The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2485



The seven dynasties of Qin Dynasty were strong, and the will of heaven was unified.

I don\'t know which man of insight said this, and somehow, it is becoming more and more popular among the seven countries.

In the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, this is a bright era.

It is not uncommon for wise men to seek the country and powerful generals to swallow thousands of miles. The state of Qin has the vigorous spirit of tiger looking at the seven countries, but it is not so easy to really sweep away the six harmonies.



This is the king\'s capital of the state of Zhao. The majestic place is not much less than Xianyang.

With the implementation of Hufu riding and shooting, Zhao has 700000 soldiers, especially the combat power of Rangers, which is known as the first in the world, and the comprehensive national strength can also rank in the top three among the seven countries.

Qin and Zhao fought repeatedly, winning and losing each other.

The strength of the state of Zhao is that even Qin Qiang should look at it with fear.

Although the king of Zhao of this generation is not as great as the king of Zhao Wuling, he is also conscientious and dare not live up to the rivers and mountains that his ancestors inherited.

On this day, King Zhao\'s palace burst into flames.

"The fall of South Korea, the fall of Qiong liquid from heaven, and the immortal Ling dust... This is nonsense. Public opinion is building momentum!"

"The Han Dynasty destroyed Xinzheng overnight and rose like a comet. I\'m afraid it can\'t be underestimated."

"I think, no matter how strong and prosperous, can I be too strong?"

"Hehe, the princes of the seven countries, on the contrary, are the Lord of the Han country. They took the lead in calling themselves the emperor and tried to kill themselves, Ruhr!"


Korea fell and Han replaced it.

The shocking vision of heaven and earth had long been broken into the state of Xinzheng and Zhao. The spy sent a secret letter back to Handan.

All the people in the Zhao Dynasty were shocked by it.

Nothing else. It\'s really incredible.

Even if the seven heroes in South Korea are the weakest in China, there are 300000 or 400000 male troops. Ji Wuyi had a fight with a famous general of the state of Zhao in her early years, but she also lost.

Such a big South Korea was destroyed overnight. There was a heated discussion among the ministers about what day to drop Qiong liquid and the saint to the world. I heard King Zhao rub his temples.

The skull hurts!

What a worry!

The relationship between Zhao and Qin is becoming increasingly tense, and the troops of both sides on the border are increasing day by day. It can be seen that it is a world shaking war.

At this time, Han Dynasty stands on behalf of Han Dynasty.

The thunderous news disrupted the rhythm of Qin and Zhao, and also made Qin and Zhao focus their attention on Liu Hao.

Lin Xiangru, Prime Minister of the state of Zhao, stood out from among the ministers and said, "minister, congratulations to the king!"

The king of Zhao was slightly stunned, raised his hand and pressed it falsely, motioned for everyone\'s dark strength, and asked, "Aiqing, why are you happy about the collapse of South Korea?"

Lin Xiangru said, "when South Korea is destroyed, there will be chaos in China. What sage will come to the world. However, in order to consolidate the public opinion of Xinjun\'s accession to the throne, the border must be unstable at this time. Why don\'t the king send someone to comfort Feng Ting, the guard General of the Shangdang?"

"Feng Ting is an ordinary soldier, but he is greedy for life and afraid of death. Now the collapse of South Korea is the time of great chaos. The strength of Zhao is far stronger than that of Han. The king sends someone to comfort and pressure, and Feng Ting will fall..."

"If you can take Feng Ting, you can take all Shangdang County, and then you can plot the land of ancient Han!"

"This plan is very good!"

The king of Zhao heard his eyes shine and smiled: "Aiqing is really a talent for planning the country!"


Wei Guo.

Daliang city.

Xinlingjun Wei Wuji was expressionless, his hands folded in his wide sleeves, looking up at the sky.

The dark sky can\'t see any light. It seems that it will overturn the next moment and cover the whole world.

Wei Wuji suddenly thought of the latest news of Xinzheng City, the king capital of South Korea, which came from the door a few days ago: 100000 white armour troops of Xueyi castle took advantage of the situation and attacked Xinzheng with a plot. Ji Wuye, a general below one person and above ten thousand people in South Korea, fought and died at night.

King Han Anwei abdicated after death and handed over the great rivers and mountains handed down by his ancestors.

So far, South Korea was destroyed and Han national.

The plot was treacherous, and the scenes of iron and blood attack and attack came to mind in the Xiaoxiong, one of the four princes of the Warring States period.

Wei Wuji scoffed at the later statements in the intelligence about "Heaven descending saints" and "fairy palace Qiong liquid".

In his opinion, this is just a cover up for Jianghu warlocks.

Such a good play at the heaven worship ceremony is not to take advantage of the situation and win the hearts of the people. By the way, those old ministers of South Korea, if they see a miracle, will naturally die hard and accept the Han state on behalf of South Korea.

He was surprised and shocked by the young owl who risked universal condemnation and took the lead in becoming the emperor.

"Who is the person behind the scenes? He plans the country with wonders, suits the people with justice, and conspires with the public. Within one month, nine out of ten of the huge South Korea fell into this person\'s hands. He should be called the world\'s leader!"

Xinlingjun never believed in ghosts and gods. However, when he analyzed them with power, he was still amazed.


From the surprise attack on Xinzheng King City, to the subsequent forced abdication of Han Wang\'an, and then to the control of the Korean Quan Xun family, there are no flaws.

From the outsider\'s point of view, xinlingjun, this is a perfect action.

It was amazing to destroy the country in one fell swoop.

"The king has been waiting in the palace for a long time."

The eunuch in the palace came to receive the message. Wei Wuji nodded slightly, sorted out his clothes and swaggered into the palace.

The current king of Wei is the brother of xinlingjun, King Anli of Wei.

As soon as I entered the palace, I heard the sound of orchestral strings, silk and bamboo. It was all the rage, accompanied by the sound of laughter and joy.

Wei Wuji frowned.

The Lord of the state of Wei, King Anli of Wei, is playing with a handsome man.

The two people smiled, their eyes moved, and their faces were full of pulse.

Xinlingjun, who has always been excellent at Nourishing Qi, can\'t help but frown.

If this beautiful person is a woman, it\'s all right. After all, saints say that men and women are the combination of yin and Yang, the main road.

But this is clearly a man!

Long Yangjun!

Thinking of this name, xinlingjun was very angry in his eyebrows, but he soon covered it up as if everything had not happened and calmly saluted his brother.

It\'s no secret that Wei Anli, Wang Chongxing and long Yangjun.

No one dared to say anything more in the palace. In fact, it has been widely spread, which has long been the laughing stock of the people of the seven countries.

"Hehe, have you heard about Korea?"

"I heard."

"What do you think of it?"

Wei Wuji bowed his head, his eyes were like eagles, and said, "this day gives a good opportunity to the great Wei Dynasty. When its foundation is not stable, or in the name of the allies, send troops to take it."