The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2496

At this moment, Liu Hao felt as if he was denounced by heaven and earth.

The stagnation of air engine flow is that it is extremely difficult to move a finger because the resistance is thousands of times higher than usual.

"It\'s interesting that heaven and earth lose color."

Liu Hao nodded slightly, gently stretched out a palm and suddenly pressed it out.

The action is ordinary, but it is like an immortal covering the world. One palm breaks thousands of methods and is extremely domineering.

Above the sky, a heavenly hand tore the clouds and covered the sky and the earth.


After a loud thunder roar, the gray area of the world was completely broken, and all the surrounding scenes were restored to Qingming.

"No more, no more... I have a little stomachache!"

Beimingzi shook his body and went back for more than twenty feet. He cried with sweat all over his head.

"Heaven and earth are so easily broken. The emperor of Han Dynasty is not an ordinary immortal realm... So talented... It\'s... It\'s a demon!"

He felt that if he stayed with Liu Hao for a while, he would live less than a year. Without saying hello, he flashed and slipped away with Taoist Xiaomeng on the wall

Xiaomeng watched the battle, his mind swaying. Looking back, he just saw Liu Hao standing with his hands behind him.

Great as God.

Liu Hao\'s hand, carved like a perfect white jade, picked up a piece of fallen leaves.

The leaves have just fallen from the tree, withered and dry, full of twilight, and the leaf lines are clear. It seems that life has come to an end.

"The Taoist Tianzong can resist the power of heaven and Tao for its own use. Beimingzi, a great immortal, makes the world pale, which is equivalent to creating a field of death, in which time stagnates and vitality passes more than a hundred times..."

When Liu Hao was in the Han Dynasty, he attacked and attacked Shu and got the inheritance of Taoism in the mysterious capital of heaven. After being promoted to the realm of human immortality, he felt that "one Dharma is connected and ten thousand dharmas are connected".

Heaven and earth fade, everything returns to spring!

The flow of life and death, with Liu Hao as the center, a layer of invisible air waves and ripples swing open, tens of feet wide.

The leaves are withered and yellow, the sky is dark, and the dust is hanging in the air.

In this round wave range of tens of feet, it seems to be in the field of death, and the operation of vitality has stalled.

If beimingzi was present, maybe even his eyes would fall.

The secret of Taoism has lost its color in the world. Liu Hao has mastered the essence of it just by looking at it!

"Solitary Yin does not grow, solitary Yang does not grow, and life and death are two Qi, which is called Yin and Yang..."

Liu Hao\'s mouth showed a slight radian and his palm turned over.

Heaven and earth overturned.

The original dark sky suddenly recovered its color.

The withered and yellow leaves miraculously recovered their blue color, and the leaves suspended in the air fluttered and fell.

Full of vitality.

The system prompt sounds suddenly:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, deduce ancient Taoism, suddenly understand the way of yin and Yang life and death, basic intelligence attribute + 1, Taoism attribute + 3!"

Liu Hao, the emperor of the Han Dynasty - force 130, intelligence 111 (+ 1), politics 100, command 103, charm 113, Taoism 103 (+ 3), talent 95!

not bad

Liu Hao checked the system attribute list and nodded with satisfaction.

This time, I learned a lot from discussing Taoism and practicing martial arts with beimingzi.

It is extremely difficult to break through and improve the attributes after breaking through the limit. This time, the attributes of intelligence and Taoism have been improved. It can be seen that there are indeed many mysteries worth exploring in this world.

Xiaoyaozi, who had just reached the door, kept his feet on the threshold and couldn\'t fall down, but was stunned!

He took a breath and his hair stood up!

I can\'t believe my eyes!

Sanqing is on the, the sage of Taoism, this What the hell is going on?

"Heaven and earth fade, and then everything returns to spring. The secret of Taoism is not passed on. How can the emperor of Han Dynasty!??"

Xiaoyaozi\'s head is blank.

Such unimaginable things really made him tremble.

Liu Hao slowly breathed out a breath. The Qi machine returned to the sea and gradually calmed down. In a slow voice, he asked, "immortal Xiaoyao, what\'s the matter?"

This xiaoyaozi is a master of the orthodox school of Taoism. He can only become a Taoist after entering the world.

Ren Daoan, who met with Liu Hao, used the name of a real person to spread Tianmen array and do the thing of extinction. It was like a difference between clouds and mud.

Xiaoyaozi was shocked by Liu Hao\'s accomplishments in Taoism, and his heart became more and more respectful. He arched his hands and said in a respectful voice, "emperor of the Han Dynasty, Renzong disciple, found the trace of the envoy of the state of Qin on the ancient road of Anyi, and 300 iron armor of the Qin army!"

"Envoy of the state of Qin? Sure enough, everything was as Han Fei expected."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows, brushed his sleeves and whispered, "since there is an envoy holding a festival, take him into the dynasty. I want to see which play he wants to sing."


Xiaoyaozi bowed down and stepped back. Liu Hao brushed his sleeves and floated away towards the hall.


the second day.

Liu Hao was sitting on the throne of the dragon. His expression didn\'t change. He just smiled:

"It\'s really interesting for the envoys of the state of Qin to enter the city unknowingly. Isn\'t it polite to have envoys send each other off with clank armor and stride into the city?"

He sits in the position of the ninth five year old statue, destroying countless countries and overlooking rivers and mountains. He doesn\'t have too much experience in this similar means of "giving both grace and power". How can he take it to heart.

Moreover, the No. 1 killer of the Tianzi, the black-and-white sword of the king of Yue, has also become a prisoner of the rank and worked for himself.

The servants and teeth are gone. See how the imperial envoy is still rampant.

The bell rang majestically.

In Xinzheng palace, a young man in a plain black shirt, with a high crown and a slow belt, walked into the palace with festival.

The ground was covered with white jade, there were clanking iron armor beside the road, and there were a large number of fierce soldiers with long guns and halberds.

As far as I can see, it\'s like a knife and axe. Compared with the magnificent Qin palace, this road is really full of crisis, bumpy and dangerous.

It was the first time for Lisi to accept this great responsibility. He looked up at the towering palace hall. It seemed that there was an unspeakable pressure.

LISS frowned quietly