The Supreme Supreme of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2471


Han Wang\'an shrunk his neck and sighed.

Ask him to give up the position of monarch above tens of thousands of people. Naturally, he doesn\'t give up, but the current situation is stronger than people. Liu Hao has a strong spirit. He rises violently, enters Xinzheng and steps on the king\'s city. Everything is under control. Isn\'t it easy to talk?

Han Wang\'an was afraid that he would refuse and become a headless corpse the next moment.

Mole ants are greedy for life, not to mention people? What\'s more, Han Wang\'an, a coward who cherishes his life and enjoys it?

"King Han ordered to abdicate and appease all the officials. I can ensure your wealth and glory and enjoy it forever..."

After a pause, Liu Hao continued to ask, "if not, I\'ll take it myself..."

I took it myself.

Hearing these four words, Han Wang\'an\'s back cooled and his heart shuddered.

He is not a political fool, or South Korea would have been annexed by the tiger and wolf Qiang Qin.

Liu Hao has been polite enough to him as a prisoner.

King Han\'s face changed several times. After all, he sighed and said, "as you wish, just a few... I have another request. I hope you won\'t hurt my family and let them live."

"It\'s easy, that\'s the arrangement."

Liu Hao smiled, waved his hand and asked the soldiers of the Bai Jia army to take Han Wang\'an down, find another place to settle, and clear out the back palace in the palace by the way.

With the intention of Han Wang\'an to quell the unrest, the difficulty of South Korea\'s excessive power will be reduced.

Han Wang\'an was taken out of the palace. Looking back at the familiar and strange Han Palace, his heart was desolate.

From then on, this magnificent palace was no longer his.

Since then, the seven Warring States countries and South Korea were destroyed.

The Han Dynasty will rise from this!



"Have you heard that the owner of Xueyi Castle raided Xinzheng with 100000 White army lightning and captured the rivers and mountains of South Korea!"

"Frighten! No, general Ji Wuye! Why didn\'t he stop it?"

"Yes, general Ji Wuye is the strongest general in South Korea in a century. He must be able to turn the tide and stop the unrest?"

"Don\'t mention it. The martial arts of Hou Bai in snow clothes are incredible. General Ji Wuye is not an opponent and has been seriously injured!"

"Han Wang\'an has been captured alive. It is said that he also made an order to surrender and give the South Korean rivers and mountains to the owner of the snow castle!"

"Alas! It seems that South Korea is going to be in great turmoil..."


In the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, it is very common to bleed in war.

Almost every year, the seven countries have frictions and then conflagration.

The common people are used to it. People talk about it one after another. They all speculate about the mysterious man behind the snow castle. They don\'t have any other feelings except more talk.


More than ten miles outside Xinzheng City, in the dense forest.

Ji Wuye was tied with a cloth strip on her head. A pair of tiger eyes were red, like beasts eager to bite people, full of murderous spirit.

"Crow, how\'s it going?"

"General Hui, Han Wang\'an has fallen into the hands of white thieves. It is said in the city that King Han will order to pass the king\'s position to the owner of Xueyi castle... Bai is not in Xinzheng City to hurry to eliminate the forbidden Army..."

The crow is a cold-blooded young man, dressed in a black suit, standing on the treetop, which shows that he has excellent lightness skills.

"Damn it, sooner or later we will kill all the sundries of the snow clothes castle."

Ji Wuye was very angry and hit the ancient wood around her.


This is a tall ancient wood with a thickness of more than 30 feet, which is folded in response to the sound.

"Bai Feng, how many people do we have?"

"After the night battle with the white armour army, more than half of the 40000 people of the forbidden army were damaged. In the chaos, more than 10000 people fled and dispersed. Now there are only 8000 soldiers..."

Bai Feng, dressed in white, said with a fist.

Ji Wuyi was bleeding in her heart.

The Imperial Palace forbidden army of South Korea is one of the most powerful armies, each of which consumes a lot of money and resources.

Now she is not only driven out of Xinzheng City by Bai Yifei, but also like a lost dog. Even the power of the forbidden army is greatly frustrated. This feeling makes Ji Wuyi depressed and want to vomit blood.

The crow said, "general, at present, South Korea is in chaos. Bai is not occupying Xinzheng, and Han Wang\'an also falls into his hands. Do you want to send a letter to Shangdang guard general Feng Ting to dispatch troops to King Qin, or directly take refuge in the state of Zhao and ask King Zhao to send troops to attack South Korea for revenge?"

During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, treason and flight were common.

In the past, Duke Wen Chong\'er of Jin once left his hometown and went into exile for 19 years. Later, he returned to the state of Jin and achieved a century of hegemony.

Ji Wuye clenched her teeth and said, "you can\'t bear this tone! You must kill Bai Yifei first, and then make plans!"

"The general knows that there is a secret way to sneak into the city of Xinzheng without anyone noticing. If you gather the strength of everyone, kill Bai Yifei and wash the snow castle with blood, you should be 90% sure!"

"In that case, everything is arranged by the general!"

The crow and the white phoenix looked at each other and replied.



Xinzheng\'s turbulence and bloodshed ended in the defeat of the forbidden army and Ji Wuye\'s defeat and escape.

Every order is executed without fail. Liu Hao made a green hand in the middle of the dispatch. The white armoured troops of the snow coat fort were all iron and blood elite, and the orders were forbidden, and the situation of the soldiers being disturbed by the people naturally did not exist.

However, with the excessive power and the surging tide of Korean chaotang, it is not plain sailing.

This is the first test Liu Hao gave Han Fei to test his ability to control the situation.

Wu Youbai is not in charge of the Bai Jia army. The disabled soldiers of the forbidden army in the new deal Wangdu have been completely eliminated. Wen Youhan Fei appeases the old ministers of South Korea.

The transition of power is going on smoothly.

Instead, Liu Hao was idle and strolled around the city with the Pearl.

Xinzheng City is no different from the past, but the streets are full of soldiers of the White army, one by one, clanking with iron armor and holding a long bronze halberd.

After the surprise attack on Xinzheng, the white armour army experienced the honing of blood and fire, and had a little more momentum of iron and blood.

Pearl pouted her lips, but she was not happy. She said, "Lord, you have a place in Korea. If you want to enjoy singing and dancing, just tell me. There are beautiful women. Pearl can also serve the Lord. What are you doing all the way to zilanxuan?"

Zilanxuan is located in Xinzheng, the King City of South Korea. It is also one of the few places of wind and moon in the world. It is as famous as Feixue Pavilion and drunken dream building.

Looking at Mingzhu like a jealous little girl, Liu Hao spoiled her hair and smiled: "I want to see an important person tonight. Be good."