The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2520

This is the story that will be passed down to future generations.

After the war between Wei and Han Dynasties, king Qi Xiang did not know from what way. He heard that Han Fei and Zhang Liang, the two young prime ministers of the Great Han Dynasty, were both from xiaoshengxian villa, so he was moved.

The revered leader of a great country drove to xiaoshengxian villa in person. He followed the villa leader Fu Nian to ask several outstanding Confucian disciples to be an official in the court Hall of the state of Qi.

This event not only made xiaoshengxianzhuang famous, but also made the unique vision of Han Emperor Liu Hao praised by the world.



When Liu Hao came to Zhang Liang\'s house, he looked a little stunned.

I saw that at this time, in front of Zhang Liang\'s house, there were people.

Most of these people were the old ministers of the state of Sheung. They looked uneasy one by one. They gathered in front of Zhang Liang\'s door with gifts and even consciously lined up.

The procession is as winding as a long dragon. Liu Hao can\'t cry or laugh when he sees it.

Since the country was destroyed and the regime was replaced, it was necessary to reshuffle its power.

These people tried their best to understand that Zhang Liang was Liu Hao\'s confidant and master through various channels, so they wanted to hold Zhang Liang\'s thick thigh in advance to board Liu Hao\'s huge ship.

"Your Majesty has arrived, and the idle people are waiting to disperse!"

Bai Feng, dressed in armor and holding a sword, shouted majestically, "who dares to block the way is tantamount to plotting against a great crime, who dares to die!"

In the battle of intercepting and killing the first secret service officer of sheguo, Bai Feng made great contributions and showed her extraordinary talent, so she was brought by Liu Hao to cultivate.

Hearing the word "Han Emperor", these people were as frightened as mice when they met cats. They knelt down and dared not look up.

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty is very powerful. Please spare his life!"

The crowd cried tremblingly, but no one dared to come forward and stop Liu Hao.

After all, Dianqing walking in front is like an iron and steel giant. The tiger\'s eyes are looking forward to it. It\'s extremely powerful. It\'s chilly to flatter Zhang Liang\'s team around!

This big man looks like a ferocious God. His palms are as big as a palm fan. It seems that when he reaches out and pinches it, he can crush a head

Liu Hao entered Zhang\'s house. Zhang Liang had been waiting at the door for a long time. Seeing Liu Hao, he quickly stepped forward to salute: "minister, Zhang Liang, welcome your majesty."

Liu Hao teased: "Zifang, now before your residence, there is a different atmosphere. I have seen all the official situations after standing for a while."

"Your Majesty laughed."

Zhang Liang smiled bitterly: "Your Majesty, most of these people are scholars and bureaucrats of the state of shea. They want to take the ship of your Majesty in the next power reshuffle, but they dare not go to the palace, so they can only come to the minister\'s house to inquire about the limelight. There are many people and things, and the minister is helpless..."

After a pause, Zhang Liang said with a light smile: "in fact, if you want to complete the power reshuffle of the imperial court, as long as your majesty goes and subdues one person, the problem will be solved naturally."

Liu Hao moved slightly in his heart and blurted out: "what you said is xinlingjun?"

"Yes, that\'s the man."

Zhang Liang bowed and said, "Your Majesty is holy and bright. Xinlingjun is a hero of the seven countries. He is popular among the people of the state of shea. If you accept xinlingjun, the stability of the government and the public of the state of shea will be shortened by at least two months."

To reshuffle power, a large number of people will be involved. At that time, I don\'t know how many people\'s heads will roll to the ground.

Liu Hao is well versed in imperial art and naturally knows what is wrong.

At this time, the state of Xi had just collapsed. It would be better to use the chess piece of xinlingjun to check and balance the situation.

"In that case, I\'ll go with you."


Wei Wuji, the king of Xinling, sat in the pavilion, with wine jars piled up in front of him.

That night, long Yangjun launched a rebellion in Daliang city. He almost turned the tide. Unfortunately, he was stopped by xuanjian\'s killer with the night.

Xuanjian lurked in the dark and made trouble. He just captured xinlingjun alive, but didn\'t hurt him.

Because Han Fei had ordered the head of the night to capture the living xinlingjun before deploying the Xi state operation at that time.

Up to now, the collapse of the Republic of Macedonia has become a foregone conclusion.

Wei Wuji harbors high talents and soldiers. As a result, he is full of ambition. At this time, he is idle and confined, his future is uncertain, and he is naturally depressed. He can only paralyze himself with wine.

"Welcome your majesty!"

The guards of the white armour army in charge of guarding fell on one knee and shouted loudly.

Listening to the crowd\'s fanaticism mixed with the cry of infinite admiration, xinlingjun\'s eyebrows jumped suddenly, the action of raising a glass stopped, and he couldn\'t help looking back.

I saw a magnificent young emperor walking straight in.

Beside him, there was a young man in white, with an indifferent smile hanging from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were clear and deep.

The king of Xinling bowed his head and asked, "it\'s said that the emperor of Han Dynasty rushed into the array with a knife and killed tens of thousands of Wei Wu soldiers with one knife? But today he uses this knife to take a head?"

He is unwilling!

The death of Wei Wuzu can be said to be a turning point in this war.

He has rehearsed countless times. With Pang Juan\'s ability and Wei Wuzu\'s unparalleled bravery, he sent troops to attack the state of Han, and the odds of victory are at least 90%!

As a result, Wei Wu died in the first war, and the morale of the defense of the state of Xi also fell to the bottom.

In cold weapon war, morale is the most critical battlefield factor.

Liu Hao said with a smile, "I can only break thousands of armor with one knife, and tens of thousands of armor with one knife. That\'s beyond the reach of immortals. Most of them are people in the army. It\'s a bit exaggerated."

After a pause, Liu Hao continued, "I came here today to take xinlingjun to the city."

"A knife cut off the spirit of Wei Wuzu!"

Wei Wuji was slightly stunned. He immediately stood up and suddenly laughed: "is it a mortal for the emperor of the Han Dynasty to use such means? I am convinced that I have lost. Wei Wuji is relieved to go this way."

Sure enough, he is a straightforward and natural man. No wonder he is known as the four sons of the Warring States period.

Liu Hao, with Zhang Liang and Wei Wuji, walked around the wide streets of Daliang city.

Today\'s Daliang city can be seen everywhere with clanking iron armor and white armored troops with long weapons and halberds patrolling the city.

Liu Hao always ruled the people with benevolence and maintained stability with heavy troops. The order in the city has been restored to stability.

There are already vendors selling things in the streets. The people of the state of shea also feel the sincerity of the Han Dynasty and restore their old life.

Wei Wuji looked into his eyes and sighed in his heart: it\'s a great misfortune to be the enemy of the emperor Shengming