The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2504

"Is this smelly guy really asleep?"

"Then you can take the opportunity to bite him for revenge!"

"Stab him another hundred and ten swords and let him know my power!"

Princess Honglian thought of the revenge plan, proudly ground her little tiger teeth, waved her small fist and showed a little devil\'s smile.

Walking softly to the gate of the palace, Honglian held her breath and approached the windowsill.

The slender jade finger poked a hole in the window cloth.


She screamed and was stopped by Honglian with her small hand, but the beautiful cheeks that are suitable for anger and joy are quietly full of Hongxia

In the red gauze tent, the faint fragrance floats and moans gently, which is destined to be a hot picture.

Princess Honglian stamped her feet, covered her face and ran away without anyone\'s permission.

She muttered and was still harping away at some hateful fellow.

"Hum, smelly guy, bad guy!"

However, in her mind, somehow, the idea of revenge disappeared, and only the beautiful picture came to mind.

"What a shame!"

Princess Honglian covered her red cheeks and dared not look up again



The state of Qin has a net, and the Han Dynasty has night.

There is a hidden place in the night. If you don\'t move, you will be dead. As soon as you move like thunder, God unknowingly subdues LV Buwei and 300 imperial cavalry in the territory of LAN state.

Liu Hao immediately sent an expert at night to secretly return LV Buwei\'s head to Gaoyang.


On this day, a court meeting is being held in the Qin palace.

Wearing nine diaos and a black dragon robe on his head, he walked through the palace like the God Emperor of the fairy palace in the sky.

Along the way, the black armor imperial guards, armed with fighting, knelt on one knee, only looked up and respected in their hearts.

At a glance, hundreds of ministers in black imperial clothes and crowns have stood in the wide hall.

Among the military generals, Wang Jian, general Meng, Li Xin, fan Yuqi and other great commanders are all famous generals in the world. The special service officers and soldiers known as the God of the Qin army are not included in this list.

Among the literary ministers, Prime Minister LV Buwei was ordered to travel. He was not in the court. There were also famous literary ministers of the seven countries, such as Wei Xuan and Meng Yi.

Civil and military heroes gather together.

The court meeting did not officially begin. All the officials in the hall gathered in twos and threes to discuss current affairs.

Eunuch Qin Liang hurried into the palace with a brush in his arms and shouted in a sharp voice:

"The king arrived!"

These four words seemed to contain strange magic, and the whole palace was suddenly silent.

"See you, king!"

The civil and military officials of the Qin Empire arranged their clothes and straightened their backs. When they strode into the palace, they all bent their knees and knelt down, pressed their left hand and right hand, arched their hands to the ground, and slowly moved their heads to the ground to salute the high monarchs and officials.

He sat down on the throne, waved his hand, and said calmly, "excuse me."

All the ministers stood up, bowed their heads and stood in awe.

When the sun rose, the imperial meeting began.

Meng Yi took the lead in standing out of the line and arched his hands and said, "the wild goose country is weak. Now it means to tie up the great Qin Dynasty. I hope the great king will show his kindness, and the north can be stable."

Yan state is located in the northernmost part of the seven countries. The land is barren and has to face foreign invasion. Therefore, its national strength is not significant among the seven countries.

With the a wave of the Dragon sleeve, Messenger of the wild goose kingdom was announced to enter hall. Messenger of the wild goose Kingdom presented a gift to Qin with the fear to show his good intention.

The replacement space took the gift list, glanced at it roughly, looked calm on his face, and drew a few words. The messenger of the wild goose country reached the purpose of the trip, so he left happily.

It has been said for a long time that the seven dynasties of Qin Dynasty were strong and the will of heaven was unified.

At this time, among the four famous generals of the Warring States period, there were two military gods Bai Qi and Wang Jian in the state of Qin, and millions of fierce soldiers of tigers and wolves. The masters of the six countries were in danger.

King Yan, the ruler of the state of Yan, likes to be timid and afraid of the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty. He also specially sent envoys to give gifts and curry favor with them, which made the officials above the court of the state of Qin show pride on their faces.

If there are generals shouting, they should directly lead troops and cooperate with Yan state to send troops to LAN state.

He looked indifferent, raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness, and asked, "the state of Xinluo was destroyed and the state of Han was newly established. What do you think of this, Aiqing?"

When it comes to business, people are excited in the hall.

"The Han kingdom is a tiny place, with no more than 200000 soldiers and no more than a few generals. At the end, I will ask the king to send troops immediately for it!"

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty conspired to usurp the throne and stand on behalf of the Han Dynasty. The domestic situation must be turbulent. The king has sent envoys to threaten the emperor of the Han Dynasty. If he refuses to cede land and surrender, hit him! Hit him!"

"We old Qin people are not afraid of bloodshed. The army will surely level Xinzheng!"


The brave old Qin, from Guanzhong, is more about the heroic spirit of long.

In particular, after Shang Yang\'s reform, military merit is the best way to exchange for titles.

No one in the empire is afraid of war, but looks forward to the coming of war and can bring brilliant feats to themselves.

At this time, Meng Yi stood out and bowed his hands and said, "this is a heaven given opportunity. You can\'t miss it. LISS is an envoy to the state of Han, and the prime minister is an envoy to the state of LAN. As long as the plan of driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf is successful, the two countries will be like water and fire. The king can send a commander to attack quickly, destroy the state of Han first, turn the military front, and then fight the state of LAN!"

The Meng family is the largest family in the Qin Dynasty.

Meng Yiguan worshipped Qing and was highly valued by the king of Qin. His brother, general Meng, was in charge of the powerful army with outstanding military achievements. The two brothers were both literate and martial arts, and were called the double pride of the Empire.

Above the hall, there are human spirits.

People know that Meng Yi\'s opening represents the idea of replacing spaces to a certain extent,

"Hehe, what kind of person is the prime minister!? this action is sure to be successful."

"At that time, only one commander can lead the troops to attack the Shangdang, open the gap between the Han and the land, and then use the public opinion offensive to trigger civil strife in the Han country, so that the country can be destroyed in a war!"

Listening to the analysis of Meng Yi, a famous courtier in the court, a rare smile appeared on his cold face.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of light footsteps outside the hall.

Everyone in the hall looked sideways and saw Zhang Han, the commander of the imperial court. His face was dignified. He rushed into the magnificent hall with a wooden box in his arms