The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2506

"In the past, the most famous Xiangjian Shifeng beard in the state of Yi once evaluated the world\'s swords and ranked them. The top ten are the world\'s top ten swords."

"Tianwen, Yuanhong, TAIA, Ganjiang moye, Xueji, shuihan, Qiuli, lingxu, Tu Xing, tiger spirit, Tianzhao, Hanguang, Zhanlu, frost soul..."

Zinv sat opposite Liu Hao at the table. When talking about the famous swords in the Jianghu, she had to mention the sword manual listed by divine wind beard.

The swords that can be included in the sword spectrum deserve to be the world\'s famous swords. The top ten swords have bright edges and are unparalleled in the world.

Now the Yuanhong sword is in the hands of the sword Saint gainie. The general Mo Xie falls in the farmhouse. Xueji is held by the Taoist Tianzong, and Qiuli is Xiaomeng\'s sword.

Zhang Liang took lingxu sword as an envoy to the state of Qi. Other famous swords are scattered all over the Jianghu. Most of the sword owners are extraordinary.

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows, but he was interested in Tianwen sword.

Since ancient times, there has been no first in literature and no second in martial arts.

Tianwen sword ranks first among the top ten famous swords. Naturally, it is peerless.

Liu Hao has some collection hobbies. When he conquers the world of heaven, especially when he meets the famous sword, he always wants to include it in the divine army building.

With the advantage of being a prophet and being familiar with the historical process, Liu Hao was particularly interested in replacing spaces, the Lord of the Qin Empire. However, he used the system to query the attribute ability information of replacing spaces, and found nothing.

Property ability to replace spaces, displaying all question marks.

This has cast a mysterious halo over this eternal emperor.

However, Liu haozhen decided to fight back after serving xuanjian when he tried to control the news channel and pave the way for the army\'s attack.

Zinu, one of the initiators of quicksand, also began to quietly infiltrate the night into Gaoyang city to collect relevant information about the state of Qin.

"Lv Buwei\'s head has been sent to Gaoyang. It is said that the government and the public of the state of Qin shook, and the king of Qin was angry and weeping blood..."

"Over the past few days, Gaoyang city has been full of elements. Spies at night have heard that there has been a change in Gaoyang camp. Wang Jian, a special service officer of the state of Qin, has led his 300000 armor piercing troops out of Gaoyang... Next, the state of Qin may make a big move."

The purple goddess solemnly threw out this key message.

With the accumulation of national strength for several generations, the six kingdoms of Weiling have the potential to rise as an empire.

Special service officer Wang Jian is a famous general in the world. He has fought all kinds of battles in his life and has never lost. The elite troops under his command are known as the armour piercing army.

Now the 300000 troops are out, with gold and iron armour and gas swallowing the six countries.

Zinv was vaguely worried that if the state of Qin attacked the state of Han with millions of troops at all costs, the military gap between the two countries would be too great.

This gap is the accumulation of several generations of the powerful Qin state, which can not be caught up by the Han state in a short time.

The purple woman glanced and fell on Liu Hao, but found him very calm. She couldn\'t help asking, "don\'t you worry about millions of troops pressing on the border?"

Liu Hao smiled calmly and said, "even though there are millions of Qin troops, they don\'t come for the state of Han. What\'s to worry about?"

The purple girl was speechless. She admired Liu Hao in her heart. She was still calm in such an event.

Liu Hao poured out a cup of snow capped silver shuttle, and a slight arc appeared on the corner of his mouth, explaining: "although the state of Qin is strong and powerful at this time, it is the top of the seven countries, but the country is not monolithic. LV Buwei is in charge of the government, and there is a back palace of chaos. If you want to swallow the six countries, you must first settle down..."

"I killed LV Buwei for the replacement space. At this time, the replacement space is just cut off and put all the power in my hands. How can it be so easy to mobilize this million? There may be exploratory small-scale battles, but the real war will take at least three months, and the food, grass and baggage will be fully prepared..."

The purple woman suddenly nodded and murmured, "it turns out that since Han Fei and Zhang Liang set up the Bureau, the state of Qin has stepped into the trap. Every step of replacing the space... Is under the control of the emperor of Han."

"Rivers and mountains are chessboards, and ordinary people are chess pieces. How can things in the world be satisfactory?"

Liu Hao smiled calmly and said, "if not expected, a group of Qin troops will attack the Shangdang. Bai is not this war. Xu Sheng must not lose. He must not only win, but also play the momentum of a big man."

The purple girl nodded.

This war is crucial to the overall situation. If this war is lost, the Shangdang will undoubtedly lose.

If such a gap is opened, the Qin army can drive straight into the border of the Han Dynasty and turn the tentative attack into a thunder attack. At that time, the situation will be in danger.

On the contrary, if Bai Yifei wins the Qin army in the Shangdang, the situation will fall over in an instant. The state of Qin will throw a rat\'s deterrent. If you want to start a war, you have to weigh it.

While they were talking, a spy in the dark rushed over.

"Tell the emperor of the Han Dynasty that there are 100000 troops of the state of Qin pressing on the border of the Shangdang. Under the banner of king, the Marquis defended the enemy according to the city and fought against it for three times, winning or losing each other!"

"White is not holding!"

A stone hanging in the purple girl\'s heart finally fell to the ground.

According to the layout of Han Fei and Zhang Liang, as long as Bai Yifei keeps the Shangdang, it will be a great victory for the overall situation.


Liu Hao Huoran stood up, stroked his hands and said with a smile: "the dead bones shine on the silver armor, and the blood is white. This war will be a war of white or not moving the world!"

"Next... I\'m going to enlist the country of Xi!"



The autumn wind is bleak.

Pang Juan, the leader of the national assembly of the people\'s Republic of China, was wearing heavy armor and a long knife. He rode on a divine horse and looked back at the 200000 fierce soldiers of the state of the people\'s Republic of China behind him.

Banners block out the sun, murderous spirit through clouds and rain.

Wei Wuzu, who was covered with 30000 armor, bore the brunt.

Wei Wuzu wore heavy armour, swords, arrows and crossbows, and stepped on neat and heavy steps. His murderous spirit rushed into the sky!

In the past years, commander Wu Qi defeated the Qin army ten times more powerful with 50000 Wei Wu soldiers, which moved the world, and Wei Wu soldiers also shocked the seven countries.

He fought 72 in his life and won 64. The rest were solved and never lost.

Since Wu Qi was in the state of Xi... After the failure of the struggle and retirement, Wei Wuzu was no longer brilliant. He was defeated by Bai Qi, a famous general of the state of Qin, and almost completely annihilated.

In recent years, the king of Wei learned from the pain and reactivated the great commander Pang Juan to prepare for the horse. Only then did Wei Wu\'s death appear again.

"The glory of Wei Wu will be reappeared by this general!"

Pang Juan clenched the handle of the knife in her hand, and a touch of pride and ambition appeared on her bronze face