The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2513


For the first time in ten years.

Daliang City, known as the city of no closure at night, closed the gate tightly at sunrise.

Several stone bridges on the broad moat outside the city are also closed by iron bars.

The people in the city felt the smell of war, the door was closed, and the whole city was full of fear and shock.

King li of Wei\'an was so anxious that he was like an ant on a hot pot. He no longer had the romantic spirit of that day.

Pang Juan, the secret service officer, is leading 200000 troops, and less than 50000 forbidden troops can be mobilized temporarily in Daliang city. Now it is a time of turmoil. The king of Wei just wants to transfer Pang Juan back quickly and stabilize the foundation first.

After all, only Daliang city is the King City of the state of Sheung.

"Did Pang Juan come back?"

"Back to the king, the secret service officers and soldiers lost the first battle with the Han army. Now they withdraw into the territory of the great Wei Dynasty. There is no news of the secret service officers and soldiers..."

"Wei Wuzu... Unexpectedly defeated!?"

The king of Wei nervously twisted his fat body and said anxiously, "send another messenger to let Pang Juan beat back the head of the defense of the state of Qi at all costs."


This is the messenger sent by the twelfth wave to let Pang Juan dispatch troops to help.

The king of Wei was so upset that he felt like a drowning man without any support in his hand.

If there is regret medicine in the world, killing him will not provoke the young owl of the Han country.

Han Tianwei, it\'s terrible!

Wei Wuzu\'s powerful defense is already the card of the state of Yi. He is not the opponent of others. It is a big joke to take advantage of his foothold to swallow the state of Han.

Just as the king of Wei was fidgeting, the footsteps in the palace rang sharply.

"Your Majesty, big things are bad! Big things are bad!"

"Big man... Big man\'s White army has been killed under Daliang city!"


Hearing the news, I am not to blame.

Wei Anli Wang reluctantly strengthened his courage and went to the head of the city. When he saw that his fat body fell to the ground and collapsed into a pool of mud.

"Well... What should I do?"

I can see that under the Daliang City, there are all white Jiajun, just like the raging tide of breaking the embankment, sweeping towards the majestic city ahead!

Smoke billowed like a dragon. The king\'s robe on King Wei Anli had been soaked with sweat, and the fat on his body was shaking all the time.

At the head of the city, all the guards of the state of Sheung trembled.

"Didn\'t Pang Juan, the secret service officer and army, send troops to attack the Han state with Wei Wuzu? How could he be beaten to the head by others?"

"In the first World War of anling Road, Pang Juan, the secret service officer, was defeated and fled, and Wei Wuzu was wiped out!"

"I heard through the grapevine that the emperor of the Han Dynasty was an immortal God who came down to earth. He made great power on the battlefield and killed 100000 people with one knife!"

"Hiss! How can Daliang city be defended? The emperor of Han Dynasty cut a few knives and we all have to die!"


When the Bai Jia army was under the city, rumors were everywhere in the whole Daliang City, and panic was boiling.

Wei Fei, the great commander of the city, walked to King Wei Anli with a heavy face and said with a fist: "king, the camp outside the city extends for miles. At least tens of thousands of white armour troops are stationed here. At the end of the day, I have observed the stove fire of the Han Army, which is increasing every day, indicating that the number of Han troops besieging the city is still increasing... Please make a decision quickly!"

At last, Wei\'s false voice was bitter.

According to this posture, the number of Han troops entering the battlefield is rising, and the four gates of Daliang city are surrounded, which has completely become an isolated city.

In the book of war and strategy, an isolated city must not be kept for a long time.

"What can I do, what can I do!?"

King Wei Anli\'s mind was blank, his eyes were blank and his voice trembled.

All the officials of the state of Xi were silent.

In this case, the defense of the besieged city does not even need to attack the city. As long as the water source in the city is cut off, the battle will not be fought until the grain in Daliang city is cut off.

Moreover, the head of the defense of the state of Qi also launched an offensive from the East, and the collapse of the state of Qi is in front of us.

King Wei Anli took xinlingjun\'s hand as if he had caught a life-saving straw and asked, "brother Wang, you have always been a great talent. You must have a way to save the situation. You... What do you say!"

The king of Xinling sighed and looked at the white armor full camp under the city, silent.

This war was beyond his expectation.

Who would have thought that Pang Juan, the secret service officer and army, commanded 200000 Wei troops, including 30000 Wei soldiers, but he fought the first World War and still doesn\'t know his life or death?

"For today\'s plan, we can only let the minister lead the army to fight, take advantage of the precarious foothold of the Han Army, win for a while, stabilize the people\'s hearts, then implement the strategy of strengthening the walls and clearing the wilderness, stick to Daliang City, wait until the news of general pangjuan, or send the dead to break through the siege, make heavy profits, and ask LAN Guo to send troops to help..."

Xinlingjun frowned and meditated, and finally gave a way that was not a way.

The state of shea has reached a desperate situation, attracting the soldiers and horses of Qin and Zhao. It also leads wolves into the house and covets the fat meat of the state of shea.

Thinking of this, xinlingjun couldn\'t help smiling bitterly.

He originally thought that the new establishment of the Han Dynasty and the domestic political turmoil were a piece of fat meat that could be eaten. However, he didn\'t expect to eat chicken instead of rice.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty is really a person who should be carried by heaven. Otherwise, how can he build such a magnificent country in a short time.

No one can know the shock in xinlingjun\'s heart.

Just then, there was a commotion in the city. Someone shouted, "that\'s... The head of the secret service officers and soldiers!"

Xinlingjun felt a sudden shock and looked down. In front of the Han Army, he was carrying a high pole. As expected, a bloody head hung high.

The head and eyes were red and wide open, ferocious and ferocious. It was Pang Juan, the first special service officer and army of the state of shea.

In the Han Army array, someone raised his voice and shouted, "the emperor of Han has ordered Pang Juan to lose Maling road and behead 200000 Wei troops. Now 100000 white armour troops surround Daliang city. The guards in the city will surrender quickly. Otherwise, break the city and leave no chickens and dogs!"

"Soldiers surround Daliang city and kill them all!"

"Break the city, chicken and dog will not stay!!"

The white armour army roared loudly and forcefully, and the voice stirred at the head of the city and spread far and wide for a long time.

in an uproar!

Raise the city in an uproar!

The public opinion that had just been thrown into chaos broke out like a torrent of anger.

In the city of Daliang, the three armies trembled and the people\'s hearts wavered.

Pang Juan\'s head became the last straw to crush the camel.

King Wei Anli\'s eyes were bulging, his face was bleeding, his fingers pointed to pangjuan\'s head, trembling with fear

"Heaven will kill Da Wei! Heaven will kill Da Wei!!"

Wei Anli Wang looked up at the sky and cried twice. He vomited two mouthfuls of red blood and collapsed to the ground