The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2518

"Pang Juan, the special service officer of the state of Shea, was defeated in the first battle, and tens of thousands of Wei soldiers were wiped out. Pang Juan led the defeated army to turn to Maling road. After many ambushes by the joint forces of Qi and Han, she finally died and was assassinated on Maling road by Han swordsmen..."

"Pang Juan was defeated miserably. The main force of the white armour army is in the battlefield of Maling road. It can also divide troops to raid Daliang city. King li of Wei\'an was scared to death!"

Seeing this, Zhao WangYan stared round, patted the table and said with a sneer, "this fool... Fool! I\'m so cowardly and deserve to die!"

LAN state, Yi state and Silla state, both from Jin, were originally brothers and friends, but in recent years, there have been many struggles among them.

On the court hall, the officials of LAN state were speechless.

They can understand Zhao WangYan\'s depressed mood.

The state of LAN is strong and powerful. King Yan of Zhao has always been ambitious. He regards the state of Xinluo and the state of Xi as the meat in his own bowl. He wants to annex South Korea and Wei, support the power of the three countries and dominate among the princes.

However, Xinluo state and Xi state were swallowed up by Han state like lightning. LAN state can\'t even drink soup now, let alone eat meat!

Zhao WangYan to Liu Hao, that\'s called envy, jealousy and hatred!

Lin Xiangru, a prime minister, stood out and said, "why should the king of Zhao worry? The emperor of Han Dynasty usurped the throne by conspiracy and established the country wrongly. Now he colluded with the state of Qi and fought several battles with the state of Xi, and the losses must be heavy. Now that our country is strong and strong, why not send the cavalry led by Datong to surprise the party and win!"

Zhao WangYan\'s eyes flickered and asked in a deep voice, "what do you think of this proposal... Aiqing?"

Another minister, Guo Kai, came out and said, "please think twice, your majesty. I think the heart of the tiger and wolf is clear. There will be a big war before March. At this time, if you make enemies with the state of Han again, when the war between Qin and Zhao, you should be careful that the state of Han sends troops behind you..."

Lin Xiangru said angrily, "the Shangdang is the strategic place of the Changping war. How can it be controlled by the Han country? Guo Kai, don\'t miss the country!"

Guo Kai said with a strange smile: "the minister is naturally not as wise as the prime minister, but the king\'s real enemy is the state of Qin after all, not the state of Han with shallow details..."

"All right, all right, stop arguing."

Zhao WangYan\'s head was big when he heard it.

LAN is a strong country, but it is located in the center of Qin, Yan, Wei and Han Dynasties, and its geographical location and diplomatic relations are awkward.

Because of the prosperous population, Qin was attracted to it. Even Yan entered the country every year and fought with Zhao Jun several times.

Just as he hesitated, there was a rush of footsteps outside the hall.

The scouts in the army flew into the hall and shouted, "tell the king, there is an urgent report for three hundred miles!"

"The secret service officers and soldiers of the state of Qin rose in vain and led 300000 troops to attack Changping. Now Changping is in a hurry. Please send troops to help!"

Changping is an important military town of the state of LAN and a gateway to resist the invasion of the state of Qin into the state of LAN.

It was in Changping that Li Mu defeated the army of the state of Qin and gained the reputation of the military God, which shocked the world.

But hearing the news, everyone in the hall was in an uproar.

The mortal enemy of LAN is always the state of Qin.

Only Daqin, who sits on the fertile soil of Guanzhong for thousands of miles, is worthy to compete with LAN state, which is the best in the world.

Zhao Wang Yan breathed a sigh and said in a deep voice, "pass on Li Mu, the special service officer and army, and prepare to discuss the use of troops for Qin!"



After the death of LV Buwei, the famous Minister of the Empire, the king of Qin, who had been patient, replaced the blank space and finally made an action.

And it\'s a big move to shake the government and the public.

Replacing the blank space order, Qin Liang was ordered by CRRC government, and took over the whole network.

Then, replace the blank space and send Han, the leader of the shadow guard system, to lead the imperial shadow guard. With the momentum of thunder, he suddenly launched an attack and took down the long letter Hou Yi who plotted to rebel.

This man can also be called a legend in the Warring States period.

This man was originally a chess piece buried by LV Buwei in the palace. When he became the face of his biological mother Zhao Ji, he took power and gradually began to breed ambition.

When LV Buwei, the prime minister, was alive, he naturally dared not move. When LV Buwei died, he ordered the secret service officers and soldiers to lead a war with Wang Jian. He thought the time had come and began to raise dead soldiers to attack Gaoyang and plot big events.

As everyone knows, his every move is under the surveillance of an all pervasive net.

There is no doubt that this rebellion ended in failure.

Zhang Han got the secret order of the king of Qin and acted with great vigour. The shadow secret guard Lingshen unconsciously caught him. He immediately became a mob of rebels and was killed on the spot.

The king of Qin sat down in Gaoyang and gave orders. The car cracked.

This once domineering and arrogant dog came to a miserable end. After being dismembered by five horses, his body was thrown on the wilderness and fed to wild dogs.

Replace the blank space with ruthless iron blood, destroy the three ethnic groups, and lead 20 people, including Wei Weijie, NEISHI Si, Zuo Gejie and Ling Qi, all of them!

Bloody and violent!

The whole state of Qin is shaking!

Some of these ministers are actually followers of LV Buwei. The killing of King Qin\'s iron blood is actually a signal:

The era that belonged to the imperial Prime Minister LV Buwei has passed!

The young king is now in charge of the Qin Empire!

He turned his hands for the cloud and covered his hands for the rain. Who dares to refuse and provoke the wrath of the king of Qin, he will kill thousands of miles of blood, and he will not hesitate!

Replace the blank space and strongly clean the chaotang. No one dares to disobey the young king of Qin.

At the same time, the secret service officers and soldiers of the state of Qin led the army by 300000, and rushed to attack the Changping of the state of LAN. Wang Jian led the army of wearing armour for hundreds of battles, which responded to Bai Qi with the momentum of sweeping.

The two imperial secret service officers dispatched together, which brought great pressure to LAN state.

Zhao Wang Yan quickly transferred back to Li Mu, the military God stationed in Yanmen county to defend chest slaves, and asked him to lead 400000 troops to confront the Qin army on the front line of Changping.

Qin and Zhao, millions of troops, gathered at the Changping border, and a war was imminent!

Gao Yang.

In the solemn King Qin palace, black armor guards on both sides stood in awe with long halberds.

Before replacing the blank paperwork, bamboo slips and documents piled up like a mountain.

After the young king of Qin cleaned the court with cruel means, he will also be diligent in government affairs and deal with internal affairs in an orderly manner.

Footsteps as light as nothing came from the cloister of the palace que.

Seeing the unclean Qin Liang walking through the Qin palace, the black armor guards chose to ignore it.

The eunuch became the order of Zhongche mansion and became a popular man around the king of Qin. Qin Liang\'s face was dignified today. He hurried into the study where he worked. He knelt down on his knees, bowed his head, and whispered, "tell the king, there is news from the state of Han recently."