The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2501



Zhang Liang\'s strategy has the heroic spirit of destroying the six countries.

Liu Hao talked freely with him, talked about the general trend, and worshipped him as a phase with great admiration.

Since the Han Emperor worshipped Han Fei as the prime minister, the old minister retreated behind the scenes, and the right Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty also surfaced.

Another young man ascended the altar, and there was another uproar in the world.

"Is there any mistake! A young Confucian scholar under the age of 20 became prime minister as soon as he came back from his study tour!"

"Did the emperor of the Han Dynasty make a slip of the tongue after drinking and become an official at random?"

"It\'s said that Zhang Liang went straight to the Great Han Qilin hall, offered the national strategy, shocked the government and the public, and became a peerless talent."

"Ha ha! Joke! It\'s just a child with milk stink and not dry. He will be demoted soon. If he is a great talent, he can swallow three kilograms of dung!"


The Prime Minister of a country is basically the foundation and mainstay of the country.

When Han Fei ascended the throne, a large group of people were unconvinced. Liu Hao let Weizhuang kill in court, which shocked the people.

Zhang Liang, a few years younger than Han Fei, appeared on the stage to worship the prime minister. Naturally, some people were jealous between the courtyards.

However, under Liu Hao\'s Sheng Wei, these people are jealous. No one dares to jump out and be a bird. After all, the last lengtouqing who dared to disobey Liu Hao is still cold.



The spy soon sent the news of Zhang Liang\'s worship to the King City of Daliang.

The king of Wei was enjoying the palace song and dance with his beloved long Yangjun. After reading the secret report file submitted by the spy, he was overjoyed.

Long Yangjun asked softly, "why does the king laugh?"

The king of Wei smiled in Longyang Jun\'s ear: "this emperor of Han Dynasty is ridiculous! He has appointed a boy with no hair as prime minister. Is it difficult for this boy named Zhang Liang to be born with the color of the country and attract his soul?"

"I hate it!"

The little bird of Longyang Jun leaned on the fat shoulder of the king of Wei. The little fist gently hammered a few times and said with a smile, "the king is laughing again."

"But the political affairs of a country are not the same as children\'s play. The emperor of the Han Dynasty acted so absurdly. It seems that the country of the Han Dynasty will soon be destroyed. Congratulations to the king..."

"Hahaha! I will drink with the beauty in Xinzheng!"

The king of Wei embraced the beauty and laughed loudly.


On Changping road.

The iron cavalry of the state of Qin is holding a car and driving straight to Handan, the capital of LAN.

The carriage galloped.

LV Buwei sat on the soft brocade in Sichuan, his body bumped and fluctuated with the carriage, but his eyes crossed the small window of the carriage and looked into the distance, sighing sadly.

At first, he was a rich man of Wei state, and later rose in LAN state.

When no one was optimistic about the strange son of Qin who joined Zhao as a proton, LV Buwei made a heavy bet on the strange son.

Later, the young master\'s son returned to Qin, and LV Buwei helped him ascend the throne of King Qin. This business also benefited thousands of times.

Once worshipped, the name moved the seven countries.

The jade tiger on the stone, one of the four fierce generals at night, can be said to be invincible. It is high and powerful, but it still reveres LV Buwei as an idol. This shows LV Buwei\'s talent for planning the country.

It is a legend to count LV Buwei\'s career experience.

However, heroes on earth must grow old.

LV Buwei, the Prime Minister of two generations, is now below one person and above ten thousand people, but his hair is slightly frosted, no younger than at that time.

This time, he was sent to the state of LAN under the secret edict of the king of Qin. He hurried on his way for days. He was tired. LV Buwei was old and his wrinkled face was full of fatigue.

He rubbed his back, opened the curtain of the carriage and asked, "how long is it from Handan?"

The cavalry general under his command rode forward and respectfully hugged his fist and said, "I inform you, the prime minister, this place is only 70 miles away from Handan and will be there tomorrow afternoon."

LV Buwei glanced at the sky, pinched the center of his eyebrows and said, "I\'ll hurry all night. Tomorrow morning, I\'ll go into the palace to meet King Zhao."

"My Lord, yes!"

The cavalry with clanking iron armor will boldly take command and drive the horse away.

At this time, in the distant dense forest, suddenly a group of birds flew out of the forest, and the leaves rustled in the forest.

LV Buwei\'s face suddenly changed.

He has experienced ups and downs, how many storms and waves, and has long developed an amazing intuition.

"There\'s a murderous spirit! There\'s a murderous spirit!"

LV Buwei exclaimed a warning. His cavalry were stunned and clenched the Long Ge in his hand.

Just between the lightning and flint, in the deep forest beside the ancient road, there was an amazing sword gas that quickly broke into the air to kill.

The flying shark broke through the air and the sword was shining brightly.

The outermost cavalry was caught off guard and was immediately strangled by the sword Qi.

Blood splashed, killing like a raging tide.

"No, there are assassins!!"

The iron cavalry of the state of Qin was shocked and the formation immediately contracted.

The swordsman with black clothes and silver hair ran like electricity. The shark tooth long sword in his palm waved, and the white sword Qi cut the void, vertical and horizontal!

Instantly kill more than ten cavalry in front of LV Buwei.

For a moment, people were boiling and horses hissed, and there was a great chaos on the field.

LV Buwei, who had experienced such a big scene, couldn\'t help shaking his mind. The sword Qi penetrating the void locked him in the distance. Senhan\'s sword Qi stabbed him in the cheek!

"Protect the prime minister!"

In the end, it was the elite of hundred battles. The iron cavalry of the state of Qin immediately reacted after a slight delay.

Hundreds of riders, armed with fighting, rushed up like a tide, escorting LV Buwei\'s car.

Just when the sword was in tension, a burst of evil laughter suddenly came from the dense forest beside the road. There were many phantoms, and the scene changed sharply between heaven and earth.

Clouds blotted out the sun, and the surrounding suddenly fell into boundless darkness.

The wind was like a knife, and the thunder suddenly sounded.

The cavalry of the state of Qin fought on the battlefield. It can be said that they are invincible in a hundred battles, but when they encounter such strange scenes, they can\'t see the enemy clearly. It\'s really like seeing the spirit and God.

Hundreds of horses were terrified, their horses hissed and their feet were in chaos.

"This is magic! Don\'t mess up!"

LV Buwei hasn\'t experienced any great storms. Magic can shock people\'s spirits for ordinary martial artists.

But a man like him who has made great achievements in writing books is energetic and difficult to shake.

LV Buwei just lost his mind and returned to normal.

However, when he opened his eyes, his liver and gallbladder were ready to crack