The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2508

The ministers of the state of Qi also put away their contempt.

The king of Qi Xiang moved his strong body and asked, "Sir, let\'s talk about it. The security administrator in Qi is stable. What comes from water and fire."

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "people have no near troubles, but also have far worries. The king of Qi is a wise man. When you can see that the state of Xi is preparing for the horse, with pangjuan as the special service officer and army, and has widely recruited elite and fierce soldiers. It has a certain momentum of Wei Wu soldiers in the past. Over time, it will reproduce the heroic style of Wei Wu in that year. May Qi block it?"

King Qi Xiang was a little flustered.

The state of Qi also fought with Wei Wuzu that year, and the result naturally ended in a dismal end. Once, Wei Wuzu almost beat him under the King City of Linzi!

Now I hear the name of Wei Wuzu, which means a shadow of a bow and a snake.

The Manchu Dynasty was full of civil and military forces, but it was silent.

There was only Zhang Liang\'s voice in the hall.

Dressed in white, it crosses the court Hall of the state of Qi.


Zhang Liang fought with the ministers of the state of Qi during the day, making them speechless.

Zhang Liang\'s proposal to join forces with the Han state and send troops to attack Daliang city of sheguo is still pending.

At night, king Qi Xiang tossed and turned. As soon as he closed his eyes, his mind was full of swords. Wei Wuzu, a powerful army, had become his nightmare.

He was not brave enough to sleep. He turned over and sat up from his couch and sighed.

The concubines of the harem advised, "the king is worried about state affairs. Why don\'t you listen to the opinion of the strange man Sun Bin?"

"What Aifei reminds me is that it should be."

The king of Qi Xiang moved in his heart, got up, summoned servants and went straight to Sun Bin\'s residence.

Sun Bin is an amazing person.

He and Pang Juan were originally under the Linggu gate and went to the state of sheguo together.

As a result, Pang Juan was narrow-minded and could not tolerate Sun Bin, who was above himself in everything. He even plotted to kill each other with the same door!

Pang Juan cut off Sun Bin\'s feet and tattooed words on his cheek. Sun Bin narrowly escaped from heaven. Finally, he wandered to the state of Qi and talked about the world with king Qi Xiang. He was cited as the counselor.

His experience written down must be a legend.


The sky was clear that night, with bright moon and few stars.

When king Qi Xiang arrived at Sun Bin\'s residence by car, the middle-aged man was sitting in a wheelchair and looking up at the stars.

"Your Majesty\'s intention is well known."

Sun Bin seemed to have eyes behind him.

The king of Qi Xiang was stunned and said, "I haven\'t said anything yet. How can Sir know?"

Sun Bin turned his wheelchair and said with an indifferent smile, "Zhang Liang is here. No matter how powerful his eloquence is, it is not difficult to guess the ultimate goal."

"At this time, when the foundation of the state of Han was not stable, he went to war with the state of Shen. The odds of winning against Pang Juan\'s Wei soldiers were less than 20%. Zhang Liang wanted to use the state of Qi to defend the upper echelon and move together with the state of han to form a potential to attack the state of Shen."

The king of Qi Xiang nodded slightly, thought deeply, and asked, "Sir, do you mean to help the Han country send troops to attack the Yi country?"

He is not fatuous and incompetent. After being king of Qi for so long, he naturally knows the basic national politics and military affairs.


Sun Bin\'s eyes were clear, and he continued: "if your majesty starts to attack the state of Xi, and the Han army is in the west to contain the army of the state of Xi, you can send a secret service officer to lead the army to raid Daliang city. This war is 70% sure. As long as you capture Daliang City, the state of Qi can dominate the princes in the next ten years!"

Listening to the magnificent blueprint described by the unique wise man, king Qi Xiang\'s blood was boiling and his fat body trembled.

Break through Daliang city!

Overlord princes!

What a splendid glory!?

Since the spring and Autumn period, there have been many princes, and only a few of them can afford this honor.

"What a tyrant!"

At this moment, king Qi Xiang, who was originally brave and cowardly, was arrogant for some reason. He smiled and said, "listen to your words tonight, I will be enlightened. God gives me the opportunity to step on Daliang city!"



"Mr. Zifang, you are so powerful!"

Bai Feng looked at Zhang Liang with respect on her face.

Today, in the court hall, Zhang Liang was dressed in white. It can be said that he shocked the world. It was said that the ministers of the state of Qi were speechless, and his wife\'s anger was relieved.

The crow breathed a sigh of relief.

He was ordered by the emperor of Han Dynasty to protect Zhang Liang secretly. If Zhang Liang angered the king of Qi and led the forbidden army of the palace out, he would still have no bottom in his heart.

After all, martial arts do not need the realm of a master. It is not a simple thing to protect people from coming and going among thousands of troops.

Zhang Liang smiled and said, "brother Moya, don\'t be nervous. If you add a knife and axe, the lingxu sword under you is not a decoration."

This is one of the top ten famous swords in the world. Zhang Liang is good at literature. His martial arts are not outstanding, but he also has a certain self-protection ability.

"If Mr. Zifang is all right, I don\'t know if king Qi Xiang will send troops this time."

"Yes, there will be that man. He will be able to convince the king of Qi Xiang that there will be changes in the army and horses of the state of Qi within three days."

Zhang Liang looked to the West and murmured, "next, it depends on your Majesty\'s personal leadership. Can you defeat Wei Wuzu directly..."



Anling road.

This has become a serious place for Sen to kill.

It stretches for tens of miles and is a stable camp above the defense of the state of shea.

Pang Juan was born in Linggu and has been inherited by the battle array of the book of war. Although his capacity is small, his ability to lead the army and fight really deserves the name of a famous general in the world.

One of his generals hurriedly sent the military report to the commander of the Chinese army. Pang Juan took it and smiled:

"Han Emperor\'s child, do you think the military battle array is a child\'s play?! dare to get involved in danger personally. I\'ll tell you how powerful it is today!"


One hundred thousand Bai Jia troops confronted two hundred thousand Wei troops on anling road.

Purple umbrellas flutter like purple clouds falling from the nine sky.

Liu Hao, wearing a crown of twelve diaos on his head, a robe embroidered with purple dragon and gun, and embroidered with sun, moon and stars on his shoulders, stood in front of the array and looked at the Wei Wu pawn.

Wei Wuzu can be said to be a rare elite heavy armored infantry soldier in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period.

Everyone in the army wears heavy armor and holds a long Ge. It is majestic and heavy. It is lined up in an array, just like an indestructible steel fortress.

The king of Wei hollowed out his family. After years of recruitment, there were only 30000 Wei Wu soldiers.

According to Liu Hao\'s experience and vision, a Wei Wu pawn is enough to be five ordinary soldiers. When the heavy armor infantry rush into the array, it is even more powerful. Maybe even the cavalry can\'t bear the relentless crushing and charging of the heavy armor infantry.

After the three-way drum, the horn sounded.

Pang Juan, dressed in majestic armor, lifted a long knife and drove out of the battle.

He squinted at the match. A red dragon flag was flying in the wind and making a sound of hunting.

In the Han Army array, the white armor is as vast as snow, with a magnificent momentum.

And the owl of the whale swallowing Silla stood in front of him with his hands down. The long wind blew his clothes and robes, and his hair on his temples fluttered in the wind.

That body bearing, Yuan Zhi Ting Ning.

One hundred thousand white armours are revered and powerful like the heavenly fairy palace and God Emperor