The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2477

In the palace.

White hair and crazy tiger.

Weizhuang met his strongest enemy since his debut.

Although Ji Wuye\'s sword technique is not as good as that of gainie, it is really a killing sword sharpened in the battlefield. Moreover, at this time, he has come to a dead end.

The dog is anxious and jumps over the wall. Ji Wuyi now rushes with a sword like a madman regardless of her life and death.

However, Wei Zhuang came and went, but he did not retreat at all. He attacked each other without losing the wind.

After a long war, Ji Wuyi was very anxious.

Ordinary experts, where did you get into the eyes of general Ji\'s army, but today, there are white and not snow clothes killed into blood clothes, and Weizhuang silver hair, just like the capital of the top swordsman.

Small Korea, a tiny place.

How could there be so many demons!?

The soldiers under her command are constantly falling under the sword of Weizhuang. Ji Wuye is angry and fills her chest with anger. She is so depressed that she is about to vomit blood!

"Lord, the hero is unparalleled. Accept this white haired vertical and horizontal swordsman. It seems that he is the enemy of all people."

Pearl looked admiringly at Liu Hao, who was still in the eight winds.

Purple girl also thought so.

Liu Hao was born with a self-confidence and domineering temperament, like the supreme between heaven and earth, which would break people\'s hearts.

Weizhuang is full of the magic of ghost Valley sword. Ji Wuyi is so anxious that she wants to cut Weizhuang under the sword immediately and kill the soldiers of Bai Jia army with the sword.

Unfortunately, Wei Zhuang was calm and absolutely indifferent. The sword power was stacked one wave after another, but he became braver and braver.

After the 100th move, the narrow and long Danfeng eyes of Weizhuang flash cold, and the killing intention rises abruptly!


The shark teeth in the palm turn into flying sharks. The sword Qi is split into the air and is extremely fierce!

Ghost Valley traverses all directions!

This is the unique move of ghost Valley\'s one pulse sword technique. The sword comes out in all directions. It is full of sword sound. The vertical and horizontal sword Qi is everywhere. Ji Wuyi can\'t parry. She has been hit by a sword under her ribs.

As long as you hit the sword, the breath will be disordered. For the master of this level, the breath will be disordered, which is tantamount to seeking death.

Weizhuang has never been soft on the enemy, and this time is no exception.

The breath of the shark tooth sword is like a swimming dragon python. Since Ji Wuye came in under his ribs, it suddenly pierced out and stabbed his internal organs.

In the human body, the heart is the most important. If the heart pulse is pierced, even the gods can\'t be saved.

"I\'m ambitious... I can\'t succeed in my overlord. Unfortunately, it\'s a pity that all this will be destroyed once!!"

Ji Wuyi knelt heavily on her knees and fell to the ground with a long sword in her hand.

The terrible howl shook the whole palace.

Everyone felt sorry when they heard it.

This is South Korea\'s top general in the past. Now his head is held in his hand by this silver haired young man. He will die in peace!!

After Wei Zhuang killed Ji Wuye, he cut off his head with a sword, grabbed Liu Hao and said in a deep voice, "Ji Wuye\'s head is here."

He doesn\'t talk much, but every word he says carries a lot of weight.

Everyone couldn\'t help looking.

Ji Wuye\'s head was ferocious and terrible. The neck cut off by the shark tooth sword was dripping blood on the ground.

"South Korea\'s strongest general in a hundred years... He died like this!"

"After this battle, vertical and horizontal swordsmen will move eight tables!"

"The blood clad Marquis, the vertical and horizontal swordsman, under the Lord\'s command, is really full of talents, and the future is unlimited!"


General Ji Wuye was caught on the spot by the owl leader, which had a great impact on the goods from the forbidden army who attacked the palace.

On the contrary, the Qi of white armour Sergeant instantly rose to the peak, bravely and vigorously.

The number of forbidden soldiers brought under Ji Wuye\'s command was already at a disadvantage. After the plan of sneaking attack on the palace failed, they fell into a disadvantage again.

When Ji Wuyi arrived, he was led by the swordsman Weizhuang and became a headless situation.

Morale collapsed.

When the three services seized the commander, the belief support in the hearts of the soldiers of the forbidden army also began to collapse. Fear, fear and other emotions seemed to be contagious and spread all over the battlefield.

The war was defeated like a mountain.

Blood was flowing all over the palace.

Human life is like grass mustard, and it will disappear between the fingers!

Bai didn\'t use one person\'s power to run the seven kill secret technique. He fought a hundred birds, white phoenix and crow alone, but he didn\'t lose the wind at all.

On the contrary, Bai Feng was injured first, and his strength was greatly reduced. He parried left and right clumsily.

"Don\'t hurt these two lives. I\'m still of great use."

Liu Hao looked at Bai Feng and the crow with negative hands and ordered them to move.

The purple woman made a bold move.

Her weapon is very strange. It\'s a chain sword.

The shape of this sword looks like a whip. The body of the sword is made of countless thin slices with sharp edges on the sides and snake scales. The material of these thin slices is unknown. It is hard in soft and soft in hard.

Although the whole sword hung quietly, it was creeping slightly, like a python ready to attack.

The color of the sword is more strange. It is a kind of red and frightening flame color.

Purple girl\'s martial arts are not under Bai Yifei. She suddenly joined the battle group. Bai Feng and ink crow suddenly changed their faces.

Just intercepted the ghost strike of the purple woman\'s chain sword, Bai Feng caught another white Yifei sword on her shoulder. The icy sword spirit instantly frozen his left arm into an ice sculpture.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, he gritted his teeth and shouted, "crow, the general died in the war. You can\'t do anything... Go quickly, I\'ll break the rear!"

The crow\'s face was cold, but he had a heroic and generous way to die. He shook his head and said, "go together, stay together, and only die tonight!"

"There are many righteous men in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. The ancients sincerely didn\'t deceive me..."

Liu Hao looked at the development of the situation and hung a cool radian around his mouth.

Bai Feng and the crow fight to the death, but the general trend is declining. The soldiers of the forbidden army are falling and dying, and the balance of victory is falling to Bai Jiajun.

Even if their hearts were clear, generous and heroic, they could not restore the situation.

After struggling to support 37 moves, Bai Feng fell to the ground after being hit by zinv\'s red chain sword.

The crow\'s mind was lost for a moment, and Bai Yifei seized the opportunity. A sword was frozen for thousands of miles, and the sword Qi was very cold. He was frozen in the cold ice and couldn\'t move.

"Congratulations, Lord, the overall situation has been decided!"

Han Fei came quietly from the gate of the palace, brushed his wide purple sleeves on both sides, bowed and bowed to congratulate Liu Hao