The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2524

Qin and Zhao confronted Yu Changping and fought several small-scale battles tentatively, but they hurt each other.

However, the Qi and Han Dynasties worked together to destroy the state of Xi in one blow. The two countries carried out crazy strategies and divided up the cities of the state of Xi, causing an uproar.

China is the second country to be destroyed after Silla.

The momentum of the rise of the Han Dynasty seems to be unstoppable.

A few days later, the Han Dynasty issued another edict: promote Wu Qi to be a special service officer and army of the Han Dynasty and command more than 100000 troops in Wei!

In addition, the elite soldiers were selected, and Wu Qi, the special service officer, personally trained into Wei Wu soldiers.

Wu Qi\'s name is naturally thunderous to the world.

In the past years, he once led Wei Wuzu to snipe millions of Qin troops. He fought an iron and blood war and made great achievements.

Wu Qi became famous for this, and later because... After the struggle, Wei Wu\'s death fell from the altar.

However, today, Wu Qi once again paid homage to the general. Everyone knows that the emperor of the Han Dynasty is ready to reuse Wu Qi again.

Some people among the princes of various countries lamented that the emperor of the Han Dynasty really did not stick to one style in his employment.

Naturally, some princes sneered: the state of Han broke two cities in a row, but the inside information is still shallow, and no one can use it at hand.

Above the Han Dynasty hall.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty first sealed Han Fei and Zhang Liang, two young people who were left and right, and then found this white headed veteran as a secret service officer and army. It\'s really wonderful.


In youth, the shuttle is thrown, the sun and moon fly arrows, and half a month passes between the fingers.

During this period, 100000 troops of the state of Qi carried out crazy raids on the cities of the state of Xi, while Liu Hao has been firmly seated in the city of Daliang to consolidate the results of the war.

At the same time, xinlingjun was given great power to shuffle the Imperial Hall of sheguo.

The remaining followers of long Yangjun after his death were liquidated one by one, killing the heads of Daliang City, and no one was spared.

Zhang Liang, the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, took charge of the internal affairs. Liu Hao seemed to be idle. In fact, he was in the middle of dispatching and had many affairs.

This busy day reminded him of the benefits of the ministers of the Shangshutai.

"Your Majesty is busy with state affairs. My concubine specially cooked a bowl of lotus seed blood swallow soup. Please use it first..."

The Pearl lotus moved gently, holding a jade bowl in her slender hand, and walked up to Liu Hao.

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows, took the jade bowl, took a sip, and asked calmly, "is the emerald tiger coming?"

The Pearl\'s beautiful eyes moved and said, "the emerald tiger arrived at Daliang city last night. My concubine is estimated to come to see you soon."

Say Cao sang, Cao sang will arrive.

The jade tiger on the stone, one of the four fierce generals at night, was as muddy as a ball and meat mountain. Laughing, he hurried through the palace.

"I have seen Mrs. pearl. This small gift is no respect."

The jade tiger\'s ability to observe words and colors can be first-rate. Seeing the figure and expression of Mingzhu, he immediately changed his name to his wife, took out a fangui Phoenix hairpin from his sleeve and handed it to Mingzhu\'s wife.

"No gift."

Mingzhu took over the Phoenix hairpin and listened to the sound. The lady was very useful and joked and smiled: "it\'s your Majesty\'s God of wealth. The God of wealth can really handle affairs. No wonder your majesty entrusted all business and finance to your excellency. There is LV Buwei in the state of Qin and Emerald tiger in my great man."

Although they are also the four fierce generals in the night, the emerald tiger is not a person without eyes. Knowing the identity of Mrs. pearl, he respectfully saluted and said, "I have shallow skills and can only work hard for your majesty. How can I be compared with Qin Xiang LV Buwei?"

"Mrs. Mingzhu has won the favor alone. Your majesty urgently ordered her to call today. I dare not delay at all. I\'ll leave first."

When the jade tiger said goodbye to lady Mingzhu and stepped into the palace, Liu Hao was looking through the latest information on Sun Bin\'s Qi army\'s invasion of Wei.

The jade tiger was as fat as a ball. He pushed the golden mountain and fell on the jade pillar. He bowed down with his forehead to the ground and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty is brilliant and powerful. He will perish the state of Xi in ten days and ten months. He is really dazzled and admired by such outstanding achievements!"

This guy\'s flattering skill is as high as his ability to collect money. Liu Hao\'s mouth showed a slight arc imperceptibly and said, "get up and speak."

When the emperor has been around for a long time, he finds it interesting to meet this kind of ingenious flattery.

The jade tiger got up, bowed his round belly and asked, "Your Majesty has called his ministers to the land of Wei. What\'s the matter?"

Liu Hao said calmly, "Wu Qi took up the post of special service officer and army, and began to recruit Wei Wu soldiers again. The clothes, armor and weapons should be prepared in advance. I\'ll leave it to you."

"The minister dared to ask... How many Wei Wu soldiers does general Wu Qi want to recruit?"

Hearing the news, the fat face of the emerald tiger suddenly wrinkled bitterly, which can be described as extremely tangled.

It\'s not that he hasn\'t heard of the reputation of Wei Wuzu. He can defeat ten with one enemy and be invincible.

Even the tiger and wolf masters of the Qin Empire were beaten by the Wei Wu soldiers of Wuqi and fled hundreds of miles to the west, afraid to fight again.

This will consume too much resources.

Emerald tiger has made an account in his heart. Armed with 10000 Wei soldiers, he can at least pull up 50000 regular soldiers, or even more!

"First, among the soldiers of the Bai Jia army and the state of Shen, 30000 strong and strong soldiers were reorganized, and Wei Wuzu was reorganized."

The emerald tiger took a breath and said with a bitter smile, "Your Majesty, 30000 Wei Wu soldiers... Even if you sell the Wei minister, you can\'t get so much money!"

Liu Hao glanced sideways and said, "I heard that your ability to generate money can be compared with LV Buwei. As long as you don\'t put your mind on ordinary people, you can toss about as you like. If you can\'t even do this well, what\'s the use of me asking you?"

The emerald tiger was swept away by the cold eyes, and his back cooled. He fell to his knees and said, "I will do my best."

"Step back."

"I take orders."

Sent the trembling emerald tiger, and Zhang Liang\'s footsteps came in from the outside.

Seeing that Zhang Liang was in a hurry, Liu Hao smiled and said, "ovary, if you can find me, there must be something great."

Zhang Liang bowed down and smiled: "Your Majesty\'s eyes are like a torch. A man sent a secret letter and hopes to see your majesty."

Liu Hao became interested and asked, "who is it?"

"Qi, Sun Bin."