The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2479

Bai Feng - force 93, intelligence 67, politics 62, command 73!

Stunt 1, king of birds: Bai Feng is gifted and has the ability to control and command birds.

Stunt 2, crow: if Bai Feng and crow work together against the enemy and cooperate with each other, their combat power will be increased by an additional 5%!

Baifeng has the means to manipulate birds. Whether it is used to convey letters or watch, it is the perfect choice.

Looking at the crows, they are also rare talents.

Crow - force 95, intelligence 73, politics 66, command 77!

Stunt 1, assassination: the crow was originally the first expert of the hundred birds organization under Ji Wuye. He was proficient in hidden assassination!

When the crow assassinates with the intention of calculation, the force of the crow will be + 2. The next attack will break out, and the temporary combat power will be increased by 3%!

Stunt 2, Bai Feng: the crow and Bai Feng are close friends of life and death. They are very friendly. When they work together against the enemy, their combat power will be increased by an additional 5%!

The crow and Bai Feng have a life-long friendship. In the original plot, the crow finally died for Bai Feng.

"This pair of good friends is a little interesting."

"They have the same mind, work together against the enemy, and their combat power will break out. No wonder they can fight with Hou Bai in blood..."

Liu Hao nodded slightly, moved his sleeve, threw a bottle of dragon and tiger pill to Bai Feng, and said calmly, "this medicine is for external use. The injury can be recovered in three days. Now I have something to do for you."

Dragon Tiger pill is developed by several generations of medicine gods according to the perfect version of drawings. It can be used for internal injury and external injury.

Bai Feng was badly hurt by Bai Yifei\'s cold ice sword. She took the Dragon Tiger pill, poured one, and swallowed it.

A warm current suddenly emerged from his limbs and bones and gathered at the injured place.

Amazing things happened. Bai Feng only felt that her injuries were numb and itchy, and the pain was miraculously reduced.

In this short time, the injury has been contained and alleviated a lot.

"Is there such a magic medicine in the world?"

Bai Feng respectfully handed the dragon and tiger pill back to Liu Hao with both hands and said, "Bai Feng will remember the grace of the Lord."

"Keep it."

Liu Hao smiled.

Dragon Tiger pill is a life-saving panacea for others. However, officials of the Han Dynasty with more than three grades can receive the Dragon Tiger pill stored in the house of internal affairs in case of need.

At this time, it is also easy to buy people\'s hearts.

When the crow saw that Bai Feng\'s injury was a little slow, his spirit was refreshed. He hugged his fist and said, "Lord, but I have orders. A hundred birds die, go through fire and water, and die forever!"

The hundred birds organization, of course, is not just the two of them.

Ji Wuye has laid out the government and the public for many years. There are hundreds of bottom killers under this 100 bird organization. All of them listen to the orders of crows and are specially used to do dirty and hard work.

"Very good!"

Liu Hao smiled and said calmly, "go and bring the coir raincoat guest. The information channel in his hand is very beneficial to me."


Bai Feng and the crow clasped their fists and took orders.

After arranging everything in an orderly way, Liu Hao paid attention to his storage space.

Weizhuang violently killed Ji Wuye with a shark tooth sword. In addition to a large amount of worship value and merit value, there is also a treasure chest rated by the emperor and the Wu soul stone of Ji Wuye.

After all, Ji Wuye is also an owl, worthy of this imperial treasure chest.

Liu Hao gave the Wuhun stone to Bai Yifei. He was moved and opened the imperial treasure chest.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained fire rain agate (emperor level task prop)!"

Fire rain agate: the only prop to trigger Baiyue plot task. When the host contacts key characters, it will automatically trigger the hidden task!

Tip: [because it is the task clue obtained by opening the treasure chest, this task will be double reward, please know!]

"Actually triggered the Baiyue mission..."

Liu Hao looked at the crystal red precious jade in the storage space.

The land of Baiyue has existed in the world in ancient times.

For example, the secret inheritance of Gu Shu, corpse control and so on originates from the ancient secret sects, and even ghost soldiers use such means close to ghosts and gods.

By remembering the plot, Liu Hao also has a certain understanding.

However, we have to go step by step. At present, South Korea is not calm, but it is not the time to plot Baiyue. We can only wait for the future to worry about it.

Liu Hao stared at the night sky and was calm.

The top priority is to build South Korea into an iron block.



After days of bloodshed, Xinzheng finally completely recovered his calm.

However, the pace of the Bai Jia army did not stop.

Bai Yifei, a bloody Hou, led the Bai Jiajun army and began to eliminate the whole officialdom of Xinzheng. Whenever Ji Wuye\'s followers were killed directly.

In just half a month, I don\'t know how many heads fell to the ground. The bloody Hou was famous and shocked South Korea!

Liu Hao covers the sky with one hand!

Bai Feng and the crow were really reliable. The next day, they caught the coir raincoat guest who was going to abscond to the state of Wei.

Hundreds of birds assassinated Yin Fu. Before using the cruel means of torture, the coir raincoat guest chose to surrender.

In this way, the four fierce generals at night gathered under Liu Hao\'s command.

Ding Dong!

"Congratulations to the host. Gather the four fierce generals in the night and stimulate the special attribute: night falls!"

Night falls: the night is cold and silent. Gather together the four fierce generals. The basic attributes of the four fierce generals at night will be increased additionally!

White blood Hou, jade tiger on the stone!

Blue sea tide banshee, coir raincoat guest under the moon!

The four-dimensional attributes of the four fierce generals have been improved by two points. Please know!

These four people should have been fierce and powerful in South Korea, and they are all fierce people who are independent.

Now, taking refuge under Liu Hao\'s command has won great fortune.

The first to break through the bottleneck is Hou Bai in blood.

After Bai Yifei was accepted as an adopted son by Liu Hao, he gained the inheritance of the ancient seven kill secret and the magic of swordsmanship in Xueyi castle.

Such a monster\'s qualification has just experienced the killing of Xinzheng. It can be said to be the best sword testing ground.

White is not white. Killing Yingcheng not only killed the reputation of the blood Lord, but also swallowed Ji Wuye\'s Wulin stone, and finally broke through the realm of martial arts