The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2482

Almost some people suspect that the opening place where the sacrifice is read aloud on the stage is easy to disguise.

Han Wang\'an in the crowd looked haggard and his legs trembled.

After he announced his abdication, he bowed his hands and gave up his power. No one looked at him more. The heroic young owl, with his hands on his back, became the center of attention.

But on his face, he could not see the slightest expression. It seemed that people who were in charge of the power of the world and stood in all sentient beings should also do what they deserved.

This spirit of swallowing heaven and earth is admirable and awe inspiring.

Standing on the high platform, holding bamboo slips in both hands, he continued to preside over the ceremony process. His voice was loud and spread all over Xinzheng.

This earth shaking thing happened like this!

Everyone was silent and watched the Korean flag fall, the red dragon flag of the big man hung high, fluttering in the wind and hunting.

"It\'s comfortable to see the king flag of the Han Dynasty..."

Liu Hao also put on the crown, and the golden awn appeared in his eyes, with a touch of arrogance and overbearing.

From today on, South Korea will be removed from the list of seven countries.

Based on this, the great man will officially embark on the road of competing for the world!

Boom! Boom!!

I don\'t know when boundless purple clouds have accumulated in the sky.

At the end of the ceremony, the purple clouds on the nine days sank, and there was a dull thunder, rolling and shaking from the purple clouds.

So awesome.

It made everyone tremble and couldn\'t help bending their knees to the ground and looking up at the sky.

At this time, Liu Hao stepped on the void, just like climbing the heaven steps, standing in the sky, opening his arms and embracing the sky, just like a God Emperor overlooking the world!

"I am the first emperor of the seven countries!"

Han Wang\'an has collapsed on the ground.

He was so scared that he was glad he didn\'t do anything.

Otherwise, I\'m afraid I don\'t even know how to die!

"Only when the saints came to the world in ancient times, can there be such a climate. The first emperor of the seven countries is really extraordinary..."

Open to think of the records in ancient books, completely convinced.

In ancient times, saints came into the world. The purple atmosphere was vast and varied, just like today.

"Congratulations to the host, destroy Korea, surrender up and down, successfully devour the Korean dragon gas, and advance the secret task of the seven nights of the black dragon!"

After a system prompt sound, thunder billowed in the purple clouds, and gradually began to rain with golden light.

This golden light rain is the purest aura between heaven and earth, condensing and moistening things silently.

Drenching people will not cause any discomfort. On the contrary, people can benefit from the protection of heaven and earth.

Many people originally had ChenKe\'s hidden diseases. After bathing in the aura of heaven and earth, they were inexplicably good!

This is a miracle!

Everyone who participated in the heaven worship ceremony felt the change of their body, and there were uncontrollable cries of joy and surprise from time to time.

Even the Prime Minister of the two dynasties opened his legs and feet, and his face was full of disbelief.

Originally, he was old, tired and sick, and his legs and feet were inconvenient, but after bathing in the golden rain, his joints were painful, and the whole person seemed to be ten years younger!

"The power to surpass the common customs really exists..."

Han Fei clenched his fists in his sleeve and looked at the sky. His clear and deep eyes became more and more firm.

Nine days of purple clouds, rolling down!

There seemed to be a sound of dragon singing in the clouds, and the golden rain covered the whole King City of Xinzheng.

Weizhuang stood with his hands tied, and watched Liu Hao step up from the high platform to the sky, step on the steps, and open his arms in the air, as if embracing the world.

Suddenly, the immortal Ling dust.

The vertical and horizontal swordsmen who did not change their face in anticipation of Mount Tai\'s collapse were also full of vibration between their indifferent expressions.

How lucky is it that human power can affect the operation of the laws of heaven and earth!?

I don\'t know who it was, he began to kneel down first and shouted, "long live the emperor of Han!"

More and more people fell on their knees and shouted from the bottom of their hearts with the most devout and loud voice.

"Long live the Han Emperor!"

"Long live the Han Emperor!"

The sound shocked the whole King City of Xinzheng, with thousands of people in the streets and kneeling beside the road, which is more exaggerated than the travel of saints in the spring and Autumn period.

It seems to be the supreme birth of ancient times.

Engulfed the Korean dragon gas, the golden light and rain lasted for half an hour, which can be said to be wet and wet.

People who worship Liu Hao reverently have benefited a lot. Even Weizhuang feels that his acupoints and orifices are shaking. The layer of martial arts film lying in front seems to have a faint sign of loosening.

After the heaven worship ceremony, the world\'s Han Dynasty meeting was held for the first time.

Liu Hao put on his crown and sat high on the throne. The officials in the hall dared not look up.

"Dear Aiqing, if you have something to play early, you will leave the court if you have nothing to do."

The old prime minister opened his watch on the ground and said, "Feng Ting, general of the Shangdang, sent an urgent letter to report that the Qin army stationed troops on the border. The tiger looked at the Shangdang and asked the emperor of the Han Dynasty to make a decision quickly!"

Shangdang county is an important military town bordering qiangqin in South Korea.

In Liu Hao\'s impression, Feng Ting was a second rate general with little ability.

Historically, in the face of the strong troops of the state of Qin, Feng Ting directly offered to the party and demoted the state of Zhao, which can also be regarded as a wall grass.

"This man is known as a general. In fact, his skills are mediocre. He can be used as a deputy general, but it\'s not enough..."

Liu Hao looked around and found that there were few people. He pondered for a while and said, "Bai Yifei led Bai Jia\'s army into Shangdang county and stationed in Shangdang, which can be foolproof."

At this time, Liu Hao missed the general of five tigers and nine dragons under his command.

If we can open the muddy sky star road and get the help of the generals of the five tigers and nine dragons, it\'s not worth fighting the seven countries.

Bai is not Qiang ran. He is now the largest general under Liu Hao. Such an important place of strategists naturally wants him to guard.

Liu Hao soon issued the second decree: "thousands of gold are easy to get, but talents are hard to find. In Xinzheng City, a Kirin platform is set up to reward thousands of gold and recruit talents from all over the world. As long as there are talents, they will not hesitate to reward. Zhang Xiang personally controls this matter."

He did not dare to neglect, arched his hands and said respectfully, "old minister, take orders!"

Then there were trivial things. Liu Hao was lack of interest. He raised his hand and said, "I have one last thing to announce."

The hall was suddenly silent, and everyone stood in awe and looked up at the first emperor since the spring and Autumn period