the long-standing calm of the seven countries, and then there will be a chaotic war between several countries.

With the white armour army and the two iron and blood heroes of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty has the capital to become a powerful country.

In troubled times, rites and music collapse, and there is no reason to speak.

The biggest truth is to defend the leader!

If the princes are not satisfied, they will send their troops to kill!

Chapter 2526 heroes in the world, only Emperor Han!