The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2483

Since the Zhou Dynasty, rites and music have collapsed, and all princes have become kings and dominate the four directions, but no one has become emperor.

To be emperor is to risk universal condemnation.

However, after seeing the miracle just now, these officials left over from the former Korean dynasty took it for granted.

Saints come from heaven to establish the country and become the emperor. They have the spirit of swallowing the spring and Autumn period, which should be subject to thousands of people.

In the silence, Liu haolang said: "Han Fei has the talent of heaven and earth. He has millions of soldiers and armor in his chest. If he can help the Great Han and dominate the countries, he must also..."

"Now I personally worship Han Fei as the imperial historian of the Great Han Dynasty, supervise the government of the court and take charge of the outline of the court for me..."

in an uproar!

There was an uproar in the hall!

Everyone can\'t believe their ears.

Han Fei, a fledgling young man, has become the censor of the newly established Han state!?

This is the highest real power official position under the prime minister at this time!

Immediately someone jumped out and objected: "please think twice. Han Fei is just a yellow mouth child. He returns from his study tour and has no official experience. How can he afford such a heavy job?"

"Yes! Although he is the son of Han Wang\'an, the emperor of Han doesn\'t have to treat him so well. It\'s enough to make a false job!"

"It\'s no joke for the censor to supervise the government and the public and take charge of the government."

"Han Fei is young and can\'t bear the heavy responsibility. Please think twice!"

"Old minister... Please accept the order of the emperor of Han Dynasty!"


Han Fei was young. He had just returned from his study tour to South Korea when he met Liu Hao\'s urgent soldier to seize power.

Although he made a decisive choice and became the work of the dragon, he had no foundation in the old Korean hall.

The game of politics is ruthless and ruthless. It not only depends on your ability to be an official, but also attaches more importance to the root foundation. Therefore, there are party members and officials in all dynasties.

Now that Han Wang\'an has fallen and the Han emperor is in power, Han Fei\'s identity as childe has no value for everyone.

For a moment, the officials in the hall were excited. Even Han Fei didn\'t expect that Liu Hao would mention him to such an important position.

In Liu Hao\'s eyes, the golden purple light flashed, swept the hall for a week, and asked calmly, "what do you think of Zhang Gong?"

When he opened his heart, he bowed and said, "Han Fei has the ambition to govern the country, which is a hundred times better than me. I\'m old and weak and can\'t bear the heavy task..."

He said a lot and finally said, "the old minister voluntarily gave up the position of prime minister. Han Fei can be the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty!"

A stone stirs thousands of waves!

The whole hall was completely stunned!

Why can\'t even the shrewd open land understand the situation!?

Or does Han Fei really have talent from heaven to earth!?

Many people stared at Han Fei. The young man in purple was noble and handsome. He was not as fat as his father Han Wang\'an.

His face looks calm. He can keep calm when he hears such heavy news.

However, in addition, there was nothing outstanding. Some people had an absurd idea in their hearts: could it be that the emperor of the Han Dynasty was as good as Longyang!?

You know, this is not without precedent in today\'s world.

The king of Wei favored long Yangjun and called him into the palace to wait on him.

There were 3000 fandai people in the harem, but they were not as good as a man. This allusion caused a sensation in the other six countries, and it spread, completely becoming a laughing stock in the mouth of scholars and bureaucrats in the seven countries.

"A bunch of fools who can\'t see their position!"

Wei Zhuang stood on the hall with his shoulders in his arms. His eyes were cold and cruel.

Just as everyone was talking, Liu Hao gently tapped the red sandalwood carving table in front of him and asked calmly, "I think what Zhang Gong said is right. Han Fei\'s deployment to surround and kill Ji Wuye is a great achievement. Today, Han Fei was appointed prime minister. Zhang Gong worked hard and remained a marquis. What do you think, Aiqing?"

When it came to what I thought at last, the tone was very low, but the whole hall was silent.


When Weizhuang Jianmei picked up, he already felt the suffocating murderous gas!

If you can hang out in the court, all the officials in South Korea are excellent people. That\'s the basic skill of officialdom. How can you not know the advance and retreat except a few lengtouqing?

"The emperor of the Han Dynasty has inherited the great fortune of heaven and earth. Before he ascends the throne, he will go against the trend. Han Fei, how can he de? Please take back his destiny, otherwise the country will soon die!"

A middle-aged scholar pointed at Liu Hao with a sad look.

Liu Hao sneered and winked at Weizhuang.


The sound of shark teeth sword was soul stirring and cut through the void. The head of the middle-aged scholar fell to the ground.

Blood flowed all over the ground.

After Wei Zhuang killed someone, he retreated to his original position and stood there in a breath. His breath was calm, as if he hadn\'t even moved.

It is said that accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. The officials in the hall are also cold hearted. They all feel that they are facing a real dragon!

When the real dragon is angry, the world is terrible!

Everyone woke up and thought of the Han Emperor sitting on the throne, but the hero born of the Universiade is not the usual talkative Han Wang\'an.

Once he rose, he killed Ji Wuye first, and then leveled the Korean capital!

I didn\'t expect Han Fei, a young man, to be the seeker!

At this time, the ministers bowed their heads and looked at their noses. There were beads of sweat at the tip of their noses, but they didn\'t even dare to go out of the atmosphere!

The White army guard outside the door came in to clean up the ground, and the court meeting continued. Han Fei finally received the prime minister\'s seal and became the youngest prime minister in history.

"Minister, thank the emperor of Han for his grace!"

The open ground was also flushed and could not hide its joy.

He led the right Prime Minister of the Great Han Dynasty and was also the censor doctor. He was always appointed a marquis. He was inherited and replaced. Everyone was happy.

After dispersing the dynasty, the ministers withdrew from the hall and surrounded Han Fei.

A meal of flattery surged towards Han Fei like a tide.

At this time, we respect the left.

Han Fei\'s left prime minister was appointed by Liu Haoqin. It can be said that he is the confidant of the emperor of Han Dynasty. He is on the green cloud!

Such people don\'t flatter, when?

Han Fei was in the midst of prosperity, but his eyes were still deep and clear. At a slight glance, he seemed to be able to see the heart clearly