The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2481

"Bloody Hou! Bloody Hou is coming!"

"It is said that his clothes are red with blood. It\'s terrible!"

"The most terrible thing is the mysterious man behind the bloody Hou. The bloody Hou is escorted by the front driver. The mysterious man is in the carriage!"

"Today\'s South Korea, I\'m afraid there will be another big earthquake!"


Among the onlookers on both sides of the long street, there is no lack of wise people.

Bai Yifei and Bai Jiajun are very powerful. Liu Hao, who controls everything behind the scenes, becomes more and more mysterious.


"Master, it\'s not good... It\'s not good!!"

The old housekeeper of Zhang\'s house panted and ran into the study. Out of breath, he said, "Sir, Bai is not with Bai Jiajun... Just outside the house..."

Speaking of this, the old housekeeper was extremely frightened.

Bloody Hou kills Jue Ji. There is no night. The door is full of fierce power. Who dares to commit a minor crime in such a big South Korea?

His master didn\'t know what disease he had committed. He didn\'t put a good prime minister properly and had to be angry and resign.

It\'s good. All the blood clad princes are out. I don\'t know if Zhang\'s house will roll down today.

He was over 50 years old and had a clear and meaningful face. He was sitting on a red sandalwood chair reading ancient books. When he heard the housekeeper\'s report, he couldn\'t help but put down his letter and sighed faintly.

"How can there be an egg under the pouring nest?"

Han Fei, dressed in purple, came in and said hello: "Han Fei has seen Lord Zhang."

"Son Han Fei?"

He opened his eyes slightly, looked up and down at Han Fei, looked strange, and said, "I heard that you came back from the study of sage Zhuang since childhood. Don\'t you know the righteousness of your family and country? How can you be a lobbyist for that man?"

It doesn\'t make sense.

Han Fei is the son of South Korea. Now that South Korea is about to collapse, the state of Han rises on the body of South Korea. It is incredible that the ninth son of Han Wang\'an is the pioneer.

Han Fei said with a smile, "Lord, the holy text is divine and powerful. It is a great pity if it can\'t be used by our Lord. In the future, those who wipe out the seven countries and overthrow the world will be the Lord. The old man has the ability to manage and stabilize the country. It\'s a pity if he can\'t be used by our Lord."

"I\'m old, weak and ill. I\'m embarrassed and responsible. Mr. nine praised me..."

The open man is old and refined. Naturally, he won\'t eat this set. However, he was curious about Liu Hao and asked, "Mr. Jiu, your master, what exactly is that? There is absolutely no such person in the whole South Korea."

Han Fei smiled mysteriously and said in a low voice, "Duke Zhang, do you know what happened before more than a month?"


He sprang up from his seat, stared and said, "this... This... This..."

Before the end of the month, a vision appeared in the sky.

One day, the gate of heaven opened wide and the purple gas was vast. Jiulong pulled the coffin and came to the world.

This may be a shocking picture that you can\'t forget in your life.

"Hiss! Is that one... Unexpectedly... Unexpectedly such a person? No wonder he will surprise peerless people as soon as he is born!"

"No wonder! No wonder turning your hand is cloud and covering your hand is rain!"

"This man was born in response to the great luck. South Korea was weak and was swallowed by this man!"

Han Fei saw his expression shaking and said calmly, "if only Duke Zhang knew it, there is a big secret on the Lord. Don\'t tell the second person to know it, otherwise it will lead to trouble."

"Heaven knows, you know, I know."

He opened his eyes and jumped. All kinds of deeds were added to Liu Hao. He seemed to feel a vast force manipulating everything


When Liu Hao pushed the door in, he was standing at the door open and welcomed out with great respect.

"Meet the emperor of Han Dynasty!"

The stubborn old man knelt down on his knees, bowed down and bowed his head. He was known as the emperor of the Han Dynasty and had a respectful attitude.

Liu Hao wondered what means Han Fei used to persuade old man Zhang.

Originally, I thought it would take a little bit of talking, but now I didn\'t expect that my attitude would turn 180 degrees directly.

However, the play should be finished. Liu Hao helped him up and opened his mouth and said, "please get up. I heard that Duke Zhang is ill at home. I don\'t know how he is now?"

The red light on his open face appeared, and Qiang ran said, "ha ha, this little disease is nothing to worry about. It makes the emperor of the Han Dynasty worry about a mistake."


The group of people kneeling on the ground in Zhang\'s house were all stunned.

Master, what\'s the matter?!

Not long ago, I was still drinking at home and complained that the country would be defeated. Today\'s attitude has completely changed!?

This young emperor of Han Dynasty is really not an ordinary person!

The old housekeeper thought.

He thought of Liu Haoda\'s frightening origin. His vest had been soaked in cold sweat and dared not be disrespectful.

The system prompt sounds suddenly:

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Han Fei persuaded the open to surrender with his three inch eloquence. The current open loyalty is 90. Please make persistent efforts!"

Ninety years of loyalty is worth it.

Liu Hao nodded slightly and asked, "I\'ve heard that Zhang Gonggong and sun Zhangliang are studying abroad. Is there any such thing?"

"You are a natural saint and know everything!"

Zhang Liang will return to his country in a few days. When he comes, he will come to visit the emperor of Han Dynasty

Liu Hao smiled, patted his open shoulder and said, "now all waste is waiting to prosper. It\'s the time of employment. Zhang Laode hopes highly and pays tribute to heaven and earth. He needs Zhang Gong to come forward to correct people\'s hearts. What\'s the meaning of Zhang Gong?"

Liu Hao was also a little happy in his heart. He thought that today\'s matter would take some words, but he didn\'t expect it to be so smooth.

When Zhang Liang comes to vote, the father and son will work under their command. That\'s also a good story.

Open to which dare to refuse, quickly bowed and said: "solid wish, dare not invite you!"


The heaven worship ceremony was held as scheduled.

The prime ministers of the two dynasties opened their hands and personally presided over the grand event.

South Korea\'s government and people looked at each other and were all shocked.

What\'s the situation!?

Didn\'t this stubborn smelly stone take the lead in protesting against the change of the national name!?

How come in the end, Mr. Zhang took the lead!?

Many people were originally prepared to wait to see a joke and see how South Korea is in a mess, so that they can take things from it.

The results showed that they slapped these people hard and their faces were swollen