The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2523

"Thank you for your advice."

Xuanjian turned over and saluted the white haired old man instead.

Liu Hao immediately lost his Qi skill.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Wu Qi - force 83, intelligence 95,... 92, commander 103, xuanbing 121!

Stunt 1, military God: Wu Qi runs the army strictly and uses his troops like a God. When he leads the army, he commands + 10!

All security departments under its command, force + 3, combat power + 8%!

Stunt 2, the second sage of strategists: Wu Qi is known as the second sage of strategists. If you write the book of war and teach carefully, you can make the enlightened person get a random promotion in command!

Stunt 3, Wei Wu: Wu Qi brings the aura of Wei Wu\'s legion.

When he was training Wei Wuzu, the training progress of his guards increased by 150%!

The marching speed of all Wei Wuzu under Wu Qi has been increased by 20%!

Xuan Bing:

It\'s Wu Qi, the military strategist!

Liu Hao looked at the old man in front of him with a slight chill in his heart.

History books have such a sentence to evaluate Wu Qi: "those who speak will be led by sun, Wu, Han and Bai".

It refers to the four people: Bing Sheng Sun Wu, Ya Sheng Wu Qi, Bing Xian Han Xin and Sha Shen Bai Qi.

It can be seen that Wu Qi\'s influence on strategists is very far-reaching.

However, it is rumored that after being denounced by the king of Wei, Wu Qi withdrew from the power center, became an official in the state of Wei, was excluded by power officials, and finally ended in depression.

I didn\'t expect that Wu Qi was still a person, and he was in the territory of sheguo. He also changed his identity as the head of the armored sect. It\'s really strange

"It\'s said that the emperor of Han Dynasty killed more than ten thousand soldiers in Wei Wu with one knife on anling road. I\'d like to experience the means of the emperor of Han Dynasty today."

Wu Qi beat back xuanjian and walked slowly in front of Liu Hao. His eyes were like a knife and stared at Liu Hao.

Dianqing was in a hurry and shouted, "master, this... Can you not do it?"

One side is the master in his own door, and the other side is the Ming Jun who is loyal to him. Dianqing doesn\'t want to see the scene of life and death between the two.

Wu Qi\'s face was cold and stern. Between his eyes, Jin mang was burning and didn\'t speak.

Liu Hao and Wu Qi stood opposite each other, their hair on their temples fluttered, their clothes and robes fluttered, and the purple in their eyes was like nine dragons floating.

Dianqing\'s heart was horizontal and he wanted to * * to stop Wu Qi.

Zhang Liang grabbed Dianqing and whispered, "the elder should have no malice, otherwise xuanjian won\'t be so easy..."

Xuanjian had climbed up from the ground and was not hurt. He was just shaken back by Wu Qi\'s palm. His mind was shaken and he couldn\'t help himself.

The third Niang rubbed her eyes and asked, "master, what are you doing?"

"This is the battle between God and man. It is a battle beyond the realm of great masters. We can\'t spy on it..."

In fact, the two people looked at each other and said, "there was no chance of killing each other......"

The fighting of God is also magnificent.

Liu Hao and Wu Qi took advantage of the wind, jumped up to nine days and began to attack.

As soon as Wu Qi made a move, the endless blood and evil spirit of Jinge turned into a sword. It was really frightening.

In the face of fierce killing, Liu Hao waved his sword calmly, but there was a kind of God Emperor Lingchen, holding the arrogance of rivers and mountains.

Between square inches, there is no limit to killing.

In the battle of mind, even an expert like xuanjian can only look up and feel it with his keen intuition, because he still has a long way to go from the top of the great master.

However, xuanjian benefited a lot from this battle. In the future, it will be less difficult to hit the pass on the top of the great master.

For a long time, the two men who turned into gods finally returned to normal.

Wu Qi stroked his chin and white beard, and his eyes always fell on Liu Hao. He sighed: "since that era, I can\'t imagine that emperors in this world can also become immortals. It\'s strange!"

He stared at Liu Hao with a strange look, as if he were looking at some monster.

Liu Hao opened his mouth and sighed: "I can\'t imagine that there are people who have broken through this realm."

Clam clam!

Wu Qi chuckled and said, "what\'s strange about this? The strategists inherit the ancient times, condense the gas of gold and iron, and kill people invisibly. I\'m sure you don\'t know such mysteries."

"The glorious and prosperous times in ancient times are no longer traceable, and now it is also a world of great controversy."

Liu Hao said with a smile, "Master Wu Qi is amazing. Now the sky is falling and the river is in chaos. It\'s the time for the strategists to show their fists and feet. Why don\'t you go out of the mountain and reproduce the glory of Wei Wu\'s soldiers in the past, and you can also swallow the Qi of Jinge\'s killing and contribute to cultivation."

After the first battle with Wu Qi, Liu Hao didn\'t know the military training method, but he also vaguely knew that it was probably related to the battlefield.

Soldiers, fierce and dangerous.

Only in the battlefield can military heirs really get iron blood experience.

Wu Qi remained silent. Wei Wuji walked up to Wu Qi, bowed to the ground and advised: "the former king has a negative elder. I have looked for the trace of the elder several times, but I have found nothing. Now that the state of Sheh is extinct, the glory of Wei Wuzu in the past can not be forgotten by the world. Please go out of the mountain and take charge of Wei Wuzu again!"

Since he was denounced by the state of Yi, Wu Qi has faded out of the sight of the world. Xinlingjun sent someone to look for it several times, but he returned without results.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Xinlingjun triggered the special attribute of Jiyong. Wu Qi\'s favorable degree to the host is + 20. At present, the favorable degree is 90 points, and the favorable degree reaches 90. The favorable degree is automatically converted into loyalty!"

Liu Hao felt a little happy

Can you still play like this!?

Unexpectedly, xinlingjun, a special attribute that is not impressive, has made great achievements at a critical time.

Wu Qi finally let go and said softly, "it\'s OK for me to take refuge in the state of Han, but I want to control the absolute command of Wei Wuzu in the future. Can the emperor of Han do it?"

Liu Hao smiled and said, "what\'s the difficulty? Just as the old general wishes."

"That\'s pretty much the same."

Wu Qi stroked his beard and asked, "but to become a soldier of Wei Wu, it takes unimaginable money. Is the emperor of Han willing?"

War is actually burning money, which has been the case since ancient times.

Wu Qi\'s Wei soldiers are all the sharpest long swords, the strongest armor and the most powerful soldiers!