The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2484

After some greetings, the people dispersed with more than enough meaning.

Han Fei suddenly saw Weizhuang standing with a sword in the distance, and finally smiled and said, "brother Weizhuang, do you also want to congratulate me on being the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty?"

Wei Zhuang glanced sideways and said coldly, "what does it have to do with me to be the prime minister?"

Han Fei covered his chest in pain and said, "brother Wei is worthy of being a peerless swordsman. I thought he fought side by side with brother Wei. Apart from Ji Wuye, he is already a friend who has experienced hardship. This sword blood seals his throat... It\'s really good to poke his heart!"

Wei Zhuang took a slight puff at the corner of his mouth, stopped and asked, "do you know the secret of the seven nights of the green dragon?"

Han Fei showed a slight arc around his mouth and said, "brother Wei is also interested in this. I happen to know a little about the real dragon and the heavenly son. Judging from the weather tonight, it seems quite suitable for drinking."

"Oh! Excuse me!"

"Don\'t be so cold. I\'ll wait for you in zilanxuan..."



In the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the seven heroes stood side by side.

South Korea was the first to withdraw from the stage of hegemony.

The news that the state of Han was established on behalf of Han spread all over the world in an instant.

With the help of people with intentions, Liu Hao has become an immortal with three heads and six arms. He is unparalleled in the world.

Feng Ting, general of Shangdang County, is also a Veteran General in the army. When the news spread, he smelled an unusual meaning. Recently, Shangdang troops have been mobilized frequently, and 100000 border troops have built the Shangdang County defense line into an iron barrel.

The army of the state of Qin dare not cross the minefield!

There is no just war among the seven countries.

The army of the state of Qin did not have the order of the king of Qin and did not dare to start the war rashly.

Not to mention the 100000 Shangdang troops, there are still 100000 white Jias led by Bai Yifei in the state of Han.

Blood clad Hou just stepped on the stage of South Korea\'s top general Ji Wuyi. He was fierce and murderous.

Once there is a war, the two countries have torn the skin. It will not be so simple at that time.

The states of Yan and Chu are eyeing the state of Qin. They regard the state of Qin as a great trouble. How can they sit idly by?



In the magnificent palace of the king of Qin, rows of black armour imperial guards stood upright with long swords in their hands.

The guards walked lightly. They all looked down at the road. The atmosphere was solemn and solemn.

A middle-aged man in a complicated robe twists chess pieces with his forehand, stares at the chess game, and is silent.

If the jade tiger on the stone, one of the four fierce generals at night, is present, he must be too excited to control himself, because this middle-aged man is his idol, LV Buwei, the Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty.

The man who can do business best in the world wants to win Qin Jiangshan in a business. He has a strong spirit and doesn\'t want to be a second person.

But now he also has a straight back and twists chess pieces. He seems to hesitate and hesitate.

Finally, LV Buwei put down the chess pieces in his hand and said with emotion: "the king\'s posture of heaven and man, and his chess skills are more and more refined. I\'m about to fail the king."

Sitting opposite LV Buwei is naturally Ying Zheng, king of Qin.

Ying Zheng ran in a black crown. His face was handsome and indifferent. He couldn\'t see any emotional fluctuations. He looked at the chessboard with deep eyes, suddenly fuzhang smiled and said, "Zhongfu\'s layout is the first-class in the world. At present, he deliberately let his son."

"The king praised me."

LV Buwei also laughed. The relationship between the monarch and the minister seemed subtle.

LV Buwei, such a person, of course, would not embarrass the atmosphere. He said, "Your Majesty knows that a very interesting thing has happened recently."

"Oh? Zhongfu, tell me?"

"The net got the news that South Korea, adjacent to Qiang Qin, was trampled through the king\'s city by 100000 white armour troops overnight. General Ji supported the forbidden army all night and fought a bloody battle all night. Finally, he was defeated. King Han an abdicated, South Korea fell, and Han was replaced..."

"It is said that the master of the Han state, the immortal, has unpredictable means. Once he ascends the throne, the purple Qi comes from the East for 30000 miles, the sky drops qiongye, and thousands of people in South Korea kneel down. He is called the emperor of the Han Dynasty. The momentum is at the zenith of the sun..."

In Ying Zheng\'s long, narrow and beautiful Danfeng eyes, waves gradually rose and said calmly, "it\'s interesting for the immortal to come down to earth. The world is uncertain, but someone dares to call him emperor?"

Princes are nothing but kings. The emperor is the real supreme in the ninth five year plan. He is the master of heaven and earth. He can\'t speak in the same breath with the princes and kings.

"There is no mistake in the news of the net!"

"Since the Han emperor ascended the throne, he has used Han Fei as the prime minister and xueyibao as the general. He has reorganized the court hall and killed many people, but he has stabilized the country of South Korea."

LV Buwei rubbed the emerald wrench on his finger with deep eyes.

Ying Zheng said, "what do you think of Zhong Fu?"

"The immortal\'s theory is just nonsense. It is mostly the public opinion of the Lord of the Han state."

LV Buwei brushed off his sleeves and said, "South Korea is only a small place. It\'s easy to destroy it. It\'s just that the situation among the seven countries is tense. If he doesn\'t have the preparation to swallow the seven countries, he will go to war rashly. I\'m afraid it will put Daqin at a disadvantage."

Ying Zheng nodded and said, "father Zhong has great ideas. He has the talent to secure the country. He needs to talk about state affairs more."

The king and his officials discussed for a while, and LV Buwei didn\'t leave the palace until it was getting dark.

Smoke curled in the palace.

Ying Zheng sat where he was, pressing the Tianwen sword around his waist with one hand and tapping the table with the other hand, and asked softly, "Zhao Gao, are there really immortals in the world?"

Zhao Gao was a eunuch. He bowed down, lowered his eyes and said respectfully, "if there are gods in the world, it is also a king. He will rule the country forever."

The king of Qin sighed gently, "Zhongfu, Zhongfu, although South Korea is a small place, the purple air comes from the East for 30000 miles. This is the sign of the birth of the saint. A few days ago, the gate of heaven opened and the real dragon broke into the world. I heard it fell in South Korea. Has there been any news about the net?"

Ying Zheng muttered to himself, but Zhao Gao was respectful. He couldn\'t be more respectful. He was about to bow to the ground and said, "tell the king, there\'s no news yet."

"Explore again!"

In Ying Zheng\'s deep eyes, his fine awn burst and said, "after today, you will control the net. When you receive the news, first pass it to me, and then to Zhong Fu. Do you understand?"

"My Lord, yes!"

Zhao Gao suddenly felt a chill at the bottom of his feet, which went straight through his heart and shuddered