The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2507

As a special service officer of the state of Shea, since Wu Qi, the tiger talisman in the army has been in the hands of Pang Juan alone.

Standing in such a high position, Pang Juan is naturally full of ambition, has the ambition to handle the situation and take the ambition of the six countries.

"Let this Han country become the first country to fall under the general\'s sword!!"


When Pang Juan was agitated, there was a sentry on the ancient road in the distance, galloping like flying.

"Tell the secret service officers and soldiers that the Red Dragon King flag of the Han state was found on the anling road in front!"

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty took Zhang Liang, a newly recruited Confucian scholar, as his military adviser. He personally took 50000 Bai Jia troops and rushed to anling road. It was no more than thirty miles away from our army. Please make a decision!"

The scouts fell from their horses and spread the news to the Chinese army.

"Well done!"

Pang Juan\'s tiger eyes burst out, and suddenly smiled: "ha ha, this is a great gift from God. I owe it to my general."

"At present, the white armour army of the Han Dynasty is afraid of a fierce battle. Why are the secret service officers and soldiers laughing?"

The lower part of the command will drive the horse forward, but Pang Juan doesn\'t know why he laughs and looks at each other.

Pang Juan laughed and said, "the changing times have made him famous! If Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei came, maybe they can be called the old general of Xinluo, it\'s worth our general to spend more time to deal with. This Han Emperor, but the villain who was lucky to usurp the throne, can have any skills. It\'s easy for Wei Wuzu to break through the Han army."

"Secret service officers are armed like gods. It\'s really not comparable to the emperor of the Han Dynasty."

"Wei Wuzu is unparalleled in the world. I\'m afraid the Han army can\'t even stop a round of charge..."

"It\'s really a gift from heaven. Thanks to the general."

The Ministry of public will rub their hands, laugh and praise, the scene is very warm, as if they have won a big victory.

"The art of war has a cloud. The commander controls the three armed forces and must not be in danger."

Pang Juan shook her whip, disdained to sneer and said, "the emperor of the Han Dynasty, after receiving the news, did not send someone to inquire about our army\'s strength, terrain and landform, so she rashly led his troops to meet the enemy..."

"Anling road has a wide terrain and is not easy to set up ambushes. It is suitable for Wei Wuzu\'s heavy armor attack array. This Han Emperor obviously doesn\'t know how to use troops. My general called him here today and can\'t go back!"

"The secret service army is powerful. The last general is willing to be the leader of the secret service army and take the head of the Han Emperor!"

One of Pang Juan\'s fierce generals hugged his fist with red light in his eyes.

In any case, the emperor of the Han Dynasty is the head of a country. It must be a great achievement if he can kill the generals and capture the king first among the thousands of troops.

Heroes are born in troubled times. It\'s time to become famous!

Pang Juan knew how to use the army. The more the scene was, the more calm she became. She categorically ordered: "scout the former army and explore again!"

"At the ten mile forest of anling Road, the three armies formed an array. Wei Wuzu\'s vanguard intercepted the White army according to the enemy!"

"A good head is right in front of you. Who dares to cut it with a knife!"

Pang Juan is worthy of being the first secret service officer of the state of Xi. Choking Langya pulls out his knife and holds it high.

The morale of Wei soldiers was excited and reached the peak in an instant.

One hundred thousand Wei soldiers, holding up the Long Ge together, shouted loudly: "I\'m willing to follow the general and break through the enemy array!"



Linzi city.

This magnificent Oriental City is the capital of the state of Qi.

Although the king of Qi and Xiang was not a brilliant and resourceful Mingjun, he was also the Lord of success.

Among the seven heroes of the Warring States period, the national strength of Qi was in the middle, only inferior to that of Qin, Zhao and Chu.

Bai Feng came to the state of Qi for the first time not long after she started her career. She had to jump out of her mind and look at the traveling scholars walking in the wide street.

The crow was a lot of old ways. He went to Zhang Liang\'s ear and said, "my Lord, the news of the move of the state of Xi has been sent back. What should I do next?"

Zhang Liang smiled and said, "don\'t do anything next. Go directly into the palace and meet the king of Qi."

The crow nodded and guarded Zhang Liang\'s side, looking around on guard.

This time, when he was sent to the state of Qi, Liu Hao handed over Zhang Liang\'s safety to him. Naturally, the crows did not dare to take it lightly.

Dressed in white, Zhang Liang entered the Qi palace.

The kings and officials of the state of Qi have been waiting in the palace for a long time.

King Qi Xiang was a big bellied middle-aged man with excessive wine and color. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "are you Zhang Liang, the new right Minister of the Han state?"

Zhang Liang arched his hands and said in an unassuming manner, "it\'s under the sun."

The king of Qi Xiang put on his sleeves and said, "the wells of Qi and Han do not invade the river. What are you looking for?"

Since the spring and Autumn period, there have been Zhang Yi, Su Qin, and even the seven kingdoms. At that time, scholars were popular. Therefore, although King Xiang of Qi was surprised by Zhang Liang\'s youth, he also knew that there must be a reason for his arrival.

Zhang lianglang said in a voice: "today, I am sent to the state of Qi by the order of the emperor of the Han Dynasty. It is really to save the king from fire and water!"

King Qi Xiang\'s face changed and he was unhappy.

Zou Ji, an important Minister of the state of Qi, hummed coldly: "the Han state usurped the foundation of the state of Xinluo, and the domestic situation in the DPRK will be turbulent. I think Lord Zhang should worry about his domestic affairs."

"This smelly boy also wants to be a crossbar."

"Lord Zou\'s words are sharp. The boy doesn\'t think he\'s right."


On the court Hall of the state of Qi, everyone held their hands and shoulders, and started the spectator mode of drama and abuse.

"The emperor of Han Dynasty\'s holy text is divine and powerful, and the country is subject to it. Don\'t bother Lord Zou."

Zhang Liang looked indifferent and said with a smile: "the Qi and Wei countries have fought more than ten bloody battles in the past ten years. Hundreds of thousands of troops have been lost on both sides, the people have been displaced, and the national strength of Qi is weakening day by day. What good measures can Lord Zou have to change the current situation?"

Zou Ji snorted coldly and was speechless.

Among the seven heroes of the Warring States period, the state of Qin and the state of LAN are well-known sworn enemies. The relationship between the state of Qi and the state of Shen is no better. There have been no fewer battles over the years, and they can be regarded as winning or losing each other.

The two countries fought each other, and neither of them ate the strength of the other, so the war turned into a seesaw war, which greatly consumed national strength.

Zou Ji, as the supreme Minister of the state of Qi, was unable to turn the situation around. Naturally, he was silent.

Another commander, Tian Ji, stood out, blowing his beard and staring: "how can you talk about military affairs?"

Zhang Liang smiled calmly and said, "it\'s general Tian Ji. I heard that general Tian once faced off with Pang Juan, commander of the national assembly of Xi. He was defeated three times in three wars. Is there such a thing?"

My heart\'s broken!

This is the eternal scar in Tian Ji\'s heart!

Tian Ji\'s face was dark, his eyes were round and his blood gushed. If he wasn\'t in the court, he might have to come forward and punch Zhang Liang

The two important officials of the state of Qi, who are civil and military, were choked by Zhang Liang in a few words and wanted to vomit blood