The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2519


After hearing the word "Han state", he replaced the blank space, put down the bamboo slips in his hand, picked his eyebrow and asked, "how? What did xuanjian get?"

Qin Liang said in a astringent voice: "my subordinates are incompetent. A snared prefecture level killer, he broke through the interception of the night in the state of Han and sent the news back..."

"Xuanjian... Suspected to have defected."


Qin Liang suddenly breathed and shivered. He instinctively felt the anger of the Lord of the Empire

"And... There\'s another message."

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty personally led the army and fought with Pang Juan, a special service officer of the state of Xi, on anling road. Wei Wu died in the first battle. Pang Juan was defeated and died. The Han army made great strides and directly laid down Daliang city..."

"The king of Wei Anli was scared to death at the head of the city. The king of Wei fell, and Qi troops and horses attacked the land of Wei... The second state of Xi was destroyed after Xinluo..."


Qin Liang finished in fear and heard a sound of cold air.

In this study, without him, naturally there was only the young king of Qin.

Qin Liang secretly raised his head, glanced slightly with the light from the corner of his eye, and saw the shocked look on his face.

Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, tens of thousands of people.

Since LV Buwei\'s death, the replacement of blank space has been the sole authority of the court. No matter what people and things he faces, he looks calm even if Mount Tai collapses in front.

Today, because of Liu Hao, I lost my mind for the first time.

"King... King?"

Qin Liang knelt down and whispered twice.

When he recovered, he suddenly burst out laughing: "what a Han Emperor, who destroyed the two countries in a few months. Qin Liang, what kind of person do you think he is?"

"My minister is stupid and dare not talk nonsense."

"If you say so, do you have any information about this person?"

"Back to the king."

Qin Liang said: "the net tried every means to find out the news and paid a lot of price. He only knew that the emperor of Han Dynasty was not a member of Xinluo. Since the heaven and earth vision in Kowloon on that day, this person appeared in Xueyi castle..."

"After that, Xueyi Castle secretly turned out of the state of Xinluo, and 100000 white armour troops fell into the hands of the emperor of Han Dynasty. Only then did the latter raid Xinzheng City in the name of marriage..."

Qin Liang reported the information collected by the snare in every detail and said, "my minister will order people to send all these information to your majesty."

Replace the blank space thoughtfully, with deep eyes and a slow voice: "remember this name, this person will be the great enemy of the Qin Empire!"



"The first battle of Changping finally broke out between Qin and Zhao..."

Liu Hao, sitting in daliangcheng, also received information about the war between Qin and Zhao in Changping.

Millions of troops, golden goblins and iron horses, can feel the grandeur of swallowing the sky only from the letters and information.

Mingzhuzhen leaned on Liu Hao\'s arm and muttered, "it\'s better for the two countries to start a war, so that the pressure faced by Shangdang county will be less."

After Liu Hao ate the Pearl at the Hanwang palace in Xinzheng, the girl became more and more charming, and the bodyguards around her began to call her lady pearl.

Liu Hao patted the Pearl on her back and said softly with a smile, "I wish Bai Yifei would go through a few more bloody battles in order to improve quickly. However, Shangdang county can\'t stay for a long time. When the time is ripe, Bai Yifei will immediately give up Shangdang as planned."

The Pearl raised her head slightly and asked, "Your Majesty wants to give up the Shangdang?"

Liu Hao said with a smile: "in the battle of Changping, millions of troops from the two countries will be put into the battlefield. The front is very open, and Shangdang county will be swept by the war. Han Fei has long planned to let Bai Yifei defend Shangdang at this time, but for military training. When the time is ripe, he will withdraw from Shangdang county and preserve his strength."

"It turns out that Shangdang is nothing but the loss of one place. Your majesty cares about the whole world. I admire it."

Little stars appeared in the Pearl\'s eyes, full of reverence.

Liu Hao spoiled and rubbed her cheek, smiling without saying anything.

Compared with famous generals such as Bai Qi, Wang Jian and Li Mu in the Warring States period, Bai Yifei\'s command value is still low.

Command value is a comprehensive evaluation of the combat capability of a general by the system. Liu Hao is such a secret service officer on the table at present, so he should be carefully trained.

After Daliang city became stable, Liu Hao sent a horse to Bai Yifei to understand the book of war that Pang Juan burst out. If he can understand it, he will make a lot of money.

"How many cities have the defense of the state of Qi attacked Weidi crazily?"

"Tian Ji didn\'t dare to attack Daliang city. He dispatched troops to the South and has conquered 37 cities, making him the reputation of the first secret service officer of the state of Qi. There was a voice in the court of the state of Qi that let Tian Ji take advantage of the opportunity to attack Daliang City."

"Hehe, it\'s all Sun Bin\'s idea."

Liu Hao smiled calmly and said, "now that most of the cities of the state of Xi are included in the territory of the Han Dynasty, I have eaten enough meat, and I have to let the state of Qi follow behind to drink some soup. Let Tian Ji attack Daliang City, and Tian Ji dare not come. If he comes, I will kill him."

Mingzhu chuckled and said, "Your Majesty... It\'s really bad, but I like it."

In the end, there are still problems in the talent reserve under Liu Hao.

The top advisers include Han Fei and Zhang Liang. They plan the overall situation without mistakes.

However, there is a shortage of middle-level talents, especially Liu Hao\'s continuous expedition... Shuffle, Han territory continues to expand.

The available talents recruited by the Kirin hall are far from enough to fill the vacancy.

"There must be a way to the front of the mountain. Don\'t think about it..."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and whispered, "get ready to drive and go to the Zifang house."


A month ago, Zhang Lianggang came out of the sage\'s village to study. He was just an unknown Confucian scholar.

But now, this white dress has become famous all over the world!

Everyone knows that Han Fei was the first to help collect the land of Xinluo and establish the foundation of the Han Dynasty.

Another Counselor named Zhang Liang, at the age of weak crown, worshipped as the right phase.

When he was born, he offered a plan to destroy the state and lobbied the state of Qi. Then he killed the Wei war. All kinds of arrangements made the huge state of Xi collapse and overturn within one month.

After Zhang Liang worshipped in white and covered the world, he even triggered a widely circulated story