The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2509


"This ignorant shaft is the emperor of the Han Dynasty, but that\'s all!"

Suddenly, Pang Juan narrowed her eyes and was stunned.

He always thought that the emperor of the Han Dynasty should be a middle-aged hero. Perhaps he was born in a power and meritorious aristocrat in the new Luo state. He secretly planned the layout for many years and worked hard to usurp the throne, but he didn\'t expect to be such a handsome young man.

"No matter who you are, if you dare to block the general\'s way, the general will decide your head!!"

Pang Juan gradually showed a slightly murderous killing intention in the corner of her mouth. She lifted the long knife in her hand, pointed to the match from a distance, and shouted: "Wei Wuzu, break the array!"

"Wei Wu, a fierce soldier, forge ahead and break through the enemy array!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

At Pang Juan\'s command, the peerless edge of Wei Wuzu appeared again.

When the chariots gallop, the killing opportunities are infinite.

The heavy armour Wei wubu soldiers were in a neat formation, took heavy steps to fight and kill, followed by the chariot array, and ran straight into the white armour Han Army opposite.

Wei Wuzu is also equivalent to the Security Department of dead soldiers in the army. The number of casualties in each war is extremely exaggerated. This is also the reason why the number of Wei Wuzu is never large, and so far it is only 30000.

"On the battlefield, the situation is unpredictable. Please step back."

Mingzhu also stood on Liu Hao\'s side in armor, looking at the fierce Wei Wu soldiers all over the mountains, and couldn\'t help but pinch a sweat in her hand.

During the Warring States period, there was no need for fierce generals to fight in front of the battlefield. Basically, the guards on both sides put their cars and horses on top and the front was hard steel.

It\'s a dry word!

Only the strongest person can laugh to the end.

Pearl\'s magic can control hundreds of people, but in such a fierce battle on the scale of 100000 people, the effect is only a drop in the bucket.

200000 national guards rushed into the array bravely and fearlessly. Even if you can kill hundreds of people in a moment, there will be a dense cloud of arrows falling in the air in the next moment, and countless chariots and cavalry will collide madly to crush you and kill you.

The direction of the war situation depends on the hard power of both sides to defend.

Pang Juan was an old soldier. Wei Wuzu immediately ordered the arrow to be fired before the enemy\'s battle.

First use the arrows to kill some people. When the enemy\'s feet are in disorder, it\'s time for Wei Wuzu to really attack the array.

The well-trained Wei Wuzu was almost a conditioned reflex. He untied the long bow he was carrying, pointed at the sky obliquely, and burst to lead the string and open the arrow.

Whew, whew, whew!

Arrows block out the sun, breaking the air and making sharp noises.

The white armour army was not in disorder at all, and its strong shield was heavily grounded on the ground, forming an iron and steel barrier.

Pearl looked solemn and asked with concern, "Your Majesty, if a gentleman doesn\'t stand under the dangerous wall, do you want to retreat back to avoid the enemy\'s edge?"

"No need."

Liu Hao was the first to bear the brunt. He felt the fierce killing of thousands of arrows in the air on his back. A slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth and murmured: "today... Let\'s see where the limit of human immortals is!!"

Next, a shocking scene happened.

Pang Juan\'s eyes were wide and round. She looked at the young emperor who gradually stepped into the air and said in silence: "at present, Wan Jun, he\'s crazy. This... What do you want to do!?"

What does Liu Hao want to do!?

The answer to this question is unknown and unimaginable to the defense of the whole country.

Liu Haoru ascends the steps of heaven and soars up into the air. The genuine Qi in the acupoints and orifices flows naturally, just like the river and sea.

When the arrow was facing, the human immortal body protecting God Gang Yulong shield came out naturally. Centered on Liu Hao, there seemed to be a golden Gang Qi wall in the air.

Cut off the world!

Countless arrows were shot on the vigorous Qi mask, as if they had hit an invisible high wall. They lost their spirit and fell to the ground one after another.

The sudden sound of gold and iron can be heard all the time.

"How is that possible?"

Pang Juan took a breath and couldn\'t believe her eyes.

With one person\'s strength, shake 100000 troops!?

Arrows can\'t hurt!

Is this God or man!?

All the guards of the state of Sheung kept the posture of looking up at the sky. They were completely stupid.

"Is... The Han Emperor still an expert in the land immortal realm?"

Pang Juan felt a sudden shock in her heart.

He was born in Linggu. He was narrow-minded, but he still had some vision.

Suddenly, his teacher\'s instructions sounded in his ears: after the peak of martial arts, there are land immortals, also known as human immortals.

A human immortal\'s anger can kill thousands of people.

This is beyond the realm of mortals. Every move has an extremely terrible killing opportunity. In the spring and autumn of that year, a female sword God of the state of Yue once came into contact with that realm.

One sword smashes three thousand armour.

Liu Hao stood in the air with thousands of arrows and didn\'t touch a corner of his clothes.

Breathe and breathe, like thunder.

"Yin and Yang universe pole extinction magic knife!"

After a long roar of the dragon, Liu Hao had an ancient knife in his palm. The blade seemed to attract the glow of the stars in the sky.


The cloud of nine days fell down with a knife.

Heaven and earth, killing unlimited.

The huanghuang tunnel is powerful and frightens the world. This yin-yang universe extremely extinct divine knife can resist the sky thunder after understanding the supreme nine robbers. It is already a human immortal martial art killing method that surpasses all!

Kill everything in front of you with one knife. Whatever you are, all of you will be annihilated!

The extremely bright Dao Gang is as long as 100 feet. It just falls on the ground. The infinite starlight is broken. A black dragon appears in the void and destroys everything in front of you.

The whole ground was split in two by this knife!!

A dark crack hundreds of meters long suddenly appeared on the ground.

All Wei Wu soldiers who stopped before this terrible Dao gang were cut in two by Dao Qi.

The blade was too fast and dragged away. Many Wei Wu soldiers watched their bodies divided into upper and lower sections, but they couldn\'t do anything.

For a moment, the broken limbs and arms flew in the air.

In the battlefield, people boiling, horses hissing and blood splashing.

"This... This is the terrible power of human immortals?!"

Pearl\'s small mouth has been opened into an "O" shape. Looking at Liu Hao falling from the air, she hurried forward and held Liu Hao.

"Are you okay?"

Liu Hao took the knife, his body shook slightly, but he waved his hand, smiled calmly and said, "it\'s no big problem, but he has exhausted his Qi and needs to adjust his breath."

Under this knife, Wei Wuzu was like autumn straw, and a large area was harvested.

There were also many soldiers who fell into the gap in the earth and struggled and howled. There were also horses who screamed and trampled Wei soldiers to death.

Between heaven and earth, the spirit cries and howls.

The whole battlefield trembled, and hundreds of thousands of people looked in awe at the young emperor standing with a knife, as if they saw the God of heaven