The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2480

A long cold night after the bloody washing of Xinzheng.

Bloody Hou finally crossed the martial arts master realm and became the second master swordsman in Liu Hao\'s hands.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Han Fei walked briskly into the room, bowed and said, "Ji Wuyi\'s followers have been cleared. What\'s the Lord\'s plan next?"

At present, Han Fei is not the master of Legalism in later generations, but it is also the beginning of an extraordinary event.

Within half a month, the thorough cleaning of Korean officialdom was completed, which also paved the way for Liu Hao.

"The seven heroes of the Warring States period will eventually disappear one after another. There is no need for South Korea to exist... Prepare to sacrifice heaven and earth, establish a country, and the country name is... Han!"

Liu Hao sat high on the throne, calmly spit out his voice, and said this Chinese character with some emotion in his heart.

The king of the Han Dynasty stood on the heavens, but separated from the stars of the world, Liu Hao lit the fire and looked forward to the brilliant scene of the coming Dynasty in the future.

"When the new king ascends the throne and offers sacrifices to heaven and earth, the state of Han should be established and ministers... Congratulations to the emperor of Han!"

Han Fei congratulated from the bottom of his heart.

These days, Liu Hao\'s mastery of the overall situation can be said to be perfect, which makes Han Fei respect.

The Korean chaotang reshuffle was surging, but under the strict supervision of Liu Hao, it did not affect the officials, and had little impact on the people at the bottom.

The common people are only concerned about whether they can survive in this troubled times. There are even many refugees from other small countries in South Korea. No one is free to mind the dark and treacherous political struggle.

The news that the king of Korea gave way to the throne, the collapse of Korea and the re establishment of the state of Han were announced to the officials.

Man Chao is in an uproar!

After three-thirds of the Jin Dynasty, one of the seven heroes, South Korea, after a hundred years, once destroyed the country!

Many generations of Korean ministers gathered in front of the palace and cried bitterly for days to protest.

Liu Hao turned a blind eye to it. Hou Bai in blood is not sitting in the king\'s palace. Those old ministers who are not old-fashioned should consider their small family even if they want to make trouble.

Bai didn\'t break through the martial arts master\'s realm. After leaving the pass, he didn\'t wear white clothes, but changed into red clothes.

The first thing he did was to take the sword and kill the general\'s house, and kill Ji Wuye all over the door.

This is the red dress dyed with blood!

Bai is not a cruel and cruel means, which shocked the whole South Korea. There is nothing special except those old ministers who are crying for the loss of the country\'s generals all day.

After all, people\'s hearts are flesh long. If you want to serve the country as much as possible, you can\'t pit your family.

In addition, there was another major event between the DPRK and China. The South Korean prime minister opened his hand and wrote on his watch. He was old and ill, embarrassed by his big job, and resigned himself.

"If hard doesn\'t work, come soft. Do you want to put pressure in this way?"

"Wait, why does this open ground sound familiar?"

Liu Hao\'s imperial skills are skilled, but he doesn\'t want to eat this set.

Searching for the memory in my mind, I was pleasantly surprised. This open with his son Zhang Ping and Ren Wushi Han Xiang was an old fox with very old political means.

"Lord, do you want me to kill zhangjiamanmen?"

White is also not in his eyes. The red light flashed and said to Liu Hao.

After slaughtering Xinzheng with blood, Bai Yifei\'s seven kill secret technique has made great progress, and his murderous Qi seems to condense into essence.

Liu Hao raised his hand, pressed it with emptiness and said, "don\'t move lightly. This person is of great use to me."

Open - force 52, intelligence 82, politics 84, command 65!

Stunt 1, Laocheng: open Laocheng to seek the country, politics + 3!

Stunt 2, Yuying: cultivate talents and open the ground for the rest of your life. Sun\'s intelligence and political attributes are random + 3!

The old man in Liu Hao\'s mind has a plain appearance and his attributes are far from Han Fei.

But his descendants are unparalleled national soldiers through the ages.

Zhang Liang!

The name symbolizes wisdom and great merit.

To some extent, it is even louder than Zhuge in the late Han Dynasty!

After all, Wolong failed to help Shu and Han unify the Three Kingdoms, while Zhang Liang helped Liu Bang wipe out the world. After success, he retired and remained a wise name for thousands of years.

The most important thing is that Liu Hao once opened the legendary counselor card and opened Zhang Liang.

The loyalty of the characters from the legendary counselor card is 100. In other words, Zhang Liang is Liu Hao sooner or later.

"System, when will Zhang Liang come and run? By the way, it seems that there is another wind chasing arc arrow Zhong limi, which was synthesized with generals\' fragments at that time. When will he come?"

The system said: "please know that Zhang Liang is currently studying abroad and has received an open letter. He is on his way to South Korea. He will vote in the future within march!"

"Zhong limi is currently wandering outside. After the host establishes the country, he will attract talents and immediately go to the host. Please know!"

"Well, after the founding of the state and the change of the number, it seems that the establishment of Taiwan and the recruitment of talents will be put on the agenda as soon as possible..."

Liu Hao pinched his eyebrows and muttered.

At present, Liu Hao can play too few cards in his hand, except for the four fierce generals at night, that is, the quicksand people.

These people seem to have extraordinary skills, but they are still not strong enough to wipe out the seven countries, against millions of enemy troops, and against famous generals such as Bai Qi, Li Mu and Wang Jian.

What is most important in troubled times?


The talent under Liu Hao is relatively scarce.

However, as far as Liu Hao knows, the seven countries will be in chaos, and many talents will be left in the world. If they can be recruited, it must be a great help to sweep the seven countries.

"Prepare a generous gift. I\'m going to open the hell for a visit..."

Liu Hao solemnly ordered: "in addition, a talent recruitment hall is set up in Xinzheng. Anyone with talent, regardless of style, can be used by me."


At the command, the people below will naturally understand and arrange everything.


Step! Step! Step!

The white armour army, clanking with iron armor and holding a long spear and halberd, hurried along the streets of Xinzheng.

"White armour travels, idle people give way!"

The neat and killing pace is thrilling.

Everyone automatically retreated to both sides to let the White army pass in.

Hou Bai in blood clothes is not wearing a red robe like blood, hanging double swords around his waist, reining in his horse and galloping.

The onlookers around were even more shocked when they saw this dazzling red dress: "this... This is the bloody Lord who killed Yingcheng!"