The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2525

"Sun Bin?"

A slight arc appeared at the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth and asked, "what is he coming to me for?"

Zhang Liang spread his hand and said with a light smile, "Sun Bin is as intelligent as the sea, and the minister doesn\'t know what he thinks."

"This man has the wisdom of heaven. I\'ve long wanted to see him."

Liu Hao\'s mind came up with the middle-aged scholar Qingjun in a wheelchair.



It was late autumn.

The autumn wind blows, and there is some chill in the air.

In the south of Daliang City, ten miles away, there is an ancient pavilion.

Sun Bin sat in a wheelchair with a black chess piece on his fingertips. His eyes fell on the crisscross chess game on the stone table, frowning and meditating. He didn\'t know what he was thinking.

Opposite him sat a handsome young man who was tall and straight.

It was Liu Hao, the emperor of the Han Dynasty who waved his sleeves to destroy the two countries!

Liu Hao played chess with Sun Bin, dropped his son at random, smiled calmly and said, "Sir, aren\'t you afraid that I\'m desperate to leave my husband by force?"

"Sun Bin has died once. Even if he dies again today, what is it?"

Sun Bin looked calm, talked about his sleeve, and continued, "it\'s just that I\'ve been fascinated by his Majesty the emperor of the Han Dynasty for a long time. When I saw him today, I was satisfied."

Around Daliang City, Liu Hao\'s sphere of influence is full of white armour troops.

Besides, Liu Hao naturally has complete confidence in keeping Sun Bin, but he can\'t accept Sun Bin\'s heart and force him to stay, but he is inferior.

Liu Hao dropped another son and said, "I heard that Mr. Zi Fang said that he was the smartest man in the state of Qi. What do you think of the general trend of the world?"

Sun Bin followed his son and said with an indifferent smile, "Qin is as powerful as a blazing sun in the sky, shining thousands of miles, and the division of millions of tigers and wolves dominates the world. LAN has many brave men who burn their blood and can fight Qin. In addition, the long dormant state of Yi and the state of Han after the elimination of Yi are expected to become the final winner."

Hearing Sun Bin\'s statement about the destruction of the state of Qi, Liu Hao lost his smile and asked, "Sir, why don\'t you mention the state of Qi?"

Sun Bin said, "only the state of Qi has no hope of competing for deer."

Liu Hao smiled and didn\'t say much, but said in his heart, "Sun Bin is really an interesting and sincere person."

Every wise man always plans ahead, taking one step and looking at three steps, which is farther than ordinary people want to think.

There is no doubt about Sun Bin\'s view of the overall situation, and his judgment of the situation is by no means inferior to that of Zhang Liang and Han Fei.

Liu Hao said softly with a smile, "since you are optimistic about the Han Dynasty, why don\'t you come to work in the Han Dynasty? There is a military master and there is an empty seat. I won\'t lose you, sir."

In the face of smart people like Sun Bin, sincere solicitation is much more useful than playing any routine.

Sun Bin bowed and bowed his head and said, "thank you for the kindness of the emperor of the Han Dynasty, but the king of Qi treated someone well. If it\'s a back Festival at this time, what\'s the difference with animals?"

Liu Hao didn\'t say much, but said with a light smile, "is there anything else important for Mr. today to find me?"

Sun Bin finally showed a smile on his face and said, "it seems that nothing can be concealed from his Majesty the emperor of the Han Dynasty. His Majesty was born to bear the great fortune of heaven and earth and is a key figure in this era. Sun Bin will return to the state of Qi in a few days. He specially came to say goodbye to his majesty. In the future, the battlefield will be the enemy of life and death."

After the fall of the Republic of Japan, the whole country fell apart.

Dozens of cities were divided into two parts, half of which went into the pocket of the great man, and the other half was captured by the state of Qi.

This is also a tacit understanding between the two countries.

When attacking Wei, we can only see who has a faster knife and who can occupy more benefits.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Zhang Liang has no choice but to help Liu Hao swallow more than half of the country into his stomach and sit firmly in Daliang city. Liu Hao\'s reputation is at its zenith, causing a sensation all over the world and is undoubtedly the biggest winner.

However, the Qi army has wise men like Sun Bin to give advice, but it is not at a loss. At least the purpose of sending troops has been achieved, and dozens of cities have been opened up for the state of Qi, which is enough to inspire the people of the court of Qi.

"I don\'t want to talk about the relationship in the future. Today I just want to make it clear with my husband."

Liu Hao magically took out a jar of Maotai immortal brew from his cuff.

Maotai xianniang is known as the wine of kings!

Elegant and delicate, the wine is mellow and full-bodied, with a long aftertaste and lasting fragrance in an empty cup.

The price of this jar of wine is hard to find in the main circle of the Han Dynasty. Liu Hao hid a lot in the storage space.

"Really good wine."

Sun Bin raised his glass and drank it gently. Danfeng\'s eyes glowed.

Carefully aftertaste the mellow aftertaste, which is still lingering. The warm and mellow wine fragrance is still between the lips and teeth. I can\'t help sighing: "is this the Qiong liquid of Tianting Xiangong?"

The brewing technology of this era can not be compared with the perfect version of Maotai exchanged from the system.

Liu Hao raised his glass of wine and said, "this glass of wine, Mr. Jing endured humiliation and took great revenge at last."

Pang Juan and Sun Bin are really inextricable.

If it were not for Pang Juan\'s careful eye, the current state-owned subsidiary state of Sun Bin might have taken off long ago.

Liu Hao drank it all at once, and Sun Bin also raised his glass and poured it into his mouth.

"The second cup, Mr. Jing, is extremely intelligent. After drinking this cup of wine, if the two countries meet on the battlefield in the future, I will do everything I can to defeat Mr. Jing."

"If the big man leads troops to attack Qi, I will let your majesty know the advantages of Qi\'s troops and let your majesty retreat in the face of difficulties."

Sun Bin drank it up again. They looked at each other and smiled. There was no need to say more. Everything they had to say was in the wine.

Liu Hao smiled calmly and said, "as for this third glass of wine, I want to make a bet with my husband."

"I\'d like to hear it in detail."

Sun Bin lowered his eyes.

A slight arc appeared at the corner of Liu Hao\'s mouth and said, "Sir, I have great confidence in the state of Qi. It happens that I also have absolute confidence in the great man. Why not make a big bet to help wine?"

"As long as you can\'t attack the state of Qi within three months, the Han ceded 30 cities east of Maling road to the state of Qi, and sent 5000 war horses and 10 million Dendrobium grain and grass. What do you think?"

Thirty cities are equal to half of the country.

Sun Bin shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Sun Bin is nothing but an idle man, but he can\'t afford such rich conditions."

"If I capture the state of Qi within three months after a cup of wine, I only need to change one country and one person for a gentleman to work for a big man."

Liu Hao\'s eyes are very bright, as deep and vast as the stars and the Milky way, and his voice is sincere and sincere: "as long as you remember, the position of Da Han military division will always be reserved for you."