The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2499

It is well known that the state of Qin dominates the seven countries, and the other six countries tremble.

Liu Hao also has his own killer mace, that is, he wiped out the heavens and swallowed the Dragon Qi of all countries.

Now he is in full swing, with all kinds of Legion auras stacked together, which can bring qualitative changes to the increase of the army\'s combat power!

An ordinary soldier can be called an elite soldier when he is under the command of Liu Hao and his combat effectiveness is improved.

After the blessing and transformation of the aura of the supreme emperor, the elite soldiers can be called fierce soldiers.

Bai is not now commanding 100000 border troops. He is equal to the division of 100000 fierce tigers and wolves. Naturally, he can fight with the general of the state of Qin.

As long as Bai Yifei drags on here for a period of time and the Korean situation stabilizes, Liu Hao can immediately free his hand to deal with the state of Wei.

At that time, we will defeat the Qin and Wei states. From the overall situation, the wind will turn immediately. Why don\'t you worry about LISS?

Han Fei immediately understood Liu Hao\'s meaning, bowed and said, "the pattern of the holy emperor is far-reaching. Han Fei is dazzled and admired!"

The seven kingdoms are in chaos. At present, the foundation of the state of Han is weak, which attracts tigers and wolves to look around. Only by fighting a way of blood can we take all the seven kingdoms.

"There are still too few people available right now, alas!"

Weizhuang was running around. Just after he came back from the state of Wei, he rushed to intercept and kill the Qin envoy of the state of Zhao.

This time the action is crucial. Mingzhu goes out with a group of night killers.

Black and white xuanjian was sent by Liu Hao to layout the state of Wei. At present, only Han Fei and purple woman are in charge of the whole Xinzheng King City, which is not stable.

The talent gap is still too large.

Han Fei suddenly thought of something. He stroked his forehead and said, "I almost missed the big event."

"Han Qing, what do you want to say?"

"I recommend a person who can surpass Han Fei a hundred times and have the ability to assist the government and secure the country."

When Han Fei said this, Liu Hao became interested and asked, "who is this person?"

Han Fei bowed and said, "this man\'s name is Zhang Liang. He is the grandson of Kaidi. He is also Han Fei\'s younger martial brother. Calculate the time and almost return to Korea..."

Zhang Liang!

Liu Hao heard the name. In his eyes, Hao Guangda bloomed and said with a smile, "since there are such great talents, I should reuse them."

Finally,I get you!

When he opened the legendary counselor card, his character broke out and he drew Zhang Liang, but he couldn\'t attract his subordinates across the galaxy.

Now it\'s finally coming true.


Outside Xinzheng City.

A handsome young man in white, carrying a letter, walked slowly.

During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, hundreds of schools of thought competed to bloom in the world. Many people with lofty ideals studied abroad.

"Finally go home..."

Zhang Liang passed the city gate and entered Xinzheng. He felt very secure in his heart.

The fallen leaves eventually return to their roots.

When he was young, he studied abroad, learned the essence of Confucianism and Taoism, and traveled around the world. At this time, he saw the magnificent mountains and rivers, and missed his hometown more and more.

Walking on the streets of Xinzheng, Zhang Liang looked around from time to time.

There was an endless stream of businessmen, and the scene was more prosperous than when they left.

The crowd in front was bustling and very lively. Zhang Liang was curious. He gathered around and looked up. There were five big words on the sign at the door:

"The Great Han Kirin hall, with a golden reward, is only for talents?"

Seeing these five words, Zhang Liang\'s heart suddenly vibrated.

The fall of South Korea, Han Li in the Han Dynasty.

It is no secret that the news has spread to the seven countries.

Over the years, Zhang Liang often had a dream at night. In the dream, there seemed to be a powerful and mellow voice, which came from the other end of the distant star river, like an immortal in a dream, guiding him forward.

In the dream, there is a red dragon flying in the sky.

The sound of dragon chanting is vigorous and stirring, which seems to be the word "big man".

At present, Zhang Liang\'s feeling of palpitation is more and more clear. He unexpectedly pushed aside the crowd, swaggered into the Kirin Hall



"A great talent came out of the Kirin hall today."

"I heard that he wrote a national annihilation policy. The officials of the Qilin museum were amazed and admired. They thought that he was the top talent among the nine grades and won thousands of gold in one fell swoop."

"Isn\'t it? Even the old man who opened the ground couldn\'t take care of the meal after reading it. He directly took the national annihilation policy and entered the palace to face the saint..."

"Frighten! Is there such a powerful person in the world?"

"It is said that this young man is still the grandson of Lord Kaidi. He returned from his study tour and is a disciple of Xunzi of Confucianism."

"It\'s amazing. Green is better than blue."


Xinzheng is not a big place. There is a reward in the talent recruitment hall, just to attract talents, which affects the hearts of the whole Xinzheng people.

It is said that the nine grade rating system is also made by the emperor of the Han Dynasty. It can only be divided into nine grades. Whoever has the policy of strengthening the Han country and a thousand gold awards can be sent out on the spot. It is by no means empty talk.

There is such a gimmick. Wave after wave of scholars gathered in Xinzheng, and even depressed and frustrated scholars in Qi, Wei and Chu came thousands of miles away.

This is equivalent to a free public opinion campaign. Virtually, Liu Hao\'s reputation in the world has been improved.

Today, Zhang Liang\'s appearance, in one fell swoop, rated the top grade above the nine grades, which can be described as a sensation to the whole Xinzheng.

"Ha ha, I finally caught a big fish!"

When Liu Hao met Kaidi, he was having dinner, but Kaidi didn\'t even eat. When he was excited, he trotted all the way into the palace.

When he saw Liu Hao, the South Korean good-natured old minister was already gasping for breath. He waited for his hands to respectfully present Zhang Liang\'s national annihilation policy.

Liu Hao put down his chopsticks and said with a smile, "please sit down, Duke Zhang."

"Thank the Han Emperor for his grace."

He arched his hands and sat down at the table.

Hungry, the delicacies carefully cooked by the imperial kitchen were particularly attractive, but they sat upright and watched Liu Hao\'s reaction closely.

Liu Hao was looking through Zhang Liangxian\'s national annihilation policy. After half a ring, a slight arc appeared at the corner of his mouth and asked, "I heard that Zhang Liang, the talent recruited by Qilin platform, is Zhang Gong\'s grandson?"

He bowed to the ground and said, "the emperor of the Han Dynasty is wise. The ovary (Zhang Liang\'s calligraphy) is young and intelligent. He studies in the little sage villa and follows Xunzi. Now in the Qilin hall, he offers a strategy to destroy the country. Looking at the general situation of the world, it shows that the wizards are dull. It\'s far better than that!"

"The virtuous do not avoid their relatives. Lord Zhang is a virtuous person in the country. All the Zhang family are heroes."

Han Fei also bowed his hands and said: "the minister and the son are studying in the small sage villa. They know each other. This talent is as tall as a mountain, as intelligent as a sea, and as knowledgeable as LV Wang of King Wen of Zhou. In the past, Guan Zhong would be better than Han Fei if he was used by the Lord."