The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2497

"The master of the snare lost contact as soon as he entered Xinzheng. Nine times out of ten, he was secretly removed by the Han Emperor. They all said that the Han Emperor was lucky and a usurper. Now it seems that he is clearly a leader who seeks the country..."

"This mission seems quite dangerous, but with the wisdom of Li Si, even if the road ahead is difficult and dangerous, what\'s the fear? I want to go out of a fair and smooth way. I want to ask King Qin\'s green eyes to add and soar into the clouds..."

The soldiers of the white armour army who led the way didn\'t know that there were so many thoughts in the heart of the great looking young man.

"Tell the emperor of the Han Dynasty that the envoys of the state of Qin are waiting outside the palace."

"Bring him in."

The vigorous voice seemed to be from the jiuzhong tianque, stirring on the side of the eardrum. The white armour army was as respectful as the God of heaven. LISS was also shocked. He took a few deep breaths, swaggered and entered with integrity.

When he saw the young son of heaven on the red gold dragon chair, LISS stepped and looked a little stunned and surprised!

What\'s going on?

He originally thought that the emperor of the Han Dynasty, who sought to ascend the throne, should be a middle-aged owl with no color of joy or anger. He planned to layout for decades before he could swallow South Korea and establish a country.

However, the dignified and deep Han Emperor, who sat steadily on the Dragon seat, was extremely young and handsome. He looked no older than him.

"Come in and talk."

While LISS was shocked, some small waves also appeared in Liu Hao\'s eyes.

The Dragon pupil of the Heavenly Emperor moves and knows everything. The attributes and abilities of this young imperial envoy are also in front of him:

LISS (rapid growth) - force 62, intelligence 95, politics 96, command 82!

Stunt 1, name: Li Si has the talent of prime minister. If he is allowed to preside over the government of a country, his intellectual attribute + 2 and political attribute + 2!

Stunt 2, strict consideration: LISS worked hard, mature and resourceful, with the talent of the prime minister.

Basic intelligence + 2, basic politics + 2!

The young man named Lisi first followed Xunzi in learning the art of emperors. After he achieved success, he immediately left Confucianism and joined the door of LV Buwei, the Prime Minister of the Empire.

According to the historical track, Li Si will be used by Ying Zheng, king of Qin, worship as guest Qing and assist Ying Zheng to wipe out the six countries.

In the decades after LV Buwei\'s death, this young man will become the most powerful scholar in the Empire, leaving a strong mark in the history books.

A series of important events with the significance of the times, such as the implementation of the county system, burning books and pitching Confucianism, the formulation of laws, the unification of train tracks, words and so on, all have the shadow of LISS.

But his end was also very sad.

After the death of the king of Qin, he took part in the abolition of Li. Finally, he was killed by the traitor official Zhao Gao and killed the family. It was very sad.

After seeing Lisi\'s life in front of him, Liu Hao had a funny smile on his mouth.

"Liz, I\'ve seen the emperor of Han."

Li Si stood upright and saluted Liu Hao lightly, but his expression was very proud.

The old minister in the Court opened his angry eyes and scolded with halberd fingers: "bold! As an envoy, you dare to be rude to the emperor of Han after entering the Han Dynasty!?"

Liu Hao caused a vision of heaven and earth, which made the old man respect it like a God. Where could Li Si humiliate him.

The soldiers of the white armour army outside the hall were holding halberds in their hands, and their cold eyes fell into the hall. They would not hesitate to kill LISS on the court when they gave an order.

Liu Hao casually waved his hand and said with a smile, "the claws and teeth of the snare are broken. You should not have received the corresponding news, but you dare to enter the palace. It\'s also a character. Come on, what do you want to say?"

"The snare killer was taken down as expected!"

LISS looked calm on his face and had set off a terrible wave in his heart.

It\'s all over the place.

As a disciple of LV Buwei\'s think tank, he knows the strength of Roman organization.

Qiang Qin had been planning for a long time in order to unify the situation. Among the six countries, there were many spies, but there had never been one in Xinzheng.

Li Si was always quick witted. He sorted out his words, arched his hands, solemnly saluted and said, "the emperor of the Han Dynasty is wise. The king sent Li Si into the Han Dynasty to send a pile of great fortune to the emperor of the Han Dynasty."

"Oh? Tell me?"

"Among the seven kingdoms, the king of Zhao has no Tao and has repeatedly fought to plot the land of other countries. Now the king of Qin sent envoys to fight against the state of Zhao and divide the land of the state of Zhao..."

What LISS said was exaggerated, but it is undeniable that it is really tempting.

Many of the officials in the hall were attracted by the beautiful blueprint drawn by liss and began to talk about the feasibility of sharing the land of Zhao between the two countries.

LISS talked with assurance and promised various benefits of attacking Zhao. After all the ministers in the hall talked for a while, they were ready to move. Finally, they turned their eyes to the man in purple who stood in the forefront of Wen Chen.

This young scribe is Han Fei, the confidant of the Han emperor on the jiuzhong tianque.

Funny to say, this court hall seems to be full of civil and military officials.

In fact, only the young Prime Minister Han Fei and the old Prime Minister Zhang Kaidi are really qualified to speak.

Han Fei, the youngest prime minister in history, is good at governing internal affairs and has always ignored the use of troops to attack and attack. He puts his hands in his sleeves and laughs without saying anything.

What\'s the meaning of this?

No one dared to secretly look at the emperor of Han Dynasty. Han Fei looked attentive again, frowned and didn\'t speak.

This makes those who are ready to watch the wind and steer the rudder very tangled.

Everyone simply didn\'t speak and watched LISS perform.

LIS spoke impassively for a long time, but he didn\'t get any feedback. He was also very embarrassed. He hardened his head and asked, "what do you think of the Han Emperor?"

Liu Hao slapped the table heavily and shouted, "Zhao and South Korea were originally born from the same root. Today, Han stands on behalf of South Korea. It can also be called a brotherly friend. How can we seek a place for brothers?"

Liu Hao seldom gets angry. His voice is loud and angry this time. All the officials in the whole hall are silent and dare not go out.

Hearing the speech, Li Si brightened his eyes, smiled and said, "Li Si originally thought that the emperor of the Han Dynasty should take advantage of the situation and dominate the place. He should be a rare hero in the world. Today, he saw it, but that\'s all."