The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2503

Think about it carefully. It is not impossible to replace the arrogant nature of spaces.

LV Buwei was in power in the state of Qin and became more and more famous. How can he be allowed to be such a powerful monarch?

"The spring and autumn talisman should be used by people who match their sex, and the benefits will be the greatest. LV Buwei is a capable Minister of governing the world. Now Han Fei\'s attribute is at its peak, which is not inferior to LV Buwei. It should be simply used on Zhang Liang, so that the sage of wisdom can grow up quickly through the ages!"

Liu Hao\'s mind was fixed, his mind moved, and his communication system directly used this spring and autumn charm.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. He successfully used the spring and autumn talisman. It was detected that the consistency between Zhang Liang and LV Buwei was 93%. Zhang Liang successfully obtained LV Buwei\'s tongue argument skills."

Zhang Liang (juvenile) - force 76, intelligence 100,... 96, command 86, eloquence 93 (+ 10), talent 94!

Stunt 1, wise Sage: God and man have no work, wise sage has no trace, and the plot is wonderful. Who can be right?

Zhang Liang intelligence + 5!

Stunt 2, seeking the country; In devising strategies, control is better than invisibility.

Zhang Liang helps Mingjun to set the world.

When Zhang Liang\'s scheme succeeds, there is a chance to increase his or his monarch\'s intelligence attribute randomly!

Stunt 3, tongue debate: with a three inch unskilled tongue, take wealth and energy directly. Who will be right through the ages?

Zhang Liang\'s tongue argument + 10!

Hidden stunt 4, Emperor teacher:???


Liu Hao felt a little happy in his heart

With a high degree of fit, Zhang Liang directly drew the most valuable eloquence skills from LV Buwei!


Zhang Liang\'s visit to the state of Qi is the occasion when he stepped on this magnificent stage and he became famous!

Having tasted the sweetness, Liu Hao began to move his mind and asked, "system, how much is the explosion rate of this spring and autumn charm?"

"The probability is small, about 10%, please let the host know!"


Liu Hao\'s face turned black.

Where is the probability that is small!?

Kill ten legends before it is possible to explode a spring and autumn talisman. The probability is obviously infinite, close to 0!

In other words, the best way to get the spring and autumn talisman is to look at the face.

Liu Hao pinched his chin and said to himself, "fortunately, my character has always been strong..."

Xiaomeng felt the distracted Liu Hao, pulled his mouth and waved his sword angrily.

Liu Hao tidied up his harvest and immediately awed his mind. Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the palace.

The pearl is back.

She is still dressed in a black skirt. The skirt sways between the lotus feet, revealing a section of snow like skin, which looks elegant and moving.

All the way back to the King City, a little dusty, but Mingzhu is in a good mood.

As soon as she stepped into the Palace door, she felt it. Liu Hao had noticed her Qi.

The heart was happy. The steps of the Pearl were light and swept in front of Liu Hao. The beautiful eyes were like stars in the sky. Looking at Liu Hao, he smiled and said, "I have a gift to give to the Lord?"

Liu Hao nodded slightly, smiled softly and said, "is it LV Buwei\'s head? You did a good job."

Once praised by the beloved, the pearl is sweet in her heart.

She doesn\'t care about the chief Prime Minister of the Empire or the famous ministers of the seven countries. As long as Liu Hao asks her to do something and let her kill people, she must complete it successfully and can\'t disappoint the young emperor!

"Your illusion seems to have made great progress."

Liu Hao spoiled and rubbed Mingzhu\'s hair.

In the battle of subduing LV Buwei, Pearl\'s magic war was brilliant. After a bloody war, the integration of extermination seal and ice magic formula also deepened.

"It\'s all God\'s grace."

The Pearl blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled brightly.

The young emperor of the Han Dynasty seemed to know everything and could do everything. Her supreme temperament of naturally mastering heaven and earth made her faint heart break.

Liu Hao didn\'t say much. He smiled and took the wooden box in her hand. When he opened it, the head of LV Buwei, a strange man through the ages, was impressively in it.

The first phase of the Qin Empire did not destroy itself by drinking poison and wine as in history, but fell lonely in the process of serving as an envoy for the country.

Liu Hao closed the wooden box and had no pity in his heart. He just hung a cold arc at the corner of his mouth and said, "come and don\'t be rude. Send people at night to send this gift to Gaoyang secretly. Don\'t expose your identity."

"I see."

Mingzhu nodded and told Liu Hao something about the night. Silently, her arm had quietly grabbed Liu Hao\'s arm.

Under the cultivation of Liu Hao, she is more and more capable and has the look of the blue sea tide Banshee of later generations.

Lying on the locust tree, beimingzi looked at Liu Hao flirting with Mingzhu, stretched his waist, yawned and said, "the sky thunder hooks the earth fire!"

Seeing them go towards the deep palace, Xiaomeng couldn\'t help turning his eyes and waving the Qiuli sword in his hand. The sword edge was like water. Xiaomeng sighed with an old look: "Oh, man."

However, her face was still cold and calm, but she didn\'t know why in her heart. She was no longer in the realm of the unity of heaven and man.

Like a stone, into the heart of the lake, the waves are rising.



"This smelly guy laughed badly just now. He must have done something bad! Princess Ben has to go and have a look!"

Red lotus crept through the palace.

I don\'t know why, looking at the smile of Liu Hao with Mingzhu, Honglian\'s anger doesn\'t come, and she wants to jump up and bite.

Liu Hao once gave her a waist token for the passage of the King City. Because of Han Fei, he gave preferential treatment to Han Wang\'an\'s children, so he did not deprive Honglian of her Princess status.

All the guards of the white armour army in the palace saw the Lingling Princess Honglian, and they just didn\'t see it.

Honglian is familiar with the pattern of the palace. She wears it around and soon comes to the palace.

"This bad guy closes the doors and windows in broad daylight. What on earth is he doing inside?"

There was silence around. Bai Jiajun had already withdrawn from the bedroom. Honglian was suddenly a little curious