The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2494


For a moment, Liu Hao was speechless.

All the Taoist real people he had contact with, such as Zuo Ci and Nanhua, were proud of their generations and flew here by crane.

How could there be such a cheeky beimingzi

Xiaoyaozi was sincere. He bowed his hand and said, "I came to Xinzheng City many years ago. Today, it\'s really a new weather. I heard that the emperor of the Han Dynasty set up a talent recruitment hall in the city. I\'m not talented. I\'m about to invest. I don\'t know whether the emperor of the Han Dynasty can accept it?"

Liu Hao was slightly happy when he heard this

Isn\'t that what I want!?

Why not? Wei Zhuang, Xuan Jian and Bai are not important. In the absence of people, the martial arts of Xiaoyao are also awesome, and the power of the Kung Fu driver in Xinzheng is a great addition. Why not?

Without thinking about it, Liu Hao gradually understood the clear relationship between xiaoyaozi and beimingzi.

Taoism is divided into Tianzong and Renzong. In fact, like Huashan sect in Xiaoao world, it is divided into Jianzong and Qizong.

The purpose of Tianzong is to understand Tiandao, while Renzong investigates the changes of Qi in the world. The two sects of Taoism have different ideas, but they master all kinds of ancient Taoist metaphysics at the same time.

This time, both heaven and man were born together. Nine times out of ten, they came for the change of the spirit of the collapse of South Korea.

To be able to personally participate in this change of Qi is actually to participate in the operation of heavenly Dao. You can take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to understand the operation of heavenly Dao. If you get anything, it will be of great benefit.

As an emperor with rivers and mountains, Liu Hao was very generous and didn\'t tell the truth. At that time, he sent someone to arrange accommodation for Tianzong and Renzong.

In this way, beimingzi and xiaoyaozi, Taoist priests of heaven and man, settled down in Xinzheng without any special action.

Renzong practices the way of entering the world, so Renzong disciples, including xiaoyaozi, fight against injustice in the city from time to time on weekdays, help the weak and maintain the law and order of the King City.

These subtle things were secretly observed and recorded at night.

Make complaints about Liu Hao when he came to the purple girl, and he could not avoid Tucao: "the rumors of the lake, the red pine nut is the outstanding master of Taoism."

Liu Hao make complaints about the life records of these days. He has eaten and slept and trained. These days, he has not stepped out of the palace gate, but he has taken it as his own home.

The corners of Liu Hao\'s mouth couldn\'t help but take a little smoke

"Taoism is divided into two. Renzong conforms to humanity and practices the way of entering the world, while Tianzong conforms to the way of heaven and has no desire and no demand. It is the way of birth."

"Since the purpose is different, the way of cultivating Taoism is different. Beimingzi is the master of Chi Songzi and more than two Jiazi Dharma Masters. This is a very human and naturally has its uniqueness."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and said, "remove all the night spies who secretly spy on beimingzi. The palace is very safe."

The purple woman frowned and said, "this Beiming son doesn\'t know his origin and depth. If he has another plan, he must be protected."

Liu Hao shook his head and said with an indifferent smile, "who came to assassinate me with a mop? Besides, who in the world can hurt me?"

The human immortal Qi machine is the most sensitive. Beimingzi is in the palace. Naturally, he is within the monitoring range of Liu Hao. The old Taoist doesn\'t have the slightest intention to kill. Sending someone to monitor is just a waste of manpower.

"It seems that the Lord has other plans."

The purple girl nodded suddenly, but her eyes seemed to stare at Liu Hao with deep meaning and said, "this little Taoist gives me a strange feeling. It seems that she is not an ordinary person."

In the distance, an old laughter came: "girl\'s insight, Xiaomeng is a seed of cultivation that can\'t be seen in a hundred years. Naturally, it\'s not ordinary people."

The voice seemed to come from a hundred feet away, but it seemed to be close at hand. It was very clear. The purple woman couldn\'t help but be awed. With this skill, few people in the world could match it.

"Please come into the palace and have a chat."

Liu Hao shook his robe sleeves and said with a loud smile.

A corner of the palace in the distance.

Xiaomeng, a Taoist nun in green with hair tied, is very serious and is practicing her sword one by one.

The light of the sword is like autumn water, and the silver hair is floating like a fairy.

Beimingzi squinted, sat on a big locust tree in the yard, stroked his white beard and sighed, "who says my good disciple is a mop?"

Xiaomeng suddenly took back his sword and said, "master, we just eat and drink for nothing. It doesn\'t seem very good."

Beimingzi was a little stunned. He seemed to have never thought about this problem. He smiled: "everything is days. It\'s nothing for us to eat a few meals."

"The way of birth is not without desire. Now we depend on others, eat and drink. Don\'t we owe God a great favor? What\'s the matter?"

Xiaomeng turned a big white eye, put on a small face and said, "master, do you have money?"

"No... yes?"

"Alas! What can I do?"

Looking at the melancholy and melancholy appearance of the little Taoist with silver hair and horsetail, the centenarian suddenly laughed, his snow-white beard and hair rustled and trembled, and said, "the emperor of the Han Dynasty, please, I should follow."

Suddenly, the figure of beimingzi disappeared, and a white rainbow ran through the palace.

Liu Hao sat at the stone table and looked at the old Taoist who fell in front of him. There was a strange light between his eyes.

Beimingzi\'s Qi lifting and swiping is beyond the scope of lightness skills. It is almost the shrinking inch of Taoist immortals. It looks like a God.

Beimingzi sat down quietly and said with a smile, "the good disciple of the old Taoist priest said that people born should have no desire and no demand, but they still have to eat. I have no possessions. The emperor of the Han Dynasty seems to have many questions to ask. Just ask. I know everything and say everything."

Liu Hao nodded and asked impolitely, "do real people know the ancient times before the spring and Autumn period?"

Beimingzi\'s white beard rustled and shook. He looked at Liu Hao in surprise and said slowly, "before the spring and Autumn period, there was a glorious world. There were saints at that time, and there were immortals Lingchen. After the spring and Autumn period, heaven and earth changed greatly and the way of heaven was blocked. So far, immortals in the world are rare and can\'t be traced..."

Liu Hao chewed the meaning of the old Taoist\'s words and slightly raised his eyebrows.

There are few immortals in the world.

Doesn\'t it say that there are land gods in the world