The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2511

After many fierce battles, Liu Hao\'s ability to capture fighters is absolutely first-class.

Now the ace Wei Wu of the state of Sheung is gone in the first war. Pang Juan leads the remnant army to flee. It is the perfect time to beat the water dog and expand the fruits of the war. How can Liu Hao let go of such fat meat!?

Looking into the distance, he slowly withdrew the flag into the back array. Liu Hao hung a cold arc at the corner of his mouth, waved his sword and ordered: "where is Weizhuang?"

Weizhuang, with white hair and black clothes, shuttles through the battlefield with a sword. He is like an unclean thing.

When the sword comes out, you will kill people. You don\'t touch your body with blood.

Hearing the voice call, Wei Zhuang moved and came to Liu Hao\'s side in an instant.

"The Wei army was defeated. Follow the Zifang\'s plan. You lead Baijia to ride lightly and take a detour to intercept and kill the remnant army of the state of Xi. At that time, the night killer will coordinate on the Maling road and kill Pang Juan on the Maling road!"


Wei Zhuang answered and left with his sword.

Liu Hao continued to give orders, and then recruited a fierce general in the white armour army. He said, "you take 8000 white armours and rush to attack Daliang city."

"Your Majesty, there are tens of thousands of Wei soldiers stationed in Daliang City, and 8000 white armour troops are afraid they can\'t attack."

The veteran of the white armour army was slightly stunned and hesitated to ask.

"When you get to the foot of Daliang City, open this brocade bag."

Liu Hao handed the brocade bag left by Zhang Liang to the white armour veteran.

"Last general, yes!"

Qiang ran, the old general of the Bai Jia army, hugged his fist and took his orders.

"The three armies listen to the order and the whole army will attack! Break the city of Daliang!!"

"Break Daliang city! No chickens and dogs!"


Maling road.

The terrain here is dangerous. It is within the territory of the state of Xi, not far from Daliang City, the king capital of the state of Xi.

A lush forest on Maling road.

Bai Feng stood on the top of the tree, her body moving with the wind, floating like flying feathers, but she was a little impatient in her heart. She asked, "after waiting for several days, I haven\'t seen anyone. Mr. Zifang, will pangjuan come to Maling road?"

The crow frowned and said, "Baifeng, don\'t be rude to the son\'s wife. The son\'s wife has a soldier\'s armor in her chest and a spirit\'s plan in her belly. Just wait."

As a member of the top 100 birds, the crow knows that although Bai Feng has extraordinary talent, she is still young and impatient and needs to be honed.

Zhang liangpan sat on the bluestone next to an ancient tree, looked calm, smiled and said: "no one in the world knows Pang Juan better than Sun Bin. After Pang Juan\'s defeat, he must not dare to directly choose the main road back to Daliang city. Taking Maling road is the fastest path to Daliang City. He will come..."

"The first secret service officer and army of this country is destined to fall on Maling road."


On Maling Road, the mountain road is rugged.

An army with scattered clothes and armor is marching in a despondent hurry.

After being defeated by the Baijia army under the command of Liu Hao, he chased the death battle for several days, and the leader of sheguo defense suffered heavy losses.

The first is the annihilation of the elite ace Wei Wuzu.

The 200000 troops of the state of Shen bravely left Daliang city. As a result, more than 100000 were defeated in World War I. on the way of defeat, they were intercepted and killed several times by the light cavalry of the state of Qi.

In the end, less than half of the people had escaped.

Pang Juan\'s hair was scattered, her armor was broken, and her sword was wounded dozens of times, but her eyes were awe inspiring, and she still laughed: "the emperor of Han Dynasty and Sun Bin are just like this!"

Wei Jiang, one of his men, was terrified and asked, "secret service officers and soldiers, what does that mean?"

Pang Juan clenched her teeth and sneered: "I only laugh at the children of the Han Emperor. I\'m only brave, but I don\'t know how to use the army. If he sends troops and horses to ambush on the Maling Road, he can fight and do his best in this dangerous terrain. Today he missed a good opportunity in vain, and he will die without a burial place in the future!"

"And Sun Bin, a loser, dares to take advantage of this opportunity to send troops to attack Daliang city. When the general reorganizes his troops, kill Sun Bin first and then the loser of the king of Qi!"

Fierce and cruel.

At this time, Pang Juan, like a wounded beast, became more ferocious and terrible.

Fu Guozhong said with awe: "at this time of crisis, the secret service officers and soldiers still have such ambition. They are really famous generals in the world."

"The last general vowed to follow the secret service officers and soldiers to the death!"

"Yes! Reorganize your troops and horses and kill Sun Bin dog thieves!"

Pang Juan\'s ferocity has revived the morale of the remnant army to a certain extent.

"Secret service officers and soldiers, there is a stone tablet here, which seems to have some ancient characters written in blood..."

About to pass Maling Road, a sharp eyed guard suddenly found an ancient monument on the front road.

There are blood words on the ancient monument, which is also a strange tan.

When they saw it, they couldn\'t even recognize it.

Pang Juan also glanced, but it was like being bitten by thunder, and her heart was shocked!

On the stone tablet, there are only five words written in blood, which others don\'t recognize. Pang Juan is a descendant of Linggu. He has read ancient classics and naturally knows the ancient words.

It says, "Pang Juan will die here."

Pang Juan fell into the ice cave and cooled from head to foot.

Just then, on the Maling Road, there was a sudden roar of killing like thunder, and birds in the forest flew.

A flood of people rushed out in all directions.

He was the first one, dressed in black and with silver hair. He swept as fast as he could. His sword Qi was fierce, and he was like a shark\'s tooth and a wolf\'s tooth.

It is Weizhuang, a famous swordsman!

"Sun Bin, you said I died here. I want to see who dares to pick this head!"

Pang Juan\'s eyes were red, and she raised her sword with her back hand. As soon as she swept up, she looked like a wild and fierce beast, and the Qi machine suddenly ran away.

The two were flying to the sword.

The sword Qi was excited, like the tip of a needle to the wheat awn, and a layer of ripples in the air dissipated.

The descendant of Linggu is right, the descendant of Linggu!

Pang Juan, the first secret service officer of the state of Xi vs Liusha Weizhuang!

After Wei Zhuang killed Ji Wuye, the first secret service officer of the state of new Romania, he succeeded in killing LV Buwei again. His murderous spirit has reached the peak and is not under Pang Juan at all.

The sword Qi runs across all directions and is so fierce that it is unimaginable. The security guards of Xi country who are closer to them are directly hanged by the sword Qi.

Broken limbs and arms, blood splashing!

During the war between Weizhuang and Pang Juan, the crows and Baifeng on top of the birds also took advantage of the situation.

The night killer group, which had long ambushed in the dense forest beside Maling Road, killed out boldly.

The white armour army, which was full of energy and energy, was defeated by the disabled soldiers of the state of shea. It was like mowing grass, and its head rolled to the ground