The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2493


The majestic Xinzheng City Wall in the distance could be seen faintly. The old Taoist stopped, took off the gourd at his waist, pulled off the plug, and handed the silver haired and beautiful little Taoist sister a drink of water.

The old Taoist turned sideways towards the dense forest and said with a smile, "good martial nephew, you also come to Xinzheng to take a trip to the muddy water?"

The little girl with silver hair in Taoist robe wiped the corners of her mouth. Shui Lingling\'s big eyes blinked. She looked at the rustle in the dense woods and said strangely, "master, how do you know that the senior brothers are coming?"

At this time, the woods rustled.

Several Taoist priests in dark clothes and swords came out slowly. A middle-aged Taoist leader smiled bitterly, shook his head and stood out.

The elder martial nephew of the Taoist population has white hair and looks a few years younger than the Taoist.

He arched his hands and saluted, "xiaoyaozi has met martial uncle Beiming and younger martial sister Xiaomeng. This matter concerns the Taoist family\'s morale, so I have to come."

Beimingzi Baimei Yixuan played the ancient sword around his waist and said with a sneer: "xiaoyaozi, xiaoyaozi, you have poor skills. Even Xueji sword is in the hands of the old Taoist priest. What else can you tell? You want to join the world and follow the road. I don\'t think you have any means, so don\'t lose your face."

Several Taoists behind him had a sullen look on their faces, but xiaoyaozi\'s face was calm. He arched his hands and said, "conforming to humanity and pursuing human nature is the way. Tianzong and Renzong are both Taoists. They dare not forget the ten-year appointment. Xueji sword is temporarily stored in the hands of martial uncle. I will take it back the next appointment between heaven and man."

Several Taoists were tit for tat in the forest, but a clear and pleasant laugh came from afar outside the forest:

"Several Taoist real people are all guests from afar. Why is there a dispute here... Emperor Han, please."

A purple shadow, like a startling goose, flashes and plunders into the forest.

It is the purple woman, one of the three leaders of quicksand organization!

Han Fei presided over the government of the Han Dynasty, Weizhuang integrated the strength of the Jianghu, and zinv was responsible for controlling the dispatching in the middle.

Night and birds are sharp swords in the hands of quicksand. The news of the whole King City of Xinzheng is also under the control of purple woman.

"Hehe, the emperor of the Han Dynasty sent people out of the city to meet each other. It\'s better to obey orders than to be respectful."

Beimingzi stroked his white beard and said with a smile.

He didn\'t quarrel with xiaoyaozi, a fellow disciple.

This time out of the mountain, not for the dispute between heaven and man, but for the young emperor who triggered the pattern of Canglong seven nights.



"I\'ve seen the emperor of the Han Dynasty."

Beimingzi took the little girl with silver hair Taoist robe and saluted.

The silver haired girl looked curiously at the handsome young man wearing the imperial crown in front of her. Her little head was very incomprehensible.

It seems that this young man, besides being handsome and dignified, is also ordinary. How could master care so much and come to meet him thousands of miles away?

The Taoist Tianzong\'s skill emphasizes understanding the way of heaven, which is the most close to nature. Xiaomeng has a unique talent. He keenly feels the ups and downs of his master\'s heart, and there seems to be an invisible ripple around his body.

Obviously, his mood is not calm,

Beimingzi - force 88, intelligence 86, politics 32, command 21, Taoism 120!

Stunt 1, the way of heaven: conform to the way of heaven, no desire, no demand, this is the Avenue!

Beimingzi Taoism + 3

Stunt 2, real person: Taoist real person, carefree and immortal!

Beimingzi complies with the way of heaven and cultivates himself. Shouyuan increases by one Jiazi!

"Another Taoist real person, with his own longevity stunt..."

When Liu Hao saw beimingzi, Jianmei slightly picked it.

This Baimei old Taoist priest\'s Qi mechanism is integrated with heaven and earth. Obviously, he is also an expert who has crossed the threshold of a great master.

If you use Taoist words to move your face, you are a real person!

The silver haired little Lori beside him is hidden in spirit, but it is also a piece of jade.

Xiaomeng (rapid growth) - force 83, intelligence 85, politics 42, command 21, charm 99, Taoism 101!

Stunt 1, heart like water: Tianzong descendant, heart like water!

Xiaomeng is a congenital Taoist body with unique talent. When cultivating Taoism, he will naturally get close to the avenue, and the cultivation speed of Taoism will be increased by 50%!

Stunt 2, Taoist master: Xiaomeng is inherited by Tianzong, knows the purpose of carefree, has + 1 basic attributes, and has a great chance to feel the avenue of heaven and earth and get promoted!

Tip: [additional attributes added by Tao master will be increased with the improvement of Xiaomeng\'s ability!]

Liu Hao looked slightly shocked.

He recognized this amazing little Laurie, who is the man who carries the tripod of Taoism. The world is called master Xiaomeng.

Innate Taoist body, the capital of Taoist masters!

It\'s no wonder that at the age of eight, they defeated six Tianzong elders of Taoism Tianzong except leader Chi Songzi and were accepted as closed disciples by beimingzi, an old monster who has not accepted disciples for 50 years!

In contrast, xiaoyaozi and others who entered the palace together, although they are also the first-class figures in all schools of thought, are undoubtedly dwarfed and somewhat tarnished.

Searching for the memory in his mind, Liu Hao\'s mouth showed a subtle arc that was not easy to detect.

Taoism originated from the ancient hermit tradition.

Lao Tzu, the founder, wrote Tao Te Ching, an unparalleled work, and advocated to achieve the highest level of the integration of all things with his own cultivation.

However, there was a great change hundreds of years ago, which divided Taoism into two veins: Tianzong and Renzong.

Tianzong pays attention to conforming to the way of heaven, no desire, no request, and birth.

Renzong pays attention to conforming to humanity and seeking humanity. After China\'s entry into the WTO, many Jianghu events can see the figure of Taoists.

Originally, the same Taoist had different requirements, so they were divided into two. There have been disputes for hundreds of years.

On this day, the people and families came together. Liu Hao had a spectrum in his heart. He calmly asked, "you are all real people in the world. Why are you coming to Xinzheng today?"

Beimingzi said with a smile: "I feel the strange phenomena of heaven and earth at night. It seems that a saint has come to the world. I come here today to see the saint."

Xiaoyaozi arched his hand and said politely, "the emperor of the Han Dynasty inherited the great fortune of heaven and earth, took charge of humanity, and wanted to see him."

"Oh? I\'ve seen it now. What else can I do for you?"

"Alas! Nothing\'s wrong, but I\'ve learned something occasionally. It seems that I\'m going to spend some time in Xinzheng and talk about it."

Beimingzi said solemnly.

Xiaomeng seems a little embarrassed. Shifu is so cheeky. His face is slightly red. He turns his eyes and looks down at his toes