The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2517

Every world has a rhythm of war that belongs to the current era.

Just like in the Warring States period, when the two countries marched and fought, they mostly relied on the frontal confrontation of the military array, rather than the single fight in front of the fierce generals.

Liu Hao lost his smile and said, "I\'ll trade the safety of everyone in your armor door for your life. Will you sell it?"

"Is there such a good thing?"

Dianqing was skeptical, but finally agreed.

In his opinion, his life is rotten and he will die if he becomes a prisoner of war.

But the life of the brother and sister of the armored sect is much more important than themselves.

Liu Hao patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Dianqing, after that, you will follow me to carry the red dragon flag and let the reputation of the armored gate spread all over the seven countries."

This ferocious and honest man reminds Liu Hao of his first code general.

They are also fierce people who can\'t be opened by one man.

Liu Hao clearly remembers that in the plot of the Qin Dynasty, after the collapse of the state of Shea, Dianqing was solicited by the farmers and became the number one attendant under the Zhu family of shennongtang.

This natural Vajra physique is also a talent. If it is used to attack and trap the array, it is invincible.

After soliciting Dianqing and asking someone to take him to change his clothes, Liu Hao looked around the prisoner of war camp and slowly climbed onto a general platform. Lang said, "I will destroy Xinluo and then destroy sheguo. Next, more princes will be trampled under my feet, and more and more territory will belong to the big man!"

"Who among you is willing to live and who is willing to die!"

"Those who want to survive will kneel down and kowtow and join the Han army. I will not stop those who want to die. I will kill them on the spot and send them on the road!"

The powerful and domineering voice stirred in the prison camp and spread far and wide.

Tens of thousands of soldiers from the Yi country were shocked and had a strong desire to survive, which made these soldiers roar together.

"We wish to live!"

Mole ants are still greedy for life, not to mention people?

These people are still alive with parents and children.

The collapse of the motherland is a sad thing, but there are a few martyrs who dare to die after all. No one is willing to leave their relatives to die generously.

The center of tens of thousands of eager eyes is Liu Hao on this high platform.

"Meet the emperor of Han Dynasty. We are willing to surrender!"

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Wei Meng, the commander of the left army squadron of the state of Xi, surrendered. The additional reward is 300 points!"

"Congratulations to the host. Zhao Han, a soldier of Wei and Wu of the state of Xi, surrendered. The additional reward worship value is 300 points!"



A series of sounds of nature like system prompt sounds suddenly sounded in my ears.

Liu Hao\'s super-high monarchical charm is a great weapon to recruit and surrender prisoners of war.

It can be seen by the naked eye that the balance of worship value has increased a lot. Liu Hao nodded with satisfaction and said with a loud smile: "ovary, you can do more. The task of rectifying the country and reducing soldiers is up to you."

Zhang Liang arched his hand and said with a smile, "Congratulations, your majesty. It\'s also your duty to have tens of thousands of troops to serve your majesty."

After arranging the surrender of the soldiers, Liu Hao turned sideways and said, "what\'s the news about the Jianghu forces in the state of shea?"

Confucianism violates the rules by writing, and chivalry is prohibited by martial arts.

Since ancient times, the turbulence of the national political situation has always been accompanied by the presence of Jianghu forces.

Xuanjian said, "the armored sect has a long history. It has always been the most powerful sect in the state of shea. Most of its disciples join the Wei Wuzu after they have achieved a small success in martial arts. The rest of the Jianghu forces are not worth mentioning."

After a pause, xuanjian said, "give your subordinates three days to eliminate all the Jianghu forces in sheguo. Those who follow will prosper and those who go against will die."

Liu Hao said faintly, "within three days, I want to see a stable Daliang city."

Xuanjian is not a talkative person. Qiang ran hugged his fist and took the order.

"When Wu Qi was there, he once took 50000 Wei Wu soldiers and made the feat of breaking the Qin army by 500000. It seems that there is also the story of the armored gate..."

Liu Hao pinched his chin and asked, "Dianqing, who else is there except you?"

Dianqing urn said in a voice: "I\'m the senior brother of the armored sect. Except that I\'ve trained to be the most management level of the sect, only master is more powerful than me."

"The rest of the martial brothers can\'t practice their Kung Fu well. Most of them died in battle and few survived... There is also Sanniang in the door. She is the younger martial sister of our school. The master said that her talent is very good and she will make great achievements in the future..."

Speaking of Sanniang, Dianqing, an iron giant, showed a trace of tenderness in his tiger eyes.

Liu Hao patted Dianqing on the shoulder and whispered, "Sanniang must be the most beautiful girl in the world."

Dianqing grinned and said, "Hey, hey! I also think Sanniang is beautiful. I\'ll be very happy if she can survive..."

Living in such troubled times of the Warring States period is like a lonely boat in a rolling flood tide. People can only drift with the waves. Life and death depend on the will of heaven.

Survivors like Dianqing and Sanniang are lucky.

"Your master, did you say, what is the origin of the armored door?"

Liu Hao is curious about the armour clan because he can see that the martial arts of this vein are mysterious.

Ordinary people who practice martial arts practice refining Qi and internal breathing.

The martial arts of the armour sect is a new way. It starts with external skills. After the external skills are trained to a small degree, the muscles, veins and bones will be naturally quenched and trained to a great degree. From the outside to the inside, the true Qi will grow by itself.

This kind of cultivation method is actually similar to King Kong\'s immortal Kung Fu.

The process of cultivation is arduous. For ordinary people, it is like a natural moat, but once the cultivation is successful, it is no exaggeration to defeat thousands of troops.

Dianqing shook his head and said, "master only said it was a secret method handed down from ancient times. I don\'t know anything else. If your majesty wants to know, you can ask my master. Master, he was Wei Wu\'s death in those days. Now he lives in seclusion and doesn\'t ask about world affairs..."

"Martial arts are above the ceremony, but they are still alive. This is a rare hidden master!"

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple light flashed!


In the troubled times of the Warring States period, there were many spies.

Not long after Liu Hao took the city of Daliang, the news of the collapse of the state of Xi had been spread all over the world.

Handan, Zhao palace.

King Zhao sat on the throne of red gold and looked solemnly at the secret report from the spy. His face became very wonderful