The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2500

He opened his eyes to Han Fei with gratitude.

The old man was also afraid that because of his relationship with Zhang Liang, the king was suspicious. He didn\'t eat any food and drove into the palace to see him.

"Few people in the world can enter Aiqing\'s eyes."

Liu Hao zhanyan smiled and said, "come on, quickly pass Zhang Liang into the palace."

In the shadow of the night, the spy was ordered and soon swept out of the palace.

Before long, I came in white.

Zhang Liang (as a teenager) - force 76, intelligence 100, politics 96, command 86, talent 94!

Stunt 1, wise Sage: God and man have no work, wise sage has no trace, and the plot is wonderful. Who can be right?

Zhang Liang intelligence + 5!

Stunt 2, seeking the country; In devising strategies, control is better than invisibility.

Zhang Liang helps Mingjun to set the world.

When Zhang Liang\'s scheme succeeds, there is a chance to increase his or his monarch\'s intelligence attribute randomly!

Hidden stunt 3, Emperor teacher:???

Tip: [when Zhang Liang assists the monarch to unify the country, the emperor and teacher attribute will be triggered automatically. Please know!]

Rao is Liu Hao who has seen a big scene. He can\'t help but be shocked.

The evildoer!

This is too evil!

The wisdom sage of the ages is really not boasted. This attribute and ability is even more amazing than Zhuge Liang\'s debut.

When the legendary counselor card was opened to Zhang Liang, his character really exploded!

Zhang Liang walked slowly into the hall and looked around. There were his grandfather and his close friend Han Fei in the hall.

They were nodding and smiling at him, and Zhang Liang smiled and blinked.

Looking up, the moment when their eyes converged, thousands of words were contained in them.

Zhang Liang\'s calm heart set off a layer of ripples in the lake.

At this time, a strange feeling appeared in his heart. The young emperor sitting high on the dragon throne seemed to be the Mingjun he had been waiting for for for a long time.

"Liang, meet the emperor of Han Dynasty."

Zhang Liang knelt down in the hall, bowed down and said in a loud voice.

Liu Hao chuckled and waved his sleeves. A gentle emperor like a cloud suddenly escaped. It seemed that there was an invisible hand in the air. He helped Zhang Liang up and said, "please get up quickly. Have a meal first. Duke Zhang is almost hungry and dizzy."

He was very hungry for a long time. After thanking him, he began to wolf down.

Liu Hao looked at the open old man, more and more pleasing to his eyes.

Although the attribute of old man Zhang is not the capital of the top literary officials, the victory lies in his diligence and diligence.

His son Zhang Ping is also a first-class literary minister, and his grandson Zhang Liang is better than blue. He has the unique wisdom and wisdom, and has long been designated by Liu Hao as the Great Han strategist.

After the wine and food were full, the maid came up and cleaned up neatly. The whole hall was quiet.

Liu Hao read the national annihilation policy again. He couldn\'t put down his scroll and asked, "the ovary has a talent for helping the world. I don\'t know why to teach me now because of the general trend of the world?"

Zhang Liang stood up and arched his hands and said, "dare you ask the emperor of the Han Dynasty, would you like to settle in a corner and be the overlord of the princes, or dominate the world and make the whole mountains and rivers?"

"The great husband stands in the world and should carry a three foot sword to sweep away the eight wastelands and six harmonies."

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty has lofty aspirations, such as the clouds of the nine heavens. He is dazzled and admired. Now the Han Dynasty sits in the land of the Han Dynasty, surrounded by the neighbors of Qin, Zhao, Wei and Chu. If you want to be the overlord of the princes, you can unite vertically and horizontally. The diplomatic six countries can ensure stability for ten years. After that, the six countries will be in chaos. Wait for the opportunity, you may dominate the princes."

Zhang Liang obviously had a ventral script for a long time and said with a smile: "but to wipe out the world, we should take a long-term view. Among the seven countries, Qin has the most powerful national strength and has the ambition of Empire. Millions of Qin troops occupy the pass, and wolves see the world. At present, we can\'t force the enemy. We can use Zhao to make Qin and Zhao merge first..."

"The Great Han Dynasty started in the four battle fields. The emperor of the Han Dynasty can order the great general to command the elite division, first destroy the Wei army, then take the Daliang city of the Wei state, and take the strength of the Wei state with the power of destroying the state. In this way, we can support the war by war. Within a year, we can be the division of the tiger and wolf, Weiling Qi State..."

In Zhang Liang\'s eyes, the light of wisdom flashed, talked with confidence, displayed his ambition and various strategies, which made people think deeply.

Lightly dressed in white, the six countries were destroyed.

Suddenly, a magnificent scroll of rivers and mountains has been slowly unfolded in front of everyone.

Han Fei nodded and smiled, as if lost in thought.

He opened his hand to pick up his beard and paused there. His white beard rustled under his chin. His whole body was boiling with hot blood. It seemed that he heard the sound of golden iron horse beating the sky.

"The pattern is broad and really good."

Liu Hao nodded, and a slight arc appeared at the corners of his mouth. There was an undisguised reward in his eyes.

He and Han Fei have repeatedly deduced the situation of the seven countries, which is not different from Zhang Liang\'s national annihilation policy today.

It can be seen that Zhang Liang\'s mastery of the situation of the seven countries is clear in his mind, and he has also brought into full play the vertical and horizontal strategy of long-range and close attack.

Zhang Liang gently and directly admonished Baishan: "I heard that Xinzheng was not very peaceful some time ago, and some envoys of the state of Qin were detained by the emperor of Han. If the good expectation was not bad, the king of Qin decided to be polite before the soldiers. If the national politics and diplomacy failed, he must send envoys to the state of Zhao and Wei to persuade the two countries to divide Korea..."

"Maybe the soldiers and horses of the state of Qin are already on the way out. This must be prevented!"

Liu Hao nodded and said with a light smile, "Han Fei also thinks so."

Han Fei and Zhang Liang looked at each other and smiled.

They are worthy of being good friends. When they look at each other, they clearly understand each other\'s strategic thinking.

Zhang Liang brushed his sleeves, bowed down and said, "there is a prime minister sitting in the court. Liang can safely leave for the state of Qi."

He was slightly stunned and hurriedly asked, "what are you doing in the state of Qi without a rest after you just went home?"

Zhang Liang said with a smile, "grandpa doesn\'t know. The world will soon be chaotic. There will be a war between the Han Dynasty and the Qin and Wei dynasties."

"The state of Qin is constrained by the state of Zhao. This is definitely a tentative offensive, and I will not dare to use my full strength. The state of Wei is preparing for the horse, and there are more than 300000 warriors. As long as you can lobby the king of Qi, you can use the forces of the state of Qi to involve the rear of the state of Wei and create an advantage for the front battlefield of our army..."

Open to suddenly realized, stroked his beard.

The situation of the seven countries often affects the whole body.

As long as one country sends troops, it is difficult for other countries to be alone and often have to enter the rhythm of war.

Liu Hao stood up, took a slow breath, and solemnly said, "the great talent of the ovary can be the face of a country."