The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2512

From time to time, Pang Juan was in a mess, and his sword swing slowed down by one point.

Master duel, the most taboo battle distraction.

Pang Juan\'s swordsmanship was originally fierce, but Weizhuang\'s talent was still above him. In such a moment, he caught the fighter.

Wei Zhuang\'s narrow Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly, and the cold awn suddenly appeared.


The long sword in the palm turned into a broken air flying shark, suddenly burst into speed, turned the waves into a short distance, and swept pangjuan\'s neck in an instant.

When the sword Qi falls, blood flows like a flood.


Pang Juan\'s long sword in her palm fell to the ground, covering her neck with both hands.

But the artery has been cut off by the sword gas, and the fresh blood is like a fountain. It can\'t stop rushing out. Even if the gods come down to earth, they can\'t be saved.

This majestic body pushed the golden mountain and fell on the jade pillar. Before she died, pangjuan suddenly remembered the good time she had spent with Sun Bin.

The teacher lingguzi once made a vague comment on their future.

Sun Bin\'s is "a life of nine deaths will eventually become a great weapon".

Pang Juan\'s comment is "every mausoleum will lose, and every forest will die". I didn\'t expect that today\'s remark has become a proverb.

A generation of famous generals.

Pang Juan died here.



Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. The White army defeated the Wei soldiers and defeated 200000 Wei troops. The White army sergeant was as angry as a rainbow, and the Legion aura was promoted to the imperial rating!"

"Congratulations to the host. Weizhuang killed Pang Juan, the famous general of the state of Xi. The additional reward is 20000 worship value and 30000 merit points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the soul stone * 2!"

"Congratulations to the host, who has won a treasure chest of emperor rating!"


A series of sounds of nature like system prompts sounded in Liu Hao\'s ears.

The rich reward made Liu Hao unconsciously show a subtle smile.

The white armour army is the best in Xinluo. It was originally evaluated by the Legion rated as the king. After this war, it was not in vain that Liu Hao specially transferred this elite security department to the war to destroy Wei.

Weizhuang implements the decapitation plan with great vigour, and has the unique demeanor of the leader of Liusha in later generations.

After Ji Wuye, the first secret service officer of Xinluo, Pang Juan, the secret service officer of Xi, also died under the shark tooth sword of Weizhuang.

"Unfortunately, Pang Juan is not awesome enough to burst out the spring and autumn charm, or else it will make more money."

Liu Hao felt a little sorry and opened the imperial treasure chest.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Spirit Valley book!"

Linggu book (Imperial rating): it records the essentials of Linggu\'s one line war book. After thoroughly reading the enlightenment, the command value will be randomly increased by 1-3 points!

The treasure of military books has a special bonus to the commander. It\'s rare. It can be regarded as a small masterpiece!

Liu Hao nodded slightly and collected the book of war. In the future, he will have the opportunity to read the enlightenment to Bai Yifei and others. It will be of great benefit.

The war began in the territory of the Han state and went all the way to the Maling road of the sheguo state, and finally came to an end.

The Bai Jia army has been biting the remnant army of the state of Sheung for hundreds of miles, and is now cleaning up the battlefield.

Mingzhu sat on the horse and drove with Liu Hao, with her back straight and her legs long and round.

Her breast was full and plump, her body was slim and graceful, and she had the charm of being a new woman.

"The Lord seemed to laugh just now?"

Pearl twisted her slender waist and asked, "Lord, at this time, the Wei army was defeated. What should we do next?"

Liu Hao said calmly, "the ovary has planned strategies. It has already been arranged. Now Pang Juan is dead. The battle to destroy Wei is coming to an end. Send troops directly to Daliang city. The destruction of the state of shea is in front of you."

"I can\'t believe that the state of Xi was destroyed like this..."

Pearl suddenly felt like a dream.

Since the spring and Autumn period, the princes have fought disorderly, and the whole world has been full of blood and fire.

No one can achieve reunification.

No one has ever killed the enemy like Liu Hao.

Talk and laugh, break the army for 200000.

The seemingly powerful state of shea will be overturned in the twinkling of an eye.

Such a hero, looking at the world, who can compare?



Daliang city.

This King City of the state of Xi is magnificent and vicissitudes, but now it is dead.

There are more than 400000 security leaders all over the country, of which more than half of the troops and horses led by Pang Juan are used to attack the big men.

There are only 50000 garrisons in charge of defending the king\'s capital in the city.

The state of Qi, with the commander Tian Ji as the main general, listened to the plan of joining Sun Bin, the division of the security headquarters. First, it attacked with light cavalry guerrillas. 100000 troops came to the border. Lien Chan won a series of victories and captured more than ten cities. The front of the army was pressing against Daliang city.

On the ancient road, smoke billowed.

In a simple carriage.

Sun Bin sat in a wheelchair with a white chess piece in his hand and looked calm.

Sitting opposite him was Tian Ji, the leader of the state of Qi. His face was red and excited:

"Ha ha! The military master is really resourceful. He is sure that Pang Juan will lose Maling road. Now the country is empty. It is time for us to forge ahead."

Sun Bin frowned and said, "the emperor of the Han Dynasty will not let Pang Juan go. After this war, Pang Juan will die. However, there may be changes in the situation of the state of shea. The combat power of the Han army is somewhat unexpected."

Tian Ji also nodded, his face gradually dignified, "if the spy\'s news is not wrong, the Han army is personally led by the Han Emperor this time. With 100000 elite white armour army, he defeated pangjuan\'s 200000 elite, which can\'t be underestimated."

Sun Bin shook his head and burst into laughter.

This is more than can not be underestimated, it is simply incredible!

Pang Juan came from the same school as him. No one in the world knows Pang Juan better than him.

Although her gas capacity pattern is limited, when it comes to the deployment of troops, Pang Juan is indeed unique in Linggu, which is enough to rank among the world\'s first-class generals.

What\'s more, Pang Juan still has Wei Wuzu, the iron blood elite of the state of Yi.

Even Wei Wuzu\'s valiant and courageous, all of whom are enemies of ten. Even Wei Wuzu can\'t stop the front of the Han army. If the defense of the state of Qi is against the Han Army, what\'s the chance of winning?

The so-called taking one step and looking at three steps is also the basic quality of a top counselor.

In the simple carriage, Sun Bin sighed:

"The emperor of Han Dynasty is unfathomable!"