The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2495

Beiming Zi nianxu said, "in ancient times, a sage once said that it is easy to align with heaven and earth, so touching the way of Milun heaven and earth is the threshold of heaven and man. Why is Taoism? It is for longevity..."

"It\'s a pity that this avenue of longevity is towering. It\'s so difficult. Human immortals have just set foot on this road."

Liu Hao has a deep understanding of this.

Cultivate to the realm of human immortality, reborn and have a thousand years of life.

But heaven and earth are long, unchanged for thousands of years, and the years are endless.

No matter how strong an immortal is, it will sweep the world, and there will be a time of extinction.

The true meaning of longevity is to transcend the years and truly immortal, which has never been done in mythology.

"In ancient times, there were Qi practitioners who could get the help of heaven and earth, transcend the mundane world and cultivate into immortals. Above human immortals, there were many secret places such as earth immortals and heaven immortals. There were all kinds of unimaginable means to move mountains and fall into the sea, and there were endless blessings. However, after a great change in ancient times, the immortal road was cut off, and there were no immortals in the world..."

"What kind of great change is that? Can you explain it in detail?"

"In this turmoil, countless immortals fell, but there is no record in ancient books. It is only handed down by the head of our school. I don\'t know..."

Beimingzi looked at Liu Hao\'s meditation, raised three fingers and shook: "but in an era, there will always be amazing people who break the cage of heaven and earth and approach the glorious world of ancient times..."

"In today\'s world, there are three and a half people who can break the realm of human immortality."

Liu haoduanran sat down and asked, "please speak frankly."

"The first person, Taiyi, the Eastern Emperor of yin and Yang family, is mysterious. He never shows his true face. His cultivation is unfathomable and can\'t be easily provoked."

"The second one is the ghost Valley King Zen. The old man traveled around the six countries and met him. The old man was the realm of human immortals and lived for hundreds of years. Now he doesn\'t know whether he is dead or not."

"As for the third person..."

Beimingzi smiled, pointed to Liu Hao sitting opposite him and said, "it\'s the emperor of the Han Dynasty."

Several people mentioned by beimingzi, Xunzi, the second sage of Confucianism, have also mentioned it. Liu Hao smiled, but did not deny it. He asked curiously:

"Who is the remaining half?"

"The Taoist priest only stepped into the threshold, but he didn\'t know the law, so he can only be regarded as half a person."

Beimingzi Baimei Yixuan said with a calm smile: "the emperor of Han Dynasty was curious about that era, but he didn\'t have the opportunity to contact the secret."

"Since the spring and Autumn period, there has been a saying in the world that whoever can master the secret of the seven nights of the green dragon can control the Qi of heaven and earth and achieve the avenue of longevity. In fact, in the final analysis, it is just a dispute between Qi and number..."

"A hundred schools of thought, a hundred flowers in full bloom, seven kingdoms and heroes, each according to one side, who can sweep the eight wastelands and six harmonies, who can take charge of heaven and earth, and who can inherit Qi..."

The old Taoist continued: "it was a foregone conclusion that the climate of the Qin Dynasty had become strong and the six countries had been leveled. However, the pattern of heaven had changed a few days ago, and the emperor of the Han Dynasty was born. Now the result is hard to say..."

Liu Hao, the great master of martial arts, has met many, but it is the first time for a Taoist immortal who knows the rise and fall of misfortunes and blessings.

The Taoist Tianzong followed the way of heaven. Beimingzi was born in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, which was closest to the ancient times. He must master the mysterious Taoism and observe the way of heaven.

Liu Hao listened quietly, with an old well in mind.

The emperor on earth, the dispute of Qi and number.

This truth was vaguely perceived when he swallowed the Dragon Qi of various countries.

When beimingzi saw Liu Hao, his face was calm and calm, blowing his beard and staring.

He casually told the ultimate secret of the world. It can be said that he was shocked. Why didn\'t the young emperor fluctuate in front of him?

"Thank you for your advice..."

Liu Hao pondered for a long time. Finally, he smiled calmly and said, "I want to ask the immortal about the Taoist metaphysics of heaven and man. I don\'t know what the immortal thinks."

"I dare not invite you."

Beimingzi smiled and stood up. He was about to let you, a young man, know the power of the old Taoist priest.

As soon as the voice fell, beimingzi\'s figure disappeared in place. The next moment, it seemed to move and transpose. It appeared behind Liu Hao for several feet, gently waved a palm, drew a mysterious arc, and patted Liu Hao on the shoulder.

Liu Hao stood up as if he hadn\'t felt it, but the body protecting God gang had been naturally touched.

The real dragon revolves around the body and thunders at the acupoints and orifices.

Beimingzi\'s palm immediately stopped in the air, like ice and snow in the boiling sun, which could not be close at all.

When he failed to hit, the figure in the air flashed, and beimingzi appeared dozens of feet away. He was shocked: the inner strength of the Qing emperor this year is unimaginable!

Like a real dragon!

Without a shot, only the body protecting God gang has not been bad, and the external God does not invade.

Liu Hao turned his back to beimingzi and felt it with his mind, but he seemed to have insight into everything. He couldn\'t help praising him: "it\'s like or save with its light and dust. The Taoist Tianzong is really wonderful."

Outside the wall, a silver haired head appeared.

The little Taoist with dark green belt and silver hair has big eyes and a small mouth in the shape of "O".

Shifu\'s cultivation has reached the highest level of Tianzong. He is "in the same world with others". Everything is not confined to his heart. He didn\'t take any advantage of it. That guy is too powerful!

Xiaomeng suddenly worships the beautiful emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Although it was not a fight between life and death, it also used different means. The shadow of boxing was floating on the field, which dazzled the little Taoist.

Beimingzi was the leader of the Tianzong sect. He did his best to get the mystery of the Tianzong sect\'s Taoism. When he was in the middle of the battle, mysterious talismans appeared around him.

Suddenly, thousands of golden runes whirled rapidly. Beimingzi\'s white eyebrows fluttered and whispered, "Tianzong\'s secret skill, heaven and earth fade. Please taste it!"

Xiaomeng jumped carefully and his eyes opened wide. He didn\'t want to miss a moment.

It\'s a secret of Taoism that heaven and earth lose color. Only when our mental cultivation reaches the level of harmony with the world and one breath is dark and yellow can the heaven and earth lose color.

Liu Hao\'s mind poked out and clearly felt the aura around him like mountains, rivers and seas. He began to riot and rushed madly towards Beiming\'s son.

Everything in the world, including time and space, stopped strangely.

The original blue sky, falling leaves and fine dust have all become gray and dim, losing their original color