The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2522

Dianqing pushed the golden mountain and fell on the jade pillar, knelt down, worshipped and saluted, and said, "Sanniang doesn\'t know the number of rites. Please forgive your majesty."

Sanniang saw her senior brother kneeling down. Although she didn\'t know what was wrong, she also spit out her tongue. She knelt down like a student and prepared to salute obediently.

"Get up, three niangs are naive and lovely. Do I have any reason to blame?"

Liu Hao lost his smile and waved his sleeves. A gentle emperor like a cloud suddenly escaped. It seemed that there was an invisible giant hand in the air, holding them up.

"Emperor Han? So you are the great hero that master often hangs in his mouth..."

Sanniang nodded suddenly and stared at Liu Hao strangely.

Liu Hao rubbed Sanniang\'s hair with interest and asked, "Sanniang, where\'s your master?"

Sanniang did not resist Liu Hao\'s intimacy. She was praised. She smiled happily and said, "Master said that Daliang city is bleeding and turbulent, and it is no longer safe. Now master is in the valley outside the city."

"It\'s better to bump into the sun than choose a day. Today, I happen to meet the old master of the armour sect."

Liu Hao\'s mind moved and said.

The martial arts of the armour clan are inherited from ancient times and come from an extraordinary origin. If this hard skill can be applied to the army and used in the battle array, the guard\'s copper skin and iron bones must have amazing combat power.

Liu Hao invited a car driver, followed by xinlingjun, Zhang Liang and others, and left Daliang city together.

On the way, Zhang Liang and Xin Lingjun talked about the general trend of the world, and they were somewhat sympathetic. When it came to the Changping war between Qin and Zhao, they both yearned for it.

Xinlingjun sighed: "in the battle between Qin and Zhao, I\'m still optimistic about the final victory of Qin. It will strengthen the seven dynasties of Qin and unify the will of heaven. The national strength of Qin is the accumulation of several generations, which may be more terrible than the other six countries."

"When the six countries joined forces to attack the state of Qin, it was only defeated but not destroyed. Now the king of Qin has eliminated the hidden dangers inside the chaotang. The rise of the Empire will be unstoppable. In the troubled times, there are many princes, but only the emperor of the Han Dynasty can defeat the king of Qin."

Zhang Liang also said: "the state of Qin has millions of powerful soldiers and countless secret service officers. The state of LAN is riding and shooting, and there are also the military God Li Mu and the veteran Lian Po. However, there are crafty and cunning people in China to control the government of the court, which is a great hidden danger. If it is used by the state of Qin, the scourge will be buried in the front battlefield of the state of LAN, and the state of Qin will win the battle. The minister believes that... The Qin Council will win the final victory of the Changping war."

The battle between Qin and Zhao moved the overall situation.

The two countries bet on their own national luck. Now they are both exploratory offensives. The real thunder blow will determine who is the overlord of the north.

"Ho ho."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and just smiled calmly: "sooner or later, I will personally meet the millions of soldiers of the Qin Empire."


After meeting Sanniang, Dianqing drove ahead. After leaving the city, he traveled about ten miles and soon reached an unknown Valley outside Daliang city.

This is the important place of the armored sect. It is hidden outside the world and no outsiders know it.

After the people got off the bus and died, Liu Hao suddenly felt a thick killing opportunity that seemed to be real. He was secretly spying on himself and couldn\'t help but pick his eyebrows slightly.

It seems to be watched by wild and fierce animals. It\'s extremely dangerous!

Zhang Liang and Wei Wuji instinctively feel uncomfortable, but xuanjian has taken the lead.

The black-and-white black Jian hidden in the dark is a kind of killer of the word of the snare. It is most sensitive to the gas of killing and cutting.

At the moment when he felt the murderous spirit, he immediately took his sword and walked away in the direction of the murderous spirit.


The black-and-white double swords came out of their scabbard, and the fierce sword Qi blasted the trees in front of him.

"Dare to covet the emperor of Han Dynasty and kill him!"

Xuanjian, who was strongly suppressed by Liu Hao, has an extraordinary awe of Liu Hao. Naturally, no one is allowed to do it in front of Liu Hao.

Dianqing also faced the enemy like a great enemy and carried the armor piercing Xuangong to protect Liu Hao. Be prepared for any danger that comes at any time.

Between Liu Hao\'s eyes, a strange light flashed, and a faint radian appeared at the corners of his mouth. His mind escaped with great interest, sensing the war in the dense forest.

I saw the fierce sound of the sword in the forest, the sudden sound of gold and iron, and Liu Hao\'s thoughts soared into the air.

Xuanjian is fighting a mysterious old man with white hair and beard.

The old man\'s murderous spirit is so strong that it is unimaginable. It seems that there are a sea of corpses and blood between his hands and feet, which makes people tremble.

Xuanjian, an expert of this level, was suppressed faintly!


After thirty rounds, xuanjian stabbed the old man\'s left rib with a vicious sword move. The fierce sword Qi seemed to hit an invisible vigorous Qi wall. It\'s hard to score half an inch!

The old man clapped his hand lightly, flew the Xuan Jian, and slowly took back his palm.

Xuanjian flew backwards with the broken kite and bumped into an ancient tree. He didn\'t matter much, but the ancient tree behind him was broken inch by inch and turned into a pile of sawdust in an instant.

"What a powerful means!"

Liu haoruo looked thoughtfully at the pile of sawdust.

Zhang Liang is also shocked. Xuanjian is already the most powerful expert under Liu Hao. He sneaked into Daliang city and pierced the sky. It\'s unimaginable that he was defeated by the old man in this unknown valley today.

Xinlingjun saw the old man, but his face was shocked. He got out of the car involuntarily, saluted deeply and said, "it turns out... The secret service officers and soldiers are still alive."

Before Pang Juan, there was a powerful secret service officer and army in the state of Sheung.

His name is Wu Qi.

Wei Wuzu was created by Wu Qi. He led 50000 Wei Wuzu, drove 500 cars and defeated 500000 Qin troops. It can be recorded in history!

Only Wu Qi can be worthy of the worship of xinlingjun.

"Secret service officers and soldiers?"

Dianqing was a little stunned. He scratched his head and asked, "master, is this the same thing?"

Sanniang blinked and looked at her master with a little doubt.

Shifu never revealed his past to his disciples. Unexpectedly, he was so famous that he once worshipped the secret service officers and soldiers.

The old man suspected of Wu Qi didn\'t deny it, but pointed to xuanjian and said with a smile: "this boy is not pleasing to the eye. He thought he was invincible with two swords. I don\'t know there are mountains outside the mountain and people outside the people."