The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2502

In the void, a sword is flying rapidly from the dark!

The sword Qi was fierce, and the cold light flashed continuously. They ran back and forth in the cavalry group of the state of Qin. In an instant, more than a dozen cavalry soldiers were stabbed by the sword Qi in the throat and forehead, fell off their horses and died.

After the Pearl got the seal of extermination, the ice magic formula made it more perfect.

Casting magic can instantly shock people\'s mind, sink into a dreamland and temporarily lose their thinking ability.

These Qin State cavalry are elite soldiers who wear armour for hundreds of battles, but they are stunned in place one by one after being attacked by the spirit, and become piles of clay carved wood sculptures.

Wei Zhuang\'s face was as cold as a thousand year old black ice. His feet skillfully took advantage of the horse\'s back and swept it again.

Linggu swordsmanship, traversing all directions!

Between the rise and fall of the rabbit and the Uighur, the blood light suddenly appeared, and the sword light even cut and hid in the dark to protect LV Buwei\'s disciple expert.

"I... Died here!"

LV Buwei\'s eyes were splitting, but there was only infinite sadness in his heart.

He is in charge of a country. Even the king of Qin wants to call him Zhongfu, but what can he do for this peerless sword, even if he has power to the court and the public and 3000 disciples!?

"Take you on the road."

Weizhuang\'s body flashed like an unclean thing. Linggu\'s final kill crossed all directions and killed the last few hidden snare killers.

Within ten steps, one sword will defeat the enemy!!

The next moment, the cold sword light had pierced LV Buwei\'s throat.

Before his death, LV Buwei looked back at the majestic Handan city for the last time, with infinite nostalgia in his eyes.

Just like when fresh clothes and angry horses came out of Handan.



Everything in Xinzheng King City is as usual and still calm.

On this day, Liu Hao became interested and was in the open white jade square in the palace to guide the silver haired Laurie Xiaomeng swordsmanship.

In the pavilion on the side, there was a red dress, jade hands holding fragrant cheeks, black eyes turning around, sitting in the pavilion, I don\'t know what I\'m thinking.

This is naturally the red lotus Princess of Xinluo.

Liu Hao took charge of Xinzheng with thunderous momentum, and then controlled power with imperial skill, which minimized the turbulence caused by the collapse of Xinluo.

But watching her father fall to the throne with her own eyes, the innocent Princess Honglian naturally hates Liu Hao.

However, she was innocent, but she couldn\'t think of any good revenge. She just wanted to bite hard on Liu Hao, which was the only way to dispel her hatred.

Compared with Honglian, Xiaomeng is just the opposite.

The silver haired Taoist nun with innate Taoist body can be called a demon. She can practice martial arts and swords. With the unity of mind and spirit, she can enter the wonderful realm of the unity of heaven and man in an instant.

In this ethereal realm, Xiaomeng Kendo enters the country, which can be said to be thousands of miles a day.

Liu Hao deliberately slowed down the movement, and built the martial arts in the nine Yin manual, which made the Xiao dream slowly understand.

After Zhang Liang had a secret discussion in the palace that night, he gracefully dressed in white and sent to the state of Qi.

Now the seven countries will be in chaos and the Jianghu will be in turmoil. This trip to the envoy will go through the border of Xi country, which is a little dangerous.

Liu Hao doesn\'t trust Zhang Liang\'s safety. He specially sends crows and Baifeng to protect him in the dark with the experts above 100 birds.

As a result, the priorities of the domestic senior class naturally fell on Han Fei. Han Fei first appeared in xiaoshengxianzhuang at this time, and was able to fully display his ambition and take charge of the senior class of the Han Dynasty.

In a word, governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies.

Beimingzi\'s master and apprentice stayed in the palace, which made it convenient for Liu Hao to compete with him.

Taoism is inherited from ancient times. This vein is divided into two parts, but Taoism is mysterious and points to longevity. Liu Hao also benefited a lot from the exchange of experience with beimingzi.

Today, I teach Xiaomeng martial arts. Apart from the fact that the little girl is pleasing to my eyes, I may not have failed to repay beimingzi\'s mind of selflessly sharing all kinds of Taoist secrets.

"Yin and yang are connected by life and death."

Beimingzi lay on the old locust tree, his eyes swept and his mouth twitched. He couldn\'t help feeling: How did Liu Hao practice his martial arts.

Liu Hao has long integrated the two kung fu skills of the nine Yin manual with the Joyoung\'s magic skills, and even the Dragon elephant and the Buddha have trained twelve heavenly powers of the twelve dragon.

The old Taoist priest has a Taoist magic to survey Qi. He can\'t help looking forward to it: if the emperor of the Han Dynasty tries his best to use his magic power and means with heaven and human spirit, the old Taoist priest suspects that Wan Jun will be killed by Liu Hao alone.

It is close to the battle of immortals recorded in ancient Taoist books. It can move mountains and break the sea.

Looking at Xiaomeng\'s sword dance, the sword move and sword style have been perfect to the extreme, which is a visual enjoyment.

Liu Hao was shocked by his divine sense, and the prompt sound of the system suddenly sounded.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. The vertical and horizontal swordsman Weizhuang led the crowd to successfully kill the legendary Lu lubuwei. The worship value is 50000 points, the merit value is 100000 points, and an additional spring and autumn charm is awarded!"


Hearing the system prompt sound, Liu Hao\'s spirit was slightly shocked. He paid attention to the spring and autumn talisman when lidon was put on it.

Spring and autumn talisman: spring and autumn spirit, the sky is fixed and the spirit is empty.

Using the spring and autumn talisman, you have a chance to improve an attribute and randomly give a special skill. Please let the host know!

When you kill the legendary figures of the Warring States period, you have a chance to obtain the spring and autumn talisman. Please use it carefully and the attributes are consistent, so as to maximize the benefits of the spring and autumn talisman!

"666! You can directly deprive a special skill. This spring and autumn talisman has an adverse effect!"

Liu Hao\'s mind moved slightly. He inquired about LV Buwei\'s attributes with the technique of looking at Qi. It was immediately clear:

LV Buwei, the Prime Minister of the state of Qin - force 46, intelligence 97,... 96, 82, 105, 95!

Stunt 1, seeking the country: the good minister of the Empire, the old man seeks the country.

LV Buwei is outstanding, intelligence + 2+ 2!

Stunt 2, Tycoon: Mingshi Zhiren, the first businessman in the Warring States period, business + 3!

Stunt 3, tongue debate: with a three inch unskilled tongue, take wealth and energy directly. Who will be right through the ages?

LV Buwei\'s eloquence + 10!

The envoy of the state of Qin who died on the way to Handan was actually a Kunpeng fish.

He not only contributed a large amount of worship value and merit value to Liu Hao, but also accidentally contributed a hidden treasure, spring and autumn talisman.

While sorting out the results of the war, Liu Hao was not afraid to speculate with the greatest malice: "the king of Qin sent Li Sihan to replace the blank space. On the other hand, he sent LV Buwei to hide his position and go to the state of LAN. In this way, he drove the tiger and swallowed the wolf, but did not send a master guard of Tianzi in the snare..."

"Is it possible that you have the intention to send him on the road?"