The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2486

The handsome and vulgar long Yangjun chuckled: "it is said that xinlingjun is the first-class hero in the world and is good at judging the situation. That\'s true."

Wei Wuji bowed his head and said calmly, "I dare not."

The king of Wei stroked his chin and short beard, squinted and asked, "the turbulence in South Korea is a god given opportunity. However, Qin and Zhao are afraid to start first. Can they benefit from sending troops this time?"

Wei Wuji lowered his eyes and said, "there has been a gap between Qin and Zhao for a long time. If you don\'t expect it, the two sides will fight first in this Korean turmoil. The land of South Korea is a heavenly king. You can take it to strengthen me and Wei!"

King Wei Anli took long Yangjun\'s shoulder and said with a smile, "what does the beauty think?"

Long Yangjun snuggled up in the arms of King Wei Anli and said shamefully, "South Korea has serious internal friction. You can send troops directly. This is just a fool\'s opinion. The king is a great hero. You can make your own decisions on family and state affairs..."

Ha ha ha!

King li of Wei\'an gently stroked the back of long Yangjun and said with a laugh, "whoever knows me is a beauty."

After a pause, the voice of King Wei Anli was full of vigour and awe: "it is said that the two countries, South Korea and Wei, have made friends for generations. Therefore, general pangjuan is hereby ordered to lead Wei Wu\'s soldiers to enter South Korea in the name of the Allied forces."


Wei Wuji bowed down and retired.

The disgusting decadent sound in his ears finally faded away. Wei Wuji frowned and thought about the opportunity to use troops in the newly rising Han country.

I can\'t say why. I always think something\'s wrong.

When he stepped out of the Palace door, Wei Wuji suddenly heard the thunder, and the skin in his right eye jumped suddenly.


Looking up at the sky, dark clouds accumulate, lightning arc, tearing the sky.

Regardless of the rain on his shoulder, xinlingjun murmured, "it\'s going to change..."



South Korea was destroyed, and there were saints in the Han state.

This heavy news caused an uproar both in the DPRK and in the opposition.

The seven countries were shocked by it.

Qin and Zhao countries bordered on South Korea. They had their own plans and actions. The state of Wei was unwilling to fall behind. Xinlingjun Wei Wuji admonished the king of Wei and troops went straight out of Daliang city.

The current state of Wei can not be compared with the heyday of Wei Wuzu, but the details of Wei Wuzu still exist.

The king of Wei seemed fatuous. In fact, he also had a heart of pursuing profits. Naturally, he would not miss such a great opportunity as the collapse of South Korea and the new establishment of Han.

The other six countries in the seven heroes of the Warring States period were like tigers and wolves, only to compete for deer.


Yin Yang family, mirage.

Mysterious man in black, who was covered with the black armor, stood in wind with the his hands down, looked to East and said calmly, "Dongjun, time is ripe."

"What\'s the order of the Eastern Emperor?"

A beautiful woman suddenly showed her perfect figure from the shadow.

"Go to Xinzheng, find out what happened and bring back what I want."

"Yes, Lord Donghuang!"


Yin Yang family inherits from ancient times. Astrology and divination can measure the secret of heaven.

When the waves of the situation in the seven countries began to rise, they first stood on the waves and took the lead in action.

Other farmers, strategists, Confucianists, Mohists and other schools also responded one after another. They all sent their experts to Xinzheng to explore the secret of the collapse of South Korea.

This secret is likely to affect the general situation of the world.

The stars deviate, and the general trend of the world is surging.

Suddenly, the seven countries made moves, and the situation changed.

And Liu Hao, also unknowingly, has become the focus of attention all over the world.



General Feng Ting is in the army tent and has a secret discussion with the generals under his command.

"Damn it! The general has been guarding the border for South Korea for decades. According to Qiang Qin, he has worked hard and made great achievements outside the country. Even general Ji Wuye is polite to general Feng. What does it mean that the emperor of the Han Dynasty will transfer the general as soon as he gets on the throne?"

"Madder! What else can you mean? The reason why the general was transferred to Xinzheng is to take away the general\'s military power."

"Hehe, transfer the general? I don\'t agree with the knife in my hand!"


Feng Ting frowned and watched the generals in the tent fall apart.

If you are transferred back to Xinzheng, you can\'t take these 100000 people away.

At that time, there will be no military power. It\'s just a man-made knife and I\'m a fish. Maybe something will happen. I heard that the emperor of the Han Dynasty was cruel and violent. As soon as he came on stage, Ji Wuye was full of people!

These generals are also Feng Ting\'s generals. They are afraid of being liquidated and killed. Naturally, they have a fierce reaction.

"Never go back to Xinzheng!"

Feng Ting slammed his fist on the table and sneered, "I have 100000 troops in my hand. Who dares to touch me?"

"General Shenwu, a deep admiration."

A counselor with a moustache bowed down and offered advice: "the general is the general of South Korea. Now that South Korea has been destroyed in the hands of the Han Emperor, how can the general work for the enemy? It\'s better to lead troops to take refuge in the state of Zhao, which can not only obtain glory and wealth, but also lead troops to destroy the Han and avenge the destruction of the country. The famous history in the future... How can you kill two birds with one stone?"

Feng Ting\'s eyes flickered and laughed: "that\'s right, that\'s what it should be!"

All the generals in the account were laughing at the pros and cons.

At this time, a soldier suddenly trotted in outside the tent, knelt on one knee, hugged his fist and said, "tell the general, the emperor of the Han Dynasty sent General Bai Yifei to the party to receive the city defense. Now he is waiting outside the city!"

"What?! come so fast!?"

When the atmosphere in the tent was silent, Feng Ting was stunned. The letter came here. Bai didn\'t arrive right away. Could he not fly!?

"How many people have come?"

"I\'ve observed it carefully. There are about 300 white armour soldiers."

"Only 300 people!?"

All the generals in the tent laughed loudly and leaned forward and backward.

You know, Shangdang is a powerful pass in South Korea. 100000 soldiers and horses are all fierce soldiers who are used to fighting.

"Three hundred to one hundred thousand, isn\'t this an egg against a stone?"

The mouse moustache counselor Nian niannu smiled: "I thought the emperor of Han was a figure, but now it seems that it is just so!"

Feng Ting suddenly got up, and his eyebrows were already filled with a fierce murderous spirit. He grinned and said, "since you have sent it to the door, you can simply send a letter of investment to King Zhao