The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2478

Han Fei is the commander in chief of this plan.

Ji Wuye\'s crazy tiger jumped off the wall and wanted to go against the trend, but everything was under the control of the purple shirt Confucian scholar.

On the edge of the White army, Han Fei, who has no power to bind chickens, has more awe.

Han Fei just deployed the Baijia army of Xinzheng King City, completely eliminated the disorderly troops who set fire everywhere in the King City, and went straight to the palace, just in time for the end of the game.

After a long night of silence, the King City of Xinzheng finally recovered its peace.

But in the palace, the smell of blood is a little strong.

"Deal with the prisoners of war of the forbidden army and step up urban defense. Ji Wuye is defeated. The defeated troops of his subordinates flee and may make trouble everywhere in South Korea..."

Liu Hao nodded and handed over the matter to Han Fei.

After tonight\'s deployment, there is no doubt about Han Fei\'s ability. You can be absolutely relieved to leave the matter to him.

It\'s Xinzheng bleeding night again.

The killing continued until dawn.

The next day, the news spread, and the whole King City was shocked by it:

"General Ji Wuye is really a cruel man. He dares to die and survive!"

"The blood clad Hou is even more powerful. With a sword to suppress the forbidden army, no one dares to cross the thunder pool!"

"It\'s said that last night it was the hand of the vertical and horizontal swordsman. A sword crossed all directions, slaughtered the king\'s palace with blood, and the chief General Ji Wuyi!"

"Alas! Who can compete with each other?"

"The owner of snow clothes castle, I don\'t know what kind of hero it is. Such a fierce man is used by him!"

Some people with strong political sensitivity have come to a conclusion: "since Ji Wuye is defeated and Han Wang\'an is weak, South Korea will be under the rule of the owner of Xueyi castle..."

Last night, there was a lot of noise about the attack on the palace.

The jade tiger imprisoned in the dungeon is even more frightened. No one knows Ji Wuye\'s bravery and cruelty better than him.

The Royal Palace secretly said that it was a backhand chess piece arranged by Ji Wuye for future events. Unexpectedly, it happened early, but it missed Qingqing\'s life.

The next step is to liquidate the party members?

The emerald tiger can enrich Korea, and even among the seven countries, it is regarded as a first-class businessman. Naturally, its brain is very smart.

There was a loud noise at the prison door.

The white armour army rushed in like a tiger and a wolf. The emerald tiger suddenly woke up and cried with a trembling voice, "you... What are you going to do?"

"The Lord has ordered you to enter the palace!"


The emerald tiger is scared to pee.

He was hugged by the fierce soldiers of the tiger and wolf to the king Han Palace, and his legs and stomach were shaking, because Ji Wuye\'s ferocious head hung high at the door.

"The Lord has ordered that the emerald tiger be summoned to the audience!"

Bai Jiajun took the emerald tiger to the front hall. Needless to say, the fat man had automatically knelt on the ground, clubbed his head and begged for mercy.

Emerald Tiger - force 82, intelligence 83, politics 76, command 77, business 93!

Stunt, Fujia Korea: Emerald tiger, Fujia Korea, business strategy, unique talent!

Business + 3!

The fat man\'s expensive clothes and robes were broken, his hair was scattered, and his face was full of tears.

I can\'t see that this is the jade tiger on the stone, one of the four fierce generals in the night.

Liu Hao asked, "are you the emerald tiger?"

The emerald tiger touched his head to the ground and respectfully said, "Your Excellency is wise. Please forgive me and forgive my life. I am willing to use all my family property to help you succeed."

He who knows current affairs is a hero. This fat man has a strong desire to survive.

"Ji Wuye, if you know current affairs like this, you don\'t have to die in the palace..."

Liu Hao waved his hand and asked, "you can go down."

The jade tiger was slightly stunned, but he didn\'t dare to say anything. He knocked several heads and retreated.

Han Fei asked, "this man is Ji Wuye\'s confidant think tank. He is as cunning as a fox. Why does the Lord trust him so much?"

Liu Hao said calmly, "if you want to handle the world of the seven countries, can\'t you tolerate a villain?"

"What\'s more, the overall situation has been decided. Ji Wuye is dead. With his emerald tiger, he is not Mr. Han Fei\'s opponent. He can take all his money to expand the army. He will kill again and again in the future."

Han Fei is a wise man through the ages. In the era of hundreds of schools of thought, he was amazing for a time. How can he be compared with the emerald tiger?

"The Lord is generous, and Han Fei admires his five bodies to the ground!"

Han Fei, while admiring in his heart, sighed with emotion: "such a vigorous spirit, I\'m afraid I can\'t find a second such hero!"

In a few words, he arranged the emerald tiger and the four fierce generals at night. Liu Hao has collected three of them.

"There is only one coir raincoat guest who controls Ji Wuye\'s news channel. He is the key among the four fierce generals. If he can\'t be used by me, he can be killed..."

Liu Hao gently tapped the red sandalwood table with his fingers and said, "bring the white phoenix and the crow again."

White phoenix and crow.

Both of them are the top experts in the hundred birds organization under Ji Wuye. They have no name in the official history, but they run through the whole Qin world and have great strength.

Liu Hao now takes South Korea as his foundation, but his team has not yet formed. It will be a pleasure if he can accept Bai Feng and crows.

Before long, Bai Feng and the crow were brought to Liu Hao.

"Now Ji Wuye has fallen. South Korea is under control. Are you willing to work for me?"

Bai Feng was just hurt and his face was pale, but the crow stared at Liu Hao\'s back with fear in his eyes.

Until now, they know that Hou Bai in blood is not the owner of Xueyi castle, and Liu Hao is the one who leads everything behind the scenes.

"If you don\'t choose to surrender, is there only a dead end?"


"It seems that we have no choice."

The crow and the white phoenix looked at each other, and they finally chose to surrender.

Mole ants are greedy.

For the killers who are killed from the sea of corpses and blood, the most important thing in this tragic chaotic world is how to survive.

Ji Wuye is dead. What\'s the meaning of being loyal to him and moving herself?

"Crow / Baifeng, meet the Lord!"

They pushed the golden mountain and fell down on their knees. Their expression was full of awe.

In one day, he captured Xinzheng City, violently killed Ji Wuye and overturned the whole South Korea.

Such a male Lord who turns his hands into clouds and covers his hands with rain deserves this awe from the bottom of his heart