The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2510

"One knife... One knife breaks thousands of armor!"

Pang Juan\'s pupils contracted suddenly, looked around the battlefield blankly, and estimated the rough casualties. At this moment, his face was as white as paper, and his heart was dripping blood!

This is thousands of Wei Wu soldiers, not cabbage on the side of the road!

Every Wei Wu\'s death consumes several years of national strength. Today, thousands of people were killed by one knife, causing heavy losses!

"The Lord is invincible. If you kill a few more knives, why is the Wei army?"

The Pearl\'s beautiful eyes were shining and said excitedly, "if you have such invincible martial arts, you can wipe out the world soon!"


Liu Hao took a slight puff at the corner of his mouth and was speechless.

Although the land immortal realm is reborn and has a thousand years of life, it can do things that ordinary people can\'t do, but it is not omnipotent.

Just now, when the Yin and Yang universe pole extinction divine knife was cut, it was the unique top killing move of the Dao created by Liu haorong\'s thousands of blades.

After this knife, the gathered human spirit machine will be wasted.

In a short time, it\'s impossible for Liu Hao to cut this Sabre again. Only by cultivating the sabre posture, can he cut this amazing Sabre that breaks thousands of armor again.

On the battlefield, hundreds of thousands of troops are combined, and the situation is rapidly changing, but it is absolutely different from the momentum of the warrior.

Fighters, fleeting.

Liu Hao didn\'t kill with a knife after he wielded his magic weapon. Instead, he stood in front of the array, brandished Fang Qiu like a Confucian commander, and commanded the defense to advance. He was natural and unrestrained.

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty is invincible, and the white armour army steps on the array to break the enemy, just today!"

"Long live the emperor of Han Dynasty, kill all Wei dogs!"

"Those who take Pang Juan\'s head will be rewarded with thousands of gold and granted Marquis!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

In an instant, the guards of the white armour army howled like wild wolves and lions!

While shouting, hold up the weapons such as long Ge, sword and halberd in your hand!

With the rolling of chariots and the heavy and orderly footsteps of soldiers, for a time, the cold light blinded the sun and the murderous spirit rushed into the sky!

My man is unique.

Pearl\'s heart is full of admiration and admiration. At the same time, he kills the battlefield, but his hand is not slow.

Her magic was used on the battlefield and had good lethality. As long as the soldiers of the Wei army who were confused by their spirit were completely red eyed and could not distinguish between the enemy and us, they cut down their own people.

The so-called one drum, and then decline, three and exhausted.

The morale of Wei Wu\'s soldiers rushed into the array like a rainbow, which was cut flat by Liu Hao\'s immortal, and then their feet were in chaos.

Pearl\'s heart is happy, but Pang Juan\'s liver and gallbladder are cracked.

At this time, on the battlefield, the White army had collided with Wei Wuzu.

Unexpectedly, the white armour army of the Han Dynasty was so fierce that everyone was not afraid of death. It also had the momentum of changing lives and fighting with the soldiers of Wei Wu, and did not lose the wind at all.

The morale of the Wei army fell and several gaps were cut immediately.

Pang Juan claims to be a famous general in the world. He commands the troops of the state of Xi, conquers the north and south, and has made many meritorious achievements. But where has he fought such a oppressive battle?

It is clear that the troops have a great advantage. As a result, they were killed by a knife against the sky as soon as they entered the battle. On the contrary, the three armies of the great Wei Dynasty were abused by Liu Hao to death

"General, the Han army is powerful. There are gaps on the left and right. There are deserters in each department. Please make a decision!"

The Ministry under the state of Sheung rushed to the handsome flag to report.

"Fight! Fight me hard! 200000 people, even if they pile up, they will kill the Han Army!"

Pang Juan\'s eyes were red and her teeth were almost broken. She raised her knife and killed dozens of deserters, which slightly stopped the collapse of the array.

On the battlefield, human life will be like grass mustard, and ashes will disappear between the fingers!

Of course, there is a great difference in morale between the two sides, and most of the dead are still soldiers of the state of shea.


The war lasted a day, and the battlefield was full of corpses. Suddenly, there was a horse flying behind the Wei army, rolling smoke and dust.

"Tian Ji, the grand commander of the state of Qi, led a light cavalry and raided the territory of the great Wei Dynasty at night. Now there are 13 broken cities, only 70 miles away from the king\'s city. The king is in urgent need. The king issued an order to ask the secret service officers and troops to return to the army quickly for help!"

"What?! Qi Army... Soldiers invade Daliang city!?"

Pang Juan was stunned.

Today, I was first hit by the Han Army, and then the King City of Wei was in an emergency.

Pang Juan\'s brain was a little confused and almost fell off his horse

A stone stirs thousands of waves.

The King City is the heart of a country. As the king capital of the state of Shea, if it is broken, the state of shea will be destroyed.

Then even if Pang Juan leads 200000 troops and opens a gap in the front battlefield, it will be meaningless.

General Wei, his subordinate, was so frightened that he was sweating that he asked, "what should we do, secret service officers and soldiers?"

"I hate this plan to save the traitors around the Wei Dynasty. I can\'t do anything today!"

Pang Juan sighed.

Originally, the opportunity was lost, and the Wei army had fallen into the disadvantage. Only by his command and dispatching and the desperate battle of Wei Wu\'s soldiers could they barely survive.

He is relying on the number advantage several times that of the White army to consume the Han Army!

As a result, I received the news.

When the King City was attacked, the morale of the army was lax, and the battle could no longer be fought.

Pang Juan looked at the battlefield and gave the last order:

"Mingjin retreats, the former army becomes the rear array, and retreats slowly. Dare to disperse deserters and cut them!"

"After the death of Wei Wu, the Han army must not chase our army."



"Pang Juan has really paid enough blood for the retreat of the army of the state of Sheung by the death battle of Wei Wu\'s pawn..."

Liu Hao sat under ziluo\'s umbrella and looked at the battlefield. By the way, he lost his Qi skill to pangjuan.

Ding Dong!

Congratulations to the host, Tiandi Longtong\'s hope Qi technique, used successfully!

Pang Juan - force 94, intelligence 87,... 88, command 93!

Stunt 1, descendant of Linggu: Pang Juan, as a descendant of Linggu, has to inherit the mysterious secret arts.

Pang Juan force + 2, command + 2!

Stunt 2, Secret Service Officer: worship as the secret service officer and army of Xi country, Pang Juan\'s command + 3!

When Pang Juan commands the guards to fight, the force of all the guards under his command is + 1, and the morale decreases by 30%!

"No wonder Wei Wuzu hasn\'t collapsed. There was a special skill to reduce the decline of morale..."

Liu Hao pinched the center of his eyebrows, but he rewarded pangjuan a little more.

Regardless of her character, Pang Juan is well versed in Linggu\'s use of troops. In the bright Warring States period, she can also be called a famous general.

If Pang Juan didn\'t command and dispatch today and supported the fierce attack of the Han Army, Liu Hao\'s shocking immortal could cut off the morale of the defense of the state of shea with a knife.

Now, Pang Juan is using the life of Wei Wuzu in exchange for the opportunity of tens of thousands of troops to retreat.

Liu Hao refused