The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2521

Zhang Liang asked, "what do you think, childe Wuji?"

Wei Wuji replied, "if the emperor of the Han Dynasty rules the army with power and the world with benevolence, the world will be peaceful and restored."


Zhang Liang looked at all kinds of living beings in the long street and said with heartfelt emotion: "Your Majesty is ambitious and wants to unify the world. Now the seven kingdoms have been destroyed by two countries, and Mr. Wuji is also an ambitious man. At present, the general situation is like this. Why not surrender to the Han Dynasty, assist the emperor of the Han Dynasty, wipe out the world as soon as possible, and let the people all over the world live such a stable life?"

Zhang Liang got LV Buwei\'s tongue debating stunt. He has unparalleled eloquence and has a strong appeal and persuasion between his words.

Wei Wuji hesitated and said with a bitter smile, "Wei Wuji is now a prisoner at the bottom of the rank. How can he be ambitious? Even at the beginning, it was my proposal to send troops to attack the Han Dynasty. Doesn\'t your majesty resent me?"

He is the brother of King Wei Anli. It is reasonable to say that King Wei Anli died of a big man. He should be full of hatred in his heart.

Liu Shanhao has no resentment in front of the sage, but he doesn\'t know why he has to face it.

"Believing in the name of the heroic king of the mausoleum, it shocked the seven countries. In the past, I was loyal to Wei. Naturally, I thought from the perspective of the king of Wei. Do I have any reason to blame?"

Liu Hao turned around, saluted Wei Wuji and said sincerely, "I\'ve always been very accurate. Han Fei and Zhang Liang were promoted to the phase by me. Xinlingjun is also a hero in the world. If I can get the help of xinlingjun, I can shed a lot less blood in the state of Xi and all the people in the world can also shed less blood. This is a great luck."

Wei Wuji was shocked, stood in place, silent for a long time, and was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty is generous in soliciting... If Wei Wuji refuses again, he will not appreciate it..."

A moment later, he took a deep breath, pushed Jinshan and poured jade pillars to worship the local people, bowed down and bowed his head, and solemnly saluted the kings and officials.

"Wei Wuji is willing to surrender!"

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host. You have successfully recruited Wei Wuji and the Dragon pupil Qi skill of the Heavenly Emperor. Use it successfully!

Xinlingjun Wei Wuji - force 84, intelligence 89,... 93, command 95, talent 92!

Stunt 1, unparalleled: as one of the four sons of the Warring States period, xinlingjun is unparalleled!

Wei Wuji intelligence + 2+ 2, command + 2!

Stunt 2, recruit bravery: xinlingjun has the name of a hero, which has a great chance to trigger the recruitment of hidden bravery!

Looking at Wei Wuji\'s attribute ability, Liu Hao likes it more and more.

be really something!

Almost all four attributes have broken through the 90 mark. What a proper cow!

Liu Hao hurried forward, picked up xinlingjun and said with a laugh, "I\'ve got the help of xinlingjun. It\'s like adding wings to the tiger and sweeping the world! It\'s really a blessing for all the people in the world!"

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, gather people\'s hearts. The loyalty of xinlingjun Wei Wuji is + 10, and the current loyalty is 88!"

Moved, Wei Wuji saluted hurriedly and said, "now the situation in Daliang city has been settled. I don\'t know what your majesty plans to do next?"

Knowing that he had something to say, Liu Hao said with a soft smile, "xinlingjun seems to have a plan in mind. I\'d like to hear it in detail."

Wei Wuji said: "in today\'s world, the national strength of the Qin, Zhao and Chu countries was originally the most prosperous. After your majesty swallowed the foundation of the two countries, it is gradually sweeping the rivers and mountains. The next top priority is to consolidate the foundation, integrate the foundation of the two countries into their own, and then send troops eastward to attack the state of Qi."

"The state of Qi has become increasingly weak in recent years. The king of Qi Xiang is indecisive and has no ambition. He is not a man who can accomplish anything. His majesty can take all the land of the state of Qi, and the industry of King hegemony will gradually become..."

Xinlingjun was ambitious, but he was constrained by long Yangjun in the state of Xi and suspected by King li of Wei\'an. At this time, he told Liu Hao the policy of hegemony he had long thought of.

"He is worthy of being one of the four sons of the Warring States period. He was a hero who defeated the Qin army several times. He is really insightful."

Liu Hao nodded slightly and was very satisfied.

Wei Wuji has a strong ability to seize the opportunity.

In fact, it was also the time to attack the Han Dynasty, but he miscalculated Liu Hao\'s strength.

Liu Hao\'s immortal sword broke thousands of armor. It was so shocking that he broke the courage of the Wei army. Only then did he have the subsequent defeat and not the crime of war.

With Wei Wuji, the turbulence after the collapse of the Republic of Macedonia will soon be calmed down.

When he completely integrated the details of the two countries, Liu Hao had the confidence to officially challenge the Qin Empire.

The monarchs and ministers said as they walked and agreed very well.

Suddenly, a little girl sprang out of the alley on the street, her hands crossed her waist and shouted, "senior brother!!"

This girl is only in her teens, but she is very heroic, and the peaks in front of her chest are quite large.

Dianqing followed Liu Hao and heard the sound. Xiong\'s body was shocked suddenly. He was pleasantly surprised and shouted, "Sanniang!?"

"This girl is the third mother of the armour clan?"

Liu Hao glanced, and a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In the original plot, Sanniang is one of the six experts of the farm family, which is enough to show that the little girl has extraordinary talent.

Liu Hao was naturally happy after receiving a ceremony and a seed of martial arts with great potential in the future.

"Elder martial brother, it\'s you!"

Sanniang saw Dianqing and ran out happily.

The white armour army on the street was about to stop, but Liu Hao raised his hand and pressed it falsely.

"They all said that the elder martial brother died in the war. Sanniang thought she would never see the elder martial brother again!"

Sanniang\'s petite body held Dianqing\'s thigh, and her tears and snot rubbed against his trouser legs.

Dianqing giggled and said, "elder martial brother, isn\'t he good? How can he die?"

"I don\'t care!"

Sanniang glanced at Dianqing, and her big eyes turned around. Finally, they fell on Liu Hao and said, "anyway, without Sanniang\'s permission, senior brother can\'t die! By the way, senior brother, who is this handsome brother?"

"Sanniang, don\'t be rude. Apologize to your majesty."

Dianqing put his hand on his forehead and felt a little pain in his brain.

The armored sect is reckless in the Jianghu. Naturally, the disciples of the armored sect have no education.

Sanniang is outspoken and has little experience in the Jianghu. She blurts out her likes or dislikes, but she doesn\'t quite understand the current concept of superiority and inferiority